Untamed Gift (Book One of the Items Trilogy) Read online

Page 13

Chapter 13

  Everyone remained quiet as they traveled throughout the day, hearing shouting in the distance on more than one occasion. Sometimes they had to flee men on foot, but Shade’s scent as a predator made other species flee. Everyone was thinking about different things, mostly not being caught, but none voiced their many thoughts. The silence wasn’t difficult though. It was welcomed after all that has occurred to each member of the pack. Another worry was that they had to listen to their surroundings or else blindly fall into enemy hands. More than once did Clift’s and Shade’s acute senses make them successfully avoid unwanted attention.

  Marlin expertly rode on Clift’s back. Clift moved easier through the trees as they began to thin out and become grassy. Shade kept his head level as he silently walked by his brother’s side. And then there was Lily.

  Her hips moved expertly with each of Shade’s sure, lithe and silent steps. Her two white swords matched her hip movements. She barely held his silky fur with one hand as she sat proudly atop. Her legs tightened moments before Shade made any larger movements, like going around a tree or moving on a small hill. Most impressive of all was her face. Her swollen eye had become less severely swollen, but it had begun to bruise. Her good eye would scan the surroundings and every now and then Alex would catch her looking down at him. When the breeze blew, her white hair it would cascade everywhere and she would bring it back to order with a single tuck of her hand. Alex could help himself from staring in wonder as she was so mesmerizingly beautiful.

  The staff proved a great aid because last night’s fight made all of his muscles ache with every movement. It was most likely a side effect of the sudden increased senses and strength. He was sore, but the long walk helped stretch out those aching muscles. The ground was dry and soft, which benefitted his feet.

  About two hours before dark, Marlin broke the lengthy silence. “Lily, I was wondering about your items. Not many people have more than one.” She studied him carefully. “Oh sorry. Maybe I should explain my item first. It’s only fair right.” Lily listened intently to Marlin as he explained all of the abilities his fishing pole had. Her eye widened as he made the fist sized bobber slam into another tree and shook it. Squirrels yelled angrily and barked at him for the disturbance, but he didn’t seem to notice. Alex had warned Clift what was going to happen so he wouldn’t spook. He didn’t.

  “I can see why the guard wanted you in their ranks. The Water Guard would especially want you.”

  Alex stopped to ask “What’s the Water Guard?”

  Shade and Clift both stopped so they could talk, Alex would tell them what was said later. She nodded and explained. “The Royal Guard is split into three large companies. The most well known are the Land Guard. Most of the military is in this category and they occupy almost all lands. The Water Guard are divided by those who have items compatible with water. Then there is the King’s Guard. These guards are all level five and answer only to the king, inside the Royal City of Ra’van. Only native children are conscripted. The King’s Guard are free to go wherever they wish, but they have to be given orders by high ranking officers because they are ruthless and sometimes get carried away in their duties.” She then looked down.

  “You are a King’s Guard.” Alex noticed softly and Marlin gasped at this realization. Lily eyes met his confident grey, slowly.

  “I was a King’s Guard. Now I’m just me.” Alex smiled at her brightly. “Thanks to you I’m not being blindly led and taking on heinous orders any longer. I can be me, for once in my life. It is an odd feeling to be yourself instead of what others tell you to be.”

  “That is why I’m joining Freelan. Other people need to feel freedom like you have only begun to taste.” Marlin also said that is why he wanted to join the group as well and to also rescue his brother.

  She looked at their surroundings. “Can we set up camp for the night?”

  Soon they found a stream and decided to set up camp there. By the time night fell they had an open canopy camp. They sat around a fire and hoped it wouldn’t rain. Marlin caught two fish and Shade ate them both. Lily, Marlin and Alex ate half of the remaining deer meat that they had stored in their packs.

  Marlin began stoking the fire as Alex continued working with the leather he had drying during their walk. His staff really helped this time as he stretched and worked the material. Then Lily cleared her throat and his attention went to her. “Marlin, earlier you asked about my items. You are right because it is only fair.”

  She stood up and the rest of them watched her go. She rolled up her sleeves and began explaining. She first drew the rectangular pink sword from her hip. She held it out for them to see clearly. “This short sword is my favorite and you will both see why shortly. This is more than a solid blade because it can modify itself.”

