Untamed Gift (Book One of the Items Trilogy) Read online

Page 14

Chapter 14

  The Grizon lord was larger, stronger and heavier than Shade.

  A Grizon is a fiend that was once part of the bear species, but now has an extra pair of clawed arms that come out of the front shoulders. Other than the new arms the average Grizon hasn’t changed too much. The Grizon lord that attacked Shade has grizzled brown fur, long and sharp claws on each paw, a massive body weighing close to three thousand pounds, round ears, a long muzzle with powerful jaws, a powerful sense of smell and a nasty disposition. At this moment they were overwhelmed by a single fiend, larger and stronger than any of them.

  Before Alex could react to the unprovoked assault the Grizon had crashed into both Shade and Lily again. Lily was violently thrown off her mount and slammed to the ground with a dizzying force and Shade was easily thrown when the Grizon slammed Shade’s back legs, with its extra arms. He yelped in sudden pain. Shade was then rammed again into a large tree and fell unconsciously to the ground. It was the first time Shade has been truly harmed and beaten in any situation that chanced upon him.

  Clift, spooked from the surprise, reared back in terror. Unfortunately Marlin was thrown off into bushes and Alex lost sight of them both in a single second.

  Then the Grizon charged Lily once she stood up, her disorganized movements caught its attention. She swayed, dazed and confused from being thrown.

  It was going for the easy kill.

  Alex charged the Grizon while removing the weight of his pack. The full pack of dried fish fell behind him. Just before the Grizon made it to Lily, Alex smashed the knot of his staff into his enormous face. It didn’t do anything, but direct his vision to Alex. He waited and prayed for his heart to start pounding to become stronger and faster like before, but it didn’t arrive to his aid. Alex’s strange ability failed to come to his call. He felt absolutely useless against such a terrifying monster without the sensation supporting him.

  Why didn’t my body become affected like it has before? He wondered.

  The right clawed arm swept for Alex’s face, but missed by less than a hair breath. He opened his massive mouth and it was larger as Shade’s. It roared and tried catching this foolish prey between its two free claws. Alex jumped back to avoid them and began running away, hoping a sudden thought would work. The Grizon had sense enough to chase after the human that hit with a stick gained undivided attention. Alex swerved and dodged through the thick trees to avoid a direct charge and to keep out of its reach. It brought back memories of home when Shade and he would dodge and weave through the trees together, trying to best the other. In speed and strength, the Grizon was far superior, but in agility Alex still reigned supreme.

  It was livid in shouting “Get Back Here Human! I rule this territory.”

  Then Alex gained a wild idea that might just work.

  It wasn’t long until he found exactly what he was looking for. Before the ambush, there were two thick trees The Pack passed that a human could fit through, but neither Shade nor Clift could make it without becoming stuck. It would be close, but there wasn’t another option of survival at this point.

  He ran directly for the space in front of the trees and stopped to turn around, his body was able to block the actual size of the cavity, but not by much. The Grizon lord saw that he’d stopped and halted to savor the moment. It was rare for any creature to stand their ground against him, foolish but rare. Alex’s throat tickled as he began speaking. “So, a lord like yourself ambushes unsuspecting travelers. What kind of example are you setting for those who serve below you?”

  Its lips pulled back to show all of his large teeth. His voice was deep and proud. “How dare my prey speak such insolence!?” He then spread out its two extra clawed arms into a trapping stance, making it impossible to get past him.

  Dropping his front two paws and pushing with powerful back legs, on the firm and grassy ground, he charged. He opened his mouth and sent out a hungry roar for all to hear of his impending victory. Brown fur bristled and his claws were prepared to strip the flesh from his prey’s very bones, and would if he gets his way. Just as he made it to his full speed, Alex waited in a crouched position. Its large mass of momentum would result in Alex’s victory. Only when he was fully committed to the kill, and within the plan, did it begin and end.

