Untamed Gift (Book One of the Items Trilogy) Page 9
Chapter 9
Understanding washed through Alex like a roaring and bone chilling waterfall. All the whispers he’s heard these past weeks were actually from Xeal trees that occupied this forest. The four of them were surrounded by an enemy they didn’t know existed nor even thought of the possibility. It was an inescapable trap laid by sentient trees. This ancient tree made a paradise around itself and created it to entice and entrap its only real enemies. Alex now knew why it was considered a forbidden forest. The fiends weren’t the biggest problem as he first feared, the trees were. And the main tree of them all and of the forest had them restrained in its unbreakable roots. They were all under the Xeal tree lord’s control and his voice inferred that he wasn’t a lenient character.
The leaves and branches shook again. “I will not ask a second time.”
Alex’s throat seemed to change again, but this time it was painful and almost felt like his throat burned with each forced breath. “We did not come to defile your lands! We were only passing through!”
“So you are one who can speak.” The leaves shook and the trunk groaned.
The roots kept encasing him and they now cocooned his entire body, except for his head. Alex turned to view Marlin, red faced, as he continued to struggle in vain. He had his russet cane extended, but it was soon wrapped in wooden tendrils and restrained on the ground. Marlin’s only weapon was sealed as were his options. Clift had already given up hope, but Shade still tried valiantly to escape.
“Aye, I can speak. Can you explain what you’re doing to us?”
The ancient voice turned dangerous. “Are you a human?”
“I am!” Alex was angered, but something seemed beyond wrong.
“Then you will die.” The voice became cold and distant.
“For what reasoning am I going to die for?”
The trunk of the tree began to bend down in their direction. It was like it tried to look at Alex, but it didn’t have eyes. Slowly the head of the tree brushed the ground, around the edge of the clearing and the other trees shrank back. The next thing Alex knew his head left the ground, without his effort. Alex turned to see that all of the roots encasing his body were lifting him up and into the air. The other three remained trapped as he was pushed up higher and higher. The roots stopped rising when hung between the ground and the bent head of the tree. If he were to jump from his current height, he would most certainly die from the impact with the firm ground.
The leaves and branches began to shake as the tree used them to speak to Alex. “Because you humans are a plague who know nothing of respect; they chop down and kill my brethren for shelter, tools and warmth. Any humans who foolishly come into my realm will be killed because they kill inconspicuously for self-serving dominance. And since you are a human, you too will die like the countless others who come into my realm. Prepare for your end.”
Then sharp tree branches lunged quickly towards Alex’s face. I’m sorry, Lily. He thought. The leaves flapped wildly from the speed of the thrust. Before they could reach him he was seething in anger because he didn’t want to give up and someone still needed him. “If that is your only biased logic then you should also kill YOURSELF!”
Barely an inch away from Alex’s defiant eyes, the sharp branches came to an abrupt halt. And then he heard “Hold on, Alex! I’m coming!”
He wrenched his head back and towards the ground as Shade howled. He caught the sight of his brother’s tail entering his shadow. Once he was freed of his wrapping he ran inside his shadow, since he found the only way to escape the roots. The tendrils collapsed once it realized Shade had escaped. Shade’s shadow changed again as he began rising out of it while running with a single-minded focus. He was running straight towards the roots that held Alex high in the air. He opened his menacing maw and started biting at the roots, hoping to sever the bonds or rip them off. His gold eyes were lit furiously, knowing how helpless the rest of them were. He was trying his best, but neither his sharp sabers nor claws could cut through the wood when they could easily cut through metal. He still kept fighting for his elder sibling’s freedom and doing his best to rescue the others as well.
“Come here you little whelp!” The tree lord said, and a weaved net of roots blasted out from beneath Shade. The net enclosed quicker than Shade’s attempt to escape. With Shade still fighting, and cursing up a storm, the roots quickly brought him up to Alex’s level. Shade continued snarling and fighting against the tightening bonds that surrounded his body. The tree demanded “Tell this seedling to quit fighting me or I’ll kill him… Do it!”
Alex’s throat changed again as he focused on his only remaining family. “Shade, he said to stop struggling. We had better listen or he will kill us without a second thought.” Shade’s large head turned to meet his brother’s angry grey eyes and when they locked together he knew Alex meant for him to quit immediately. He reluctantly stopped struggling which went against his every fiber and nature.
“Your partner seems to listen to you. You must be a good master.” The tree said in a lighter tone.
The Xeal lord was still annoying Alex, but he capped the temper with everything he had. They were all still in a very delicate position and a flippant tongue wasn’t going to placate the current situation. His voice shifted to the hot, scratchy pain again. “I am not his master. We are foster siblings. We are family.” Then he got down to the point. “Why did you stop and not kill me.”
The sharp branches slowly moved away from his eyes as the acres of leaves began shaking again. The look in Shade’s eyes said he couldn’t understand what Alex was saying. Clift and Marlin were still alive at the moment because their breathing sounded heavy and labored. Things had miraculously settled down for the moment, but for how long was the tree going to keep them alive was the actual question. “You said that I should kill myself. I wanted to hear what your reasoning is. I am curious now.”
Alex remembered what he thought about, just moments before being impaled. “You said yourself that humans were greedy and are constantly fighting for dominance. You and your brethren are just like us humans, if not worse.”
“Be careful of your words.” The branches shook menacingly.
“I will say whatever I please! You were going to kill me anyways, without provocation or inflicting any harm, so let me give you some much needed perspective.” The Xeal’s patience waned by the moment. The leaves shook violently in the darkness, but Alex continued. “Trees and humans alike take what they want and we always have and will. Humans need food to eat just like your roots eat the nutrients from the soil for your food. When there are too many humans, some rise to the top just like you have since this forest is so crowded yet you have such pristine land for yourself. The tall trees, like yourself, absorb the sun’s light and the smaller plants beneath your canopy wither and die because the taller trees don’t share the light you so covet for survival. The clearing under your canopy is a perfect example. When a tree or animal dies of old age and rots, you feed off of its nutrients. Humans are hasty and trees take their time, but the same things get accomplished no matter how you look at them. You murder other plants for the chance to remain alive just as we human’s do, but we have a choice unlike you.”
“What choice do you have that we don’t?” His tone became amused and curious. This human was the first to speak so openly and actually make sense. Alex’s words seemed to be having a positive effect. The shaking branches became less menacing and more placid.
“We have the strength and choice to protect one another.” Alex decided to tell him the truth for why they were here, even if it mattered not to a tree. “We didn’t come into your forest because we wanted to. We had no other choice because a friend of mine is going to be killed soon. We had to come directly through your territory and now you’re going to stall me from trying to help another in need. I don’t know how you turned into such a hypocrite, but you need to be more open minded if you are the king of this forest.”
It was silent for a few moments until the
Xeal began to laugh and the entire tree began to shake. Every fiber of the roots vibrated the ground and those they held as did the trunk, limbs and leaves. Then an awkward silence passed for over a minute with neither side voicing their thoughts.
Ever so slowly the tree began straightening up into its original mighty position. Once it stood completely straight, it spoke proudly. “None have ever spoken to me with such truthful honesty in all my time. My dear