  Suddenly the blade of her sword looked to be shaving off slivers of itself in the size of thin scales or flower petals. Before anyone knew what happened, the entire blade dissolved and only the guard and hilt remained in her grasp. Shade and the other three of them watched in amazement as the pink petals seemed to dance around her in a sphere. Her voice was calm and clear as the tiny specks of her sword moved of their own accord, but were guided by her will. “This item of mine is normally in a solid form, but it can break apart into thousands of razor thin shards. They carry out my thoughts and can kill any opponent within a hundred paces of me.” She raised the hilt and the petals swirled around it and quickly formed into a three bladed sword once more. Not even a single shaving or petal seemed to be missing.

  As she slid the sword back in its sheath she thumbed her chest. “As you and Alex have already seen I have a defensive item normally covering my most vital parts. My heart, breasts, liver and other internal organs are all protected from the front.” She extended her left arm and the metal Alex thought had moved, actually did. It moved under the tunic from her chest and seemed to flow down her arm. Soon her fist and forearm became fully encased in the metal. “This item is both an offensive and defensive, depending on where I move it on my body. This item has been attached to my body since the day I was first born and will never come off. It moves as if it’s alive, but it only moves as I tell it to. Unless if I’m rendered unconscious, if that happens it goes back to where you witnessed before.” She dropped her arm and the metal rushed back under her clothes.

  She sighed as she drew out her crescent blade. The moment it cleared the sheathe it gave off a soft ring to tell it had been freed. “This is my last item and the most dangerous.” She twisted her arm to show all of her scars. “Each of these scars are made from this very blade. I only have one scar on my leg that has been dealt by another in combat.”

  “Wait. You’re telling me that those scars are self inflicted? You cut yourself with that blade.” Alex asked, stunned.

  “Aye,” She held up her sword to show them its unique shape. “this blade achieves its full potential after it has tasted blood. Animal, human, it doesn’t matter. Let me show you.”

  She twisted her blade in such a way to cut her left upper arm. You cannot be seriously about to do something like this, can you? No, stop this. You already have enough problems. Alex thought quickly.

  He dropped everything and leapt over the fire. He grabbed her wrist and pulled the sword away from her fair flesh. She was stunned once she realized what happened. She looked at her wrist and Alex had forgotten how hurt they still must be from the shackles, but she didn’t look pained. “Sorry about that,” he raised his exposed forearm. “but if you need to demonstrate its properties, use me. You said it needs blood, but not yours specifically. Your body has suffered enough damage.”

  Her white teeth barely glistened in the firelight. “So you’re going to take the pain in my stead?” he nodded.

  Lily didn’t hesitate as her blade cut a shallow wound in his right forearm. It might have been shallow, but it still stung like a sharp fire. She pulled the blade back and waited until his arm bled out a few tiny droplets. Lily then placed the flat si
de of the blade over the wound. The blade’s itself seemed to absorb the blood into the reflective silver metal itself. Her voice calmed. “Alex, take a step back.”

  As he did the crescent sword began to change. Her sword began to grow in size, while the shape remained the same. Soon her short sword became a normal sword’s length with only those few drops of blood. “This blade grows and will continue to grow until it reaches my height. The more blood it absorbs the stronger and sharper it becomes. Its weight remains the same so I can wield it effortlessly.” She then turned the blade and put the small point in the sheath. As she pushed, the sword shrunk, to fit inside the scabbard.

  Once she finished explaining she spoke in the same lecturing tone. “For these unique items, I was destined for the King’s Guard. I was taken from my family at the age of six and raised inside the palace. All level five children who are born in Ra’van are taken for special training purposes.” Her eye slowly became unfocused and her voice hollowed. “We learned to relish in the death of our adversaries and how to both tolerate and give pain, all the way to the touch of death, but only just. Then we…”

  By now his shallow wound stopped bleeding. Alex walked up to her and wrapped his arms protectively around Lily. He clutched her head to the side of his neck and held her there. She didn’t become rigid like he expected, she seemed to calm down from the embrace, like she’s never been held and didn’t understand what to do. “You don’t need to go through that right now, Lily.” Pushing her back, she looked curious. “Come sit back down by the fire.”