  Alex leaned back and pushed with his legs. Just as his body jumped between and through the trees, did the Grizon trap himself. Before the lord of this territory even thought about avoiding the situation he managed to trap almost half of his bulky body between the large and solid trees. His extra side arms were pinned against his sides and he was completely immobilized of his own making. He tried thrashing his head, but all he managed to do was give himself a headache and become even more trapped. He roared in anger and distress, but could do no more.

  Stern grey eyes locked onto his and he stopped thrashing. That’s right, you lost. Alex thought. He stepped up to him, uninhibited and stopped. He snapped at the strange human and teeth missed by mere inches, but it wasn’t unexpected for either of them. Alex brought his staff around and crashed it into the side his jaw. The Grizon finally roared in pain and Alex shoved the shaft into his mouth. “ENOUGH!” Alex commanded and he tried biting down, but found out quickly that the staff was much harder than his teeth. He tried thrashing it out of the human’s hands, but it was pushed further down into his throat. “Make another move and I’ll shove this deeper down your gullet. I wonder if you ever considered that you would die in this way, suffocation and choking is a nasty way to die.” His eyes widened in the fact that his life was no longer in his claws. “Now you are going to answer a few questions for me. You will shake your head side to side for nay and up and down for aye. Do you understand?” He lifted his head up and down slowly. “Very good,” Alex’s tone became cold and calm, which seemed to terrify the Grizon that much more. “You are the lord of this territory.” He nodded. “Did you attack us because you thought we were food…? Nay? How about if you thought we were encroaching on your territory?” He finally nodded. “We weren’t, but as of right now I’m the new lord of your lands.” He began to snarl. “Don’t test my patience. You knew that the moment you trapped yourself, that your life is now mine to do as I see fit.” The shame of defeat slowly began creeping into his eyes. “One last question. Do you have a mate and cubs?” He nodded once, proudly.

  The staff was slowly removed from his mouth; then he was smiled upon. “Well then, how can I take the life of their father?”

  His large brow came together. “You’re allowing me to live?”

  “I am, but there are some conditions you must follow.” His round ears came forward. “Since I’m the new ruler of this territory,” He barred his teeth. And Alex brought the staff to his black lips again; quickly remembering who the new leader was, he hid his teeth. “I will allow you to be my second in command. As long as I am away you will remain the acting lord.” His eyes widened, realizing he could still rule. “Now as to your new policy: You must not kill humans who are passing through unless they are a threat to you and your family. Mark my territory more clearly by peeling the bark off of trees with your claws. Frighten them with a roar if you deem it necessary, but no more unnecessary killing.” He planted his staff in the ground and seriously looked the Grizon in the eyes. “If you ever try to disobey my rule, I will put you down…permanently, and replace you with someone else more capable.” The staff shifted to his other hand as its ears wilted in submission. “Call your mate to help you out, I must leave and I trust you will follow your orders.”

  “I will my Lord.” He said in distaste, but he would follow orders.

  As Alex left he roared out for his mate.

  It took him several minutes to find everyone. “ALEX!” Lily shouted and before he knew it she stood in front of him and gave him a once over. She was strangely worried for him when she saw him being chased into the trees, but she didn’t want to show Alex her emotions so she masked her features and leveled her tone. Then the smell of a clean sea breeze sent his sen
ses reeling. Her purple eyes locked onto his. “Are you hurt? Did you manage to kill it? What happened?”

  “I’ll explain shortly, but first how are the others?”

  “Shade is still out of it. Marlin ran off to find Clift.” She pointed where some rounded horse prints sprinted into the forest.

  Lily followed as Alex ran over to Shade’s side. His large furry chest continued rising and falling, as he breathed slowly. He lay completely on his left side, in obvious pain that was too much to bear. His legs and tail were all completely limp and his ears were laying soft rather than pointed and alert. His large bottom jaw hung slightly down, about halfway between his long and curved sabers. His tongue lay in the lush green grass and his nose twitched as he continued to breathe. The normally alert golden eyes of his remained closed. I’ve never seen him in a situation like this. Alex thought worriedly.