  They turned to see Marlin, Clift and Shade all grinning at the two of them. “What are you doing, Alex? I’m positive that not how one mates.” Shade grinned at his joke and Clift started neighing, stomping his front hooves. Then Clift and Shade traded glances. Clift then retorted “You’re right. If he wants a foal with her, he needs to do better. Bend her ov…”

  “What are they saying?” Lily asked while glaring at the guys.

  “Trust me, you don’t want to know.” She left it at that.

  A few hours later everyone was asleep except for Alex because he kept watch. He spent his free time working the leather. Lily slept close to Shade. She was looking much better than last night, but she still had a long recovery ahead.

  What no one, but Lily knew, she dreamed of being embraced again.

  The next morning, once the sun shone, they continued west.

  A few hours into their walk something curious tickled in Alex’s mind. “Lily, yesterday when you were explaining about being a King’s Guard, I was wondering what you knew about the king. What does he look like? What’s his item? Anything you might know that might be of use.”

  “I swore an oath as a King’s Guard to never reveal his secrets as long as I remained in his service.” She grinned at him. “Since I’m no longer in his service I can tell you.

  “King Runkamon was granted a kingdom at the age of sixteen and at the age of twenty he became ruler of all of Ra’van. He is now nine-and-thirty years of age and now controls both Gagiat and Nicronane. He is as tall as I am and very muscular. His hair is long, light blonde and his eyes are a penetrating icy blue. He is frighteningly handsome and he uses it to his advantage. He brings both willing and unwilling beautiful women to his chambers every night and as of yet hasn’t produced any heirs. He once invited me to his chambers as well, but once he saw my bare arms he changed his mind and had another girl brought to his bed.” She looked between her scars and Alex to see if he understood what she meant, he didn’t. “He likes his women pristine, young and unmarred. Runkamon always has four powerful level five warriors with him when he meets the crowd, but he hasn’t left the royal city in many years. The warriors he has surrounding him makes me look like a level one newborn babe. He keeps only the best and rarest item users in his part of the palace.

  “As to his item, I couldn’t even fathom what it is. I’ve never seen it nor have many others. Only his elite generals and advisors have seen it, but that could also be just rumor. Whatever it is, it must be extremely powerful for him to have remained in power for so long and be able to conquer two other lands in just a decade. And also the rumors state that if his item becomes known he kills everyone who has that said knowledge.” She then adjusted her hips on Shade’s back.

  “It would have to be. For him to rule a kingdom at twenty years of age…” Marlin stated aloud and whistled.

  “Speaking of powerful,” Lily started while looking at Alex. “You said you were born without an item, but what is that staff? It should be shredded from our skirmish two mornings ago.”

  He raised his staff and said “This was a gift from a Xeal tree.”

  Her jaw dropped. “You cannot be serious.”

  “I am. When we found out you were to be executed, we took a desperate chance to reach you in time.” Her jaw closed as they continued walking. She had a hard time believing any of what he was saying. “We passed through the Ruler’s Forest.” Her good eye widened. “About three weeks into the forest we were led to the largest Xeal tree you’ll probably never get to see. He was going to kill us for being human, until I found out that I was capable of communicating with him. He then released us and made me this staff as both a gift and a weapon. His final gift was making us a straight path out of his territory. Because of him we had time to think of the plan to save you.”

  “He’s telling the truth.” Marlin stated in all seriousness. “If it wasn’t for Alex’s voice… not only you, but all of us would be dead.”

  A minute later her voice changed as she addressed Alex again. “Why did you do so much for me? Why did you risk your life?”

  For the first time today he stopped walking. “Because I wanted to save my friend. Having you as a friend means more to me than you will ever know. My life has always been empty and alone, until you started making it worth living. Then I met Shade after you left, then Marlin showed up and then finally Clift joined. I was weak and lonely and had no one to offer support except for my uncle. He could only do so much. My peers and most of the adults of my home island shunned me for being so different, but you were the first to accept my request for friendship. You heard me say that I am itemless, but you didn’t care about that. Having a friend eased a burden of loneliness I’ve carried my entire life.” Her violet eye was still calm. “If there is a single chance to save someone, I’ll take it. Especially if it is for my close friends or loved ones.”

  “I’m beginning to understand you, but I can’t quite understand what drives you to go to such profound lengths.”