  Alex rubbed his soft cheek and spoke both calmly and clearly. “Shade? Come back to me little brother. Don’t tell me that you were actually hurt?” When he didn’t react Alex whispered in his ear. “If you wake up you can have a snack.” Food was his number one motivator and it worked because Shade groaned. Then a hand grasped Alex’s shoulder. “Is he alright?” Lily asked.

  Without looking at her he said “I don’t know. Go check and see if Marlin caught up with Clift.” Her hand moved away and then she began walking away. She knew Alex was worried for his brother and wanted to be alone for the moment. Lily entered the woods and began to track down the fisherman and the chestnut stallion who fled.

  It was slow, but with a little coaxing, with a slab of smoked fish, Shade’s eyes opened groggily. His nose kept twitching and his mouth had begun to water. He began speaking incoherently so Alex pulled the meat into smaller pieces and fed him. A few minutes later Shade began speaking weakly as he remained at his side. “Alex? What happened?”

  “We’ll get to that, but tell me how your feeling first.”

  “My head hurts something fierce and my back legs are tender.”

  “Stay awake, but don’t try to move. I’m afraid you might have a concussion. I’ll explain what happened.” For the next few minutes he listened to his brother’s accounts. He laughed weakly once he was told him that Alex is the new lord of these lands. His ear twitched as a branch snapped in the distance. Several scents wafted in his direction and he recognized each and relaxed.

  On the other hand Alex wheeled around defensively, until realizing it was the others who had arrived. Marlin was rubbing his sore bottom as Clift walked onto the trail, looking ashamed. Lily took the rear and soon all three strolled up to Shade’s side. They were still obviously shaken from the attack.

  “How is everyone?” Alex stood tall and waited for everyone’s status. When Marlin fell he landed on a stone. His tailbone was all that was damaged. Clift said he wasn’t harmed and Lily said she only slightly hit her head after being thrown off. She looked like nothing had happened because sudden battles were part of her former everyday life in the King’s Guard.

  Marlin asked about Shade’s condition, which Alex answered slowly. “He’s hurt and needs rest. We’ll camp here for the night.”

  Lily evenly asked “What happened to the Grizon?”

  “Once we get settled, I’ll explain.”

  Clift stood awkwardly at Shades side, ashamed for running off. Shade managed to raise his head off the ground, but it was the most he could do. Marlin found a water source nearby, but the water needed to be boiled to be safe enough to drink. Dysentery was a horrible condition, one they all wished to avoid. Lily helped collect dry tender while Alex started the fire close to Shade. During Lily’s scouting she found a wild berry bush and she filled her pack to bring back to the group. Shade loved berries and Lily knew it. She gave him half of what was in her pack and divided the rest between the others.

  By now the night had taken over. “So what happened?” Marlin asked again.

  Alex explained everything without missing a detail and Lily finally asked “What do you mean that you are the new lord of this territory?”

  Her question made him smile. “You know that fiend lords are exceedingly rare.” She nodded. “Well a lord owns and runs a large territory and defends it with all he or she has. When the lord is defeated, the victor takes the entire claim of his territory with all its spoils. Once I defeated him, I gained all of his land and even all of the fiends and animals within his territory.”

  She seemed pleased about the explanation for some reason.

  After four more quiet hours a crashing sound alerted them to an approaching presence in the woods. Shade tried to become defensive and protect everyone, but his back legs were too weak to support his full weight. Clift amazingly moved in front of him; defensively. He knew the predator needed help, but Clift was still frightened. Both Lily and Marlin stood by Alex’s side as they peered into the darkness, waiting for the visitors to be seen properly.

  “What do you mean you lost to that human?!” A female voice shouted.

  Lily and Marlin became even more defensive after hearing a growl. He whispered “Great…the Grizon is coming back for more.” He increased his bobber’s weight to its limit.

  “He won’t live to see another day.” Lily promised calmly, preparing to bathe her swords in blood.

  “I swear he did and I was forced to submit.” It was the Grizon’s voice from earlier. He was bringing someone else with him. “When you meet him you’ll understand why I lost.”