  They left it at that and continued journeying.

  Three nights later both Shade and Clift were both calmly gazing into the fire.

  Alex watched Lily as he worked the leather yet again. Lily’s swollen eye became normal once again, but the bruise remained. His heart started thrumming once both of her eyes met his. For all the food she ate, it began to finally show. Her arms didn’t look as twig-like and her wilted and bony facial features began to fill out slowly and properly. The bruise on the side of her neck was now a dull yellowish-brown rather than completely purple. Her cracked lips had begun to fill out and heal. He wanted to check her ribs, but that would be too personal. Even her skin had begun to appear brighter and healthier.

  “What’s on your mind, Alex?” She startled his train of thought.

  “What do you mean?” His staff dropped to the ground so he could focus.

  As she tilted her head to the side, her white hair fell over her shoulder. Her purple eyes were calm and striking at the same time. “You’ve been staring at me longer than normal. Most men like Marlin here only look at my face for a moment and then look away.” Marlin shifted uncomfortably, but didn’t disagree with her assessment.

  “I’m just admiring how much better you look.” Her eyes widened.

  “Well try to not do it so much. It makes me feel uncomfortable. It’s not normal… for me.” She admitted a personal observation aloud.

  “Marlin,” He looked at
Alex. “May I use the knife?”

  “Aye,” He reached forward and pulled it out of a large apple slice.

  The leather had been constantly worked and thanks to the dry weather and constant barrage of the sun, it dried quicker than the one they were sitting on. Alex laid the smaller leather flap between them and held the freshly sharpened blade. He made a small notch at the edge and cut a straight line to make a thin string of leather nine hands long. He then cut another strip exactly like the first. He handed the strings to Marlin and said “Work these for me one last time and make sure they are as flexible as you can make them.” Marlin wrapped the string around his finger in order to soften it some more. “Lily, grab a charred stick and walk over here please.”

  She sighed as she walked over to the fire. She retrieved a small charred stick and handed it down to Alex, who remained seated. “Thank you. Now please stand right here and spread your stance out slightly.” Her brow furrowed as she walked over to stand on the leather. She stood less than a few inches away from his knees. He then maneuvered himself so he sat on his heels and his knees touched the ground. She didn’t move as he traced an outline of both of her feet. “Thank you. You can go back to doing whatever you want.” He then continued making a larger pattern with the stick.

  “Are you making me leather moccasins?” She asked once she sat down.

  “Aye, you need something to protect your feet.” Alex finished one outline and then started making another.

  “Why aren’t you making yourself a pair?” She peered at his bare feet.

  “I’ve never liked wearing shoes, even as a child. I didn’t and still don’t like the feeling of having my feet covered. Now my feet are, maybe even harder than this leather. I like the sensations of the ground. It forces me to be cautious of my surroundings. I will only cover my feet if there is dangerous terrain that cannot be avoided.” He admitted while looking at the finished patterns.

  She went silent as his cutting of the leather began. His hand guided the knife properly around every curve and bend of the charcoal traced leather. Almost an hour later, two perfect patterns were cut out of the leather. He worked the edges around her foot marks and then used the knife to make the correct sized holes near the edges. It took two more hours to make them and in that time Marlin finished working the strands and went to sleep. Lily stayed up to watch him work fastidiously, in complete silence. She marveled at how sure his movements were, even if they sometimes were a little slow for her patience. Once every hole was finished he grabbed a string and began threading the shoes together.

  “Try them on.” He handed over both newly finished leather shoes. I hope you like them. He thought also.

  She smiled as she slipped a foot in each open cavity. She said, standing up “They are perfect.” She then walked in the grass a little bit. “Alex, who taught you how to do this?” She asked, sitting down again.

  “I was only taught once how to work leather, but as to your moccasins, I just have good observational skills.” Alex slid the knife back into Marlin’s pack before looking at her in wonder, but masking his expressions.

  “May I walk with you tomorrow? I need some exercise.”

  She made him smile. “That will be fine by me.”

  Lily then looked down and changed the subject. “There is still much leather. What are you planning to do with it?”

  “It will become my new pack. You can have my normal one.”