  Alex put his hands on both Marlin’s and Lily’s shoulder. “Ease up you two. They are coming to greet us.”

  They both stood and understood when he said they. They both clutched their items, but managed to look less dangerous.

  Soon the massive Grizon lord walked out from behind a bush. He looked as terrifying as ever in the firelight, but Alex planted the staff firmly in front of him. An air of tranquility and strength seemed to emanate from him. The lord from earlier bowed his tremendous head and planted his two shoulder arms on the ground. It was a prostrating gesture. “My lord, my mate and I have come to speak with you.” The honoring movement showed off many scars that proved he has fought and survived many battles.

  “I would be honored to meet your mate.” Alex said humbly.

  Slowly another Grizon moved from the bush. She wasn’t even half his size, as she stood by his side. Her shoulders came up to the middle of his ribs at most. Her claws were dangerous, but not as long as her counterpart. Her body was rounder than his, but the fire in her eyes reminded Alex of someone equally terrifying in their own group that was proud and unyielding. She had a look as dangerous as Lily when angered. Her voice was scornful. “So are you the new lord that defeated my Crush?”

  “I am. My name is Alex.” He remained motionless.

  Her eyes darkened even more and then she turned her head and bit her mate’s foreleg to get his attention. She pulled away as he looked at her in shock. “You lost to a puny human like him, Crush?” She accused angrily. “You’ve gotten soft if you can’t even take down one so small.”

  An idea popped into his thoughts that would settle everyone’s temper. “Madam,” She quickly looked at the human who can speak to her. “Would you like to try and reclaim his territory back for him?” Her eyes widened and then became dark at the possibility. “There is but one condition you must abide by. If you win you keep your land, but if I win you must acknowledge me as your new lord for all time. Will you accept my condition?”

  She barred her teeth. “Unequivocally,” then she lifted her head to roar “Come witness the challenge for this land! I Leera, mate to Crush, am challenging the human who beat him for full control! WITNESS!”

  Alex looked at her mate and ordered “Crush!” He looked at his new leader. “You will not interfere with her challenge. Move back to give us room,” his voice then changed to speak to his companions. “Both of you are to stay out of this. I’m being challenged and neither of you must aid me until it’s over.”

  Hesitantly Crush, Lily an
d Marlin moved away from the two preparing combatants. Sounds of movement suddenly came from every direction. The fire was too his back and he could easily hear Shade struggling to stand in vain. He growled in frustration. Clift snorted for him to stay down.

  Things had gotten quiet as the creatures of the forest began to come out of the shadows to witness the challenge. Squirrels, snakes, rabbits, rats, raccoons, foxes and even two wolves appeared to witness. Shade saw his species’ cousins for the first time yet he didn’t have anything to say. Three younger Grizon also arrived behind Crush to witness. Lily and Marlin were shocked to see so many animals coming to witness the fight. Lily did her best not to cut a viper’s head off that slithered by her foot. Clift snorted when any animal came too close to him or Shade. They gave them a wide berth. Once Alex and Leera were surrounded by witnesses a quiet settled over the area and the only remaining sounds came mainly from the crackling fire.

  Her brown eyes didn’t seem the slightest bit worried for her victory. Alex remembered how Crush attacked hours before so he was more prepared for her movements. She spread both of her arms out and roared as she began her charge. She wasn’t nearly as fast as Crush and Alex knew that he was swifter.

  Just as she approached, he stepped to his left and clutched the staff between his hands. She was now close enough to use her right arm to slash at the human’s face, but he ducked below the impressive strike. Since she was still running he tripped her forelegs with the staff and she slid face first into the ground, rolling over once.

  A sudden gasp came from every creature.

  All of the lessons Lily taught Alex in fighting were paying off. She taught him how to allow his opponents to tire themselves out by making them do most of the work. Because of her unorthodox lessons, his body wound up sore, but the skills proved effective in action. She showed him the most advantageous places to knock the opponent off balance and even how to strike only when the opponent thinks that they’ve won. Lily’s lessons were saving his life right this very moment.

  Leera finally managed to stand back up, but she looked at the human with complete shock. Fighting a human was foreign to her, but she’s never felt so humiliated. She charged him four more times and always landed face first onto the ground. It had only gotten harder for her.

  After the last fall she was breathing heavily while too exhausted to charge again. Alex sat on his heels and locked his unwavering grey eyes onto hers and she looked afraid for some reason. “Do you yield?” She was still stunned so he raised his voice. “Do You Yield!?” that strange sensation flickered in him again, like she couldn’t disregard Alex as her true leader.

  Her eyes finally blinked. “I yield. You are truly the new lord of this land for all time. What is to be my punishment for losing the challenge?”

  A buzz erupted from the on-looking animals after hearing her submission.

  Leera went rigid as he reached out and rubbed her head. His tone softened as another period of silence began again from all in attendance. “There will be no punishment. I’ve already told Crush what my laws are. He will explain them. Once I leave he is in command and will be until my return. He only has to answer to me and no one else, so go easy on him. Nothing will truly change in your livelihood. He will still be in charge during my absence. Go home to your cubs and live like you’ve always been doing, without fear of losing your home or life. When I return you may challenge me again if you wish.” His smile was so kind that all she was able to do was blink.

  She slowly stood up and he followed. “Yes, Lord Alex, but I won’t challenge you ever again as part of the challenge. And I thank you for the kindness you have shown.” She looked around the witnesses and found the largest one. “Crush, let’s go back to the cave.” As Leera moved away, Crush caught Alex’s eye and bowed one last time before returning to the forest. Alex returned the gesture with a dip of his head.

  Once they were gone, along with the other excited animals, Shade began laughing. Alex turned to see that he was standing weakly on his back legs. “That was quite a show, Alex.”

  Marlin and Lily were standing to either size of him and were clueless to his words. Alex walked back to the group and said “Shade, you need to rest.”

  “I cannot argue with that.” He slowly sank back down into the grass.

  For the next hour he rubbed Shade’s back legs while explaining what had happened to Marlin and Lily. Once he finished Marlin asked “What are you going to do in this new territory of yours?”

  “Not a thing. It is just a formality.”

  Next he looked at Lily. “If it weren’t for all of your lessons I would have lost. I’m glad to have you with us.”

  She threw her head back and laughed. It was a musical and very calming sound. She slapped her knee and said “I was glad to help. You learn quickly. Those moves you made were all well done and delivered properly. Next time, try and strike the jaw at an angle. It severely disrupts their equilibrium and they won’t be able to walk straight, let alone see straight for a minute or so. Now…”

  The rest of the night, while they remained wide awake, she explained a little more on fighting tactics and disarming opponents.

  By the time they were ready to leave, Shade’s back legs were still sore, but he insisted he could continue. Lily showed the others where the berry bushes were and they picked every one that was left. Both Marlin’s and Lily’s packs were filled to the brim, Alex kept the meat separate in his pack. Lily knew she couldn’t ride Shade in his condition so she settled for walking alongside Alex. Every now and then, when the wind shifted, she’d smell something musky, like tilled earth and freshly cut grass. Throughout their treks she didn’t realize until she stepped closer is that the scent came from Alex. What confused her even more was that she enjoyed his smell. No other man she’s ever come across made her feel so strange and warm. She didn’t know why she felt so off-balance. Was it a positive attraction or something else?

  They continued walking the worn game trail throughout the day. They slowed their pace so Shade wouldn’t have to struggle to keep up with them. Every now and then Lily would slip Shade a berry and he would stick his blue tongue out for all to see. Sometimes he was the most playful of pups, though his laughter only served to dull his aching back legs. He is still only over a year old, so he had much time to act young and enjoy himself.

  When the night came again, Shade’s legs had begun to heal because he wasn’t favoring them like he was early this morning, but they remained tender. Marlin and Lily sat beside the fire while Shade and Alex sat away from the blaze, enjoying the comforts of darkness.