  “That will be appreciated. It will at least let me feel like I’m pulling my own weight around here.” Then she looked at him sternly. “Go ahead and get some sleep. You get the least amount of rest out of all of us. I’ll trade shifts with Marlin in a few hours.”

  His body and mind were more exhausted than she knew, or maybe she did. “Good night then.” Alex leaned back and slept.

  There came the musical sounds of a morning bird that first alerted Alex to his waking consciousness. It was already morning and he needed the sleep because his body was exhausted. With his eyes still closed he rolled to his right and there was something soft close by and it smelled familiar. His eyes opened slowly and all there was to see was white. Is it snow? He’s read that snow is white, but the season was now early spring and he wasn’t cold. He felt the white with his fingertips and found it remarkably soft. Then there was a soft moan and then the white turned towards his touch. Soon it was Lily’s face only inches from his. Her bruised eye was looking slightly better and her plump lips were almost completely healed.

  What is going on? What is she doing laying with me? My word, she is a beautiful woman who takes my breath away. She looks so peaceful in her sleep too. She feels cool, did the fire go out? Where is Shade? Usually he slumbers beside me, but this? What’s going on?

  Seemingly in response to his thoughts, her lovely purple eyes slowly started opening and became lucid quickly. She really was a beautiful sight, but her eyes darkened rapidly once she realized their positions. “Why are you so close to me?” her expression unexpectedly changed from peaceful to anger. Then there came an immediate and wide pain blossoming, erupting from Alex’s gut.

  She had shifted her knee and thrust it in his abdominals.

  The pain was hard to resist escaping as his body rolled on his back and collapsed in a ball to ease the breathless discomfort. His teeth gritted to help dull the pain and keep him from yelling. Alex drew his knees up further because she had regained more strength than she let on, her blow actually knocked the wind out of him painfully. His eyes were forced shut. “Why did you do that?” his gritted teeth kept him from screaming at her.

  Lily sat up, feeling insulted that he took such liberty to lay with her. “Because I woke up to someone who shouldn’t have been there.”

  “Actually, Lily,” Marlin spoke loud and clearly. “he was only there because you fell asleep at his side. You stayed up until you were too tired. Once you woke me for my shift you slept next to Alex and I didn’t think to stop you. Before you finally went to sleep you said you were cold and Alex was warm, I think. Now I wish I had done something sooner. Maybe the misunderstanding wouldn’t have occurred.”

  She was silent for a short time and then her voice became remarkably calm. “My mistake; I’m sorry for the misinterpretation, Alex. It seems like you were innocent and I’m to blame.” Then he felt her hand touch his shoulder and there was an electric sensation coming from her touch again.

  With a gritted jaw Alex managed to forcibly stand up. He grasped his staff and started walking away from camp without looking at her or anyone else. It took a few yards of walking to finally walk straight enough. It wasn’t long until the clearing fell far behind. He walked several hundred paces until there wasn’t anyone to annoy him and his mind could settle.

  An old fallen tree lay nearby and it was comfortable to sit on. It felt cool, comfortable and most of all, it was quiet. He planted the staff between his legs and rested his head on the shaft. It was still difficult to breathe because she struck his diaphragm; painfully and precisely. The surrounding area became even more quiet. That meant he had company. He was only alone for a few minutes until Shade found him.

  He was standing between two saplings and the wind started moving his ebony coat in multiple directions. His sabers seemed longer than usual and they shone brilliantly in the early morning light. “What is going on? You’ve never left camp like that before. Alex, what…”

  “Shade, I need some time alone. Go back and have some breakfast. I’m not hungry. Once things are packed, come back and find me and we’ll get going.”

  His golden eyes said he understood Alex’s need for solitude. He looked towards camp and went back without another word.

  In his head he kept calling Lily a friend, but his heart wanted her to be so much more than that. How could I tell her these feeling without making matters more complicated? She is constantly surprising and beautiful, but ruthlessly coarse in her methods. Could I survive falling for her? She is strong and smart, but I can see that she has never been in love nor
has she ever experienced any form of it. When we are close I can feel that I can lower my guard around her, but I’ve already been struck twice for my naivety. Would there be a third time? Probably.

  From then on his silent thoughts ran rampant.

  I’m still new to having friends, but it shouldn’t always end with me being hurt. My strength is still growing slowly and it would help defend my heart, I hope. Now it’s up to Lily to figure out what being a friend truly means.