  While Marlin and Lily were talking, Clift walked past the collaborating duo and right up to Shade and Alex. He walked oddly up to them with quizzical look in his eyes. He had something on his mind, but didn’t know how to quite ask the question. He stopped a few paces from the predator and the human brothers and threw his head back in a dignified manner, when his mind came to a conclusion. “Shade, may I ask you for a favor?”

  He tilted his head and opened his muzzle. “What’s on your mind, Clift? You’ve been quiet all day, looking like you were chewing on bitter grass.”

  Clift’s tail swished in surprise. “I’ve actually been thinking of yesterday events. When that Grizon, Crush, surprised us, I was spooked. When we first met I did the same exact thing. I’m tired of fleeing every time I end up being scared. I’m a stallion, but I’ve been acting like a newborn colt.”

  “What do you want me to do about it?” Shade asked with teasing eyes.

  Clift didn’t recognize Shade’s sarcastic side so he laid his words out for all to hear. “I’ve seen how strong you are and you’re fearless when you fight. I want to have just a small piece of that boldness. I know I’ll never be as powerful as a predator, but I need to defend myself and Marlin.” His large chest expanded with the intake of so much air before he put all his hopes on this question. “Will you teach me to fight so I might be able to become a warhorse?”

  Shade’s lips
pulled back, showing all of his impressive teeth. He was grinning. “Warhorse? They are fearless in battle and will take their rider into the eternal abyss should they wish. If you are sure about this then I’ll help. Sounds like fun too. When would you like to start?”

  “When you feel better of course,” Clift said truthfully. “If I’m to learn properly you’ll need to be healed.”

  Shade’s eyes narrowed, hating being coddled, but he continued without letting his wounded pride seep through his words. “Lily is also a great teacher. Should Alex ask her to help train you? Humans will be your worst enemy.”

  Clift turned his head so he could see both Lily and Marlin. They had stopped talking over by the fire and were looking right at Clift and the others. When his head returned to look at the brothers he visibly shuddered in his flanks and shoulders. “Honestly…I’ll wait for you. Lily scares me even more than you do.”

  Alex threw his head back and began laughing in earnest. Shade rolled over and started barking a laugh himself. And then Clift started neighing. He didn’t mean for it to turn into a joke, but there wasn’t another way to say it. Alex laughed so hard that his belly hurt and his eyes started watering. Shade had a hard time catching his breath, as did Clift. The three of them haven’t had a laugh like this in a very long time. It was a welcome change.

  Then Lily stood and made her way over to the laughing trio, at least that was she assumed. Shade was on his back barking, Alex made similar sounds and Clift was prancing and neighing. Her hips swayed from side to side mesmerizingly and her items kept a perfect timing. Her beauty and standing were unmistakable and Alex was completely entranced. Lily noticed Alex was the first to stop barking and the way he looked at her almost made her blush. She stopped near them and put her hands on her round hips. “What is so funny over here, Alex?”

  Clift’s eyes moved between Alex’s and Lily’s. When he grinned evilly Clift knew he was going to tell her. In an early response he slowly began backing away from Lily. Shade made absolutely no attempt to stop laughing. Alex’s voice changed to say “Clift wants Shade to teach him to fight. Shade said you were a good teacher, but Clift is more afraid of you than he is of Shade.”

  Marlin burst into laughter and Lily grew a menacing smile. “Really? He’s more afraid of me huh? Oh…Cliiiiift!” She drew his name out.

  She slowly turned to see him trying to escape. She lurched forward and began chasing after him. Clift neighed in both terror and laugher. He spun and began running around the camp with Lily hot on his hooves.

  Everyone went to sleep on a good note.

  Two nights later Shade was well enough to teach Clift how to stand up for himself. Shade would make slow and deliberate movements with his claws and it was Clift’s job to evade and counter. Shade’s movements were always straight forward. It wasn’t long until Clift learned how to use his rear hooves to kick or use his head and flanks like a club or ram. For the time being Shade went easy, until Clift’s confidence grew he’d hold back his true strength.