  An hour later the sun was completely up and the day was going to be cloudy. His attention shifted to the left as Shade reappeared with Alex’s pack in his teeth.

  He stood and took the straps from his mouth. “Are you feeling better?” Shade could easily see that his body language was calmer, but he needed verbal confirmation to be sure. He didn’t get any. He was curious about what happed between Alex and Lily, but she hadn’t explained anything either. “They are waiting for us.” Shade turned and they walked back together in silence.

  “About time!” Lily stated and she had both water skins strapped over her shoulders. She was wearing her new foot coverings and they seemed to already work out well. “What was your problem anyway? Shade wouldn’t allow anyone to see why you left so suddenly.”

  “Follow me everyone.” Alex turned and headed west.

  “I asked you a question.” Lily stated coolly and Alex’s heart pounded in prideful anger, but it wasn’t a seething kind of anger or rage. It was more like a silent and personal struggle that was difficult to suppress. His thoughts still continued to swirl around her, but not knowing which direction to take.

  Jaw set, Alex turned to her. Once their eyes met, she stepped back in fear as did everyone else except for Shade. Lily had never seen such a dangerous look from a person before and could see how thin his patience was. It was the most fear and danger she’s ever felt from a man. It was like he could shatter her very soul from such a look. Some sadistic part found it mystifying.

  Alex’s voice became cold and distant. “Lily, there are some things in life that cannot be told. Sometimes you have to just figure it out for yourself.”

  She managed to close her eyes and clear her throat. Opening them, She looked at him, but avoided direct eye contact for fear of being frightened again. “Does this have to do with my actions this morning? If it will make you feel better I’ll apologize for…”

  Alex closed his eyes and let out a heavy sigh which stopped her talking. “You wanted to walk with me today right?”

  “You’re not going to explain?”

  There wasn’t any point remaining on this subject so he turned and walked westward in silence.

  Soon it was Shade at his brother’s side and he bumped his head against Alex’s shoulder. He knew him well enough to know what Alex was feeling. In fact he knew him better than anyone. They walked for a few minutes until the others could be heard following close behind.

  About an hour later Lily and Marlin began whispering so that Alex wouldn’t be able to overhear. The five of them were walking over an expansive plain so it made their words clearer. “Marlin, did I do something wrong?”

  He sighed and spoke in the same hushed tone. “It’s not my place nor is it right for me to tell you this, but you need to understand something you’re clearly blind about. Alex has put his life in greater dangers than you’ll ever comprehend. You’re heartless if you cannot even see that he is completely worried for you and your safety, and every time you two get close he is the one who always ends up in pain. Your actions this morning are proof of my words. He is driven to protect everyone, but who can humanly protect him.”

  “What’s that supposed to mean?” She asked innocently.

  “Have you ever had anyone care for you?” She went silent and that confirmed Marlin’s suspicions. “It seems like you have much that you still need to learn. This is all the advice that I can give. Try to understand both his feelings and him and stop punishing him when he only has your best interests in mind. He is doing his best so that we have the best chance at a proper life.”

  About an hour later Lily finally made her way to walk at Alex’s side. She admitted that her new leather shoes fit well, to break the awkward silence that lasted between them. He only offered her a smile. Lily accepted the smile as an improvement in their strained relationship. They all walked normally and didn’t once stumble upon anyone throughout their travels.

  That night Alex cut the leather and made himself a new pack. He took his bowl and soap bag before giving it over to Lily. She enjoyed the old bag and used it as a pillow once she went to sleep, resting on the opposite side of the fire from him this night. They wouldn’t rest together for some time to come.

  After everyone had fallen fast asleep Alex laid on his back to gaze up at the thousands of twinkling stars. He laced his fingers together and rested them behind his head. His legs were both straight and felt content for the moment. The sounds of the insects filled the night air and a pleasant breeze kept the camp cool.

  “Alex?” Lily whispered softly and he sat up to look at her.

  The firelight gave her a striking look on her ethereal beauty. She was sitting up on her elbows while looking at him. “Having a hard time getting to sleep?” Alex guessed.

  She nodded. “Actually there was something I wanted to know.” He waited patiently for her to continue. “Are you still sore in the abdomen?”