  Lily, Marlin and Alex stood back to watch the demonstrations. They were impressed at how the two fought and everyone could see a slow change happening within Clift. He was beginning to realize his potential and become calmer and more focused. It would still take more than one session for Clift to shake his nature, but he was taking his first steps to becoming something more.

  As they traveled along the same trail they came across a man made road that cut through the woods. Marlin told the rest to wait in the thicket as he checked it out. Once he came back he said it is well traveled. Shade looked at Clift and said “We can travel the path, but I’ll need to travel within my shadow, if we’re to achieve good time. May I travel under you so we can continue?” Clift gave him a courteous nod.

  After Shade dove into his shadow he moved under Clift. Marlin rode on Clift and Lily walked by Alex’s side. The road was traveled by many and the most recent print looked less than an hour old. The road had a canopy from the trees, that grew thickly along the border. There was a breeze, and with most of the sun blocked, it made the journey more than pleasant. The road had many bends in it, but went mainly north.

  Within several minutes a sound came from someone approaching. This would be the very first person they’ve come across since rescuing Lily. They slowed their walk and watched the bend in the road for the person.

  Soon a middle aged woman riding a horse trotted around the corner and spotted them. She was well fed and judging by her attire, wealthy. Her steed was well groomed and older than Clift. The woman’s eyes glided over The Pack as they approached each other.

  With a raised hand from both sides in greeting they stopped. She glided her steed to a halt several paces away. “Good afternoon. Might I ask how far away we are from Point Lake?” Lily asked.

  “Certainly,” She pointed over her shoulder. “You are but an hour away from Greeton. Follow this path and all of you will come upon the fishing town. Now I must be off. Good day to you all.” She kicked her steed in the ribs and it trotted around them, without saying a word.

  When they were alone again Shade lifted his head out of his Shadow as Alex explained how close they were. He then dived back down and followed.

  As they journeyed Lily asked “What are we to do about transport? We have not but several copper left and that will not even allow one of us to be transported the distance we need to travel.”

  He bumped his shoulder into hers, playfully. She turned her head to see him smiling. “Do not worry too much. If we must, we will work for money. It would take us a minimum of four months to reach our destination, if we were to travel on foot. You were right in saying that we should travel by boat.”

  She then bumped his shoulder back and smiled. Her full lips and kind expression made Alex’s heart race. She truly is a beautiful woman.

  They eventually came across the bustling town of Greeton which was slightly larger than the market of Alex’s home island. There were many people selling fish and produce. Some sold clothing, soaps, jewelry, shoes, supplies and other things one might want or need. It was almost four hours till nightfall and their travels have been long.

  “What’s first, Alex?” Marlin asked after Clift stopped at Alex’s side.

  He looked up into Marlin’s blue eyes and said “We meet back here after dark. Lily is with me and the others will travel with you. Ask how much it will take to travel and also ask if there are any available jobs. Maybe they are hiring deckhands and we could work for safe passage. We’ll do the same.” After explaining it to Marlin Alex dropped his tone and told Shade and Clift the same. He also told them to keep an eye out for danger.

  Marlin and the others turned down a street as Alex and Lily made their way inside the town. Shade didn’t deviate from Clift’s shadow, but he knew Shade wanted to stick with him. Soon the trio disappeared into the crowd.

  Lily glanced at Alex and smiled softly. “So why did we split up? Shouldn’t we remain together?”

  “I just wanted to spend time with you. Is there a problem with that?” Her amethyst eyes widened and her features began to slightly redden. “Oh come on. This is the first time we’ve been by ourselves since we first met. We’ve never done anything without the others close by.”

  She looked down at her leathered feet, suddenly embarrassed. Did I just make her blush? Alex asked himself. Lily cleared her throat and looked forward. “Since we’re here, we should get started on finding transportation.”