  It did hurt, but only just. He thought aloud. “Don’t worry too much. Go back to sleep?”

  She slowly sat completely straight. “That really wasn’t my question.” Her eyes studied him, hoping for something to be easily understood about them. Lily was only more confused than ever, but she made her choice. “I was really wondering if you could tell me how I could join Freelan? Is it easy?”

  “Have you made up your mind?”

  “I’ve been thinking about what you said. Maybe Freelan might give me a new start, a second chance, but I’ll only go where you do, if that is alright. There are still things that I need to learn about friendship. Maybe they could use the talents that I have been given? An experienced killer might be an aid they need.”

  Ever since Takka gave Alex a ring he’s kept it in his pocket along with the three remaining Xeal seeds. It suddenly felt heavy in his pants pocket as he became aware of it. Alex reached into the pocket and pulled the newly crafted ring out. She watched him intently as the silver ring reflected in the firelight. He tucked his thumb under the metal and flicked it at her, seeing what would happen.

  Lily’s great reflexes caught the ring and she slid it on the finger that he told her to put it on. She looked at it in wonder. A faint smile appeared on her lovely lips, making her beauty come to light once again.

  They spoke quietly for a little while longer before she fell back asleep.

  The five of them spent the next four weeks walking on their journey westward towards the land of Alluan. Shade was pleasantly surprised that Lily had finally chosen to join the unorthodox pack. Alex and Lily slowly became closer friends over the weeks. She seemed to slowly find her place amongst the group. Marlin was pleased as well.

  With each passing day she became physically better. Her bruises had finally healed and her beauty became even more amazing than Alex first remembered back home. Her body quickly put on some healthy weight and the travels toned her muscles. They weren’t as large as they were on the island, but they were getting there again. Even her figure became more womanly, with her health restoring. Her thighs and hips swayed, and sometimes he’d have to look away or else find himself in trouble when she’d glance in his direction and catch him staring at her. Lily’s breasts and hips had also slightly grown thanks to all the meat she’s been craving. Each of her hands were still calloused, but they remained highly skilled.

  About two weeks ago she requested to spar with the men. They were reluctant to push her just yet, but both Marlin and Alex found out that she was even more skilled than they ever knew. Even when they fought her two on one she beat them, without
using her swords abilities. They didn’t even land a glancing blow to her. She has had more battle experience than she could ever tell them. They ended up bruised, even as she held back.

  Lily and Alex remained at arms length, but she seemed to be interested in something because she’d sometimes get a look in her eyes and he couldn’t explain it. She also hasn’t physically struck Alex out of the practice sessions since the morning she awoke with him at her side.

  Shade and Clift also became closer. Clift wanted to learn to speak to Marlin without Alex always interpreting for them. So Shade took it upon himself to teach Clift to read and write. Shade was an amazing teacher and Clift sometimes struggled with words longer than four letters, but Shade was patient with his first student. Since Shade’s species was smarter, he had to sometimes repeat lessons for Clift, but there wasn’t any bad blood between them.

  Four days ago Clift surprised Marlin by writing with his hoof “I want my chin scratched.” and Marlin laughed and gave his partner a good service.

  The terrain remained mostly sparse forests, but with several rain storms everything was clean and the rivers were higher. Lily also suggested that they head northwest and take Point Lake and travel through Quad Stream to hasten their trip. They knew it would be quicker to sail by boat so they took her advice.

  Now they were heading through sparse woodlands, still approaching Point Lake, that was still days away, enjoying the afternoon breeze. It was coming in from the west. Lily was getting into the habit of humming softly when she’d ride on Shade. Her melodies were beautiful and all of them enjoyed it. Alex especially looked forward to it. She was looking proud and strong as her hips swayed with Shade. Her hands patted his sides with the rhythm of her musical humming. Her whole demeanor had calmed and became harmonious during their trek.

  Marlin was riding Clift and they were both walking beside Shade. Alex was leading The Pack, as Shade now called the group, northwest. Throughout the morning both Shade and Clift were talking about an odd scent that neither of them recognized what it belonged to.

  Suddenly Shade yelped in surprise and pain and Lily screamed in fright.

  Alex wheeled around to see a fiend lord smashing into Shade and Lily.

  It was a Grizon.