  A young lady selling beautiful flowers was easy enough to get information from. She had a pair of scissors for an item and she was using it to trim the stems of her flowers. “Excuse me. Which way will lead us to the harbor?”

  “You need to head down that…” She gave quick and simple instructions.

  Lily waited right where she was until he came back. They then walked down the main street together and took several turns down the streets the lady explained. Soon they reached the docks.

  The docks reminded Alex of his home island and a hu
nger to return home gnawed at his insides. The water before them might have been a lake, but it looked more like an ocean. All that could be seen was water more water, stretching across the northern horizon. The air was clean and fresh, but didn’t have a single hint of salt. The lake was pure freshwater, but with the vegetation, it made the water have a brown tint. Several sailboats were docked nearby, but none of them were half the size of the Falcon. There were several transportation ships, but most were two or three person vessels. The waters waves were lapping against the bank and the docks torches were beginning to be lit for the coming night.

  Lily and Alex began searching for any captains who had access to carry multiple passengers, but all they were given were scornful looks or getting laughed at. All they asked was how much it would take to get across the lake, but they only saw two people with no money and in worn traveler’s clothes.

  They passed a group of men working on a large fishing net and only a few of the bearded men glanced up at them. Then there was a desk on the dock where several people were cleaning their catch. It was then that Alex felt the sensation of being followed.

  Then there was one captain who was scum. He was remarkably tall, but a real slob who takes advantage of others misfortunes. He said he’d allow Lily aboard, but only as a bedmate. She looked at Alex to see what he’d say, but then the man rested a meaty hand on her shoulder. Big mistake. Before Alex could react, she grabbed his wrist and spun. She used his height against him as she flipped him into the water below. Though Lily was taller than most men they usually think women are weak, but she loved putting them in their place. As the captain resurfaced and splashed, she brushed off her shoulder like she was brushing his filth away. She stormed off and Alex quickly caught up with her. The man began cursing them as they traveled away. It felt good to do that, Lily thought, but she didn’t know how proud Alex felt for what she did.

  They left the docks once night fell, but on their way back they stumbled upon a squad of Royal Guards. The squad headed in their direction. The crowd had mostly left, but there were a few stragglers.

  They walked casually and then Alex became shocked when Lily moved closer to his side. She wound her right arm through his left. She didn’t honestly realize how much larger he was since their first meeting. She was amazed how firm his muscles were, under his tunic’s sleeves. Lily wondered many things from then on and some almost made her blush like a young maiden. I’m a level five warrior! She berated herself. I cannot think of him like this. I’m a warrior first and foremost! But then she thought; What would I do if I wasn’t a warrior? Could we… Then his smell of musky earth and grass made her forget her internal debate. She needed to focus and not allow him to think the way she was.

  What she was up to was soon figured out in Alex’s mind. The same electric sensation flowed from her touch again. The staff was firmly gripped in his right hand and he about stopped from her touch. She then quickly whispered in a hushed tone “Keep moving, Alex. We need to look like a young couple traveling the night. We cannot afford to get caught by the squad. Just follow my lead.”

  Her eyes were set straight ahead. She was serious and they needed to get back to the others. As she walked, he did too. If they were recognized and caught by the enemy there would be blood. The Guard’s blood,

  It was a tense time, but he was too elated by how she held him. Her smell of a clean sea breeze washed away the town’s smell. Her hold on Alex felt genuine, but it was just his imagination; most likely. It would feel nice just for us to walk like this without any pressure, but this will most likely never happen again. He surmised disappointedly.

  It didn’t mean that he wasn’t enjoying every moment they were connected.

  She sighed as the five guards slowly walked by them and around the next corner, but she didn’t let go of his arm until she knew they were safe, beyond sight and alone.

  They continued walking down the torch lit streets for twenty more minutes, until they thought it safe enough to increase their walk and separate.

  They turned a street corner and kept walking. This road was empty.

  But Alex still felt like they were bring watched.

  Then there was a voice several minutes later, behind the two of them saying “How about the two of you turn around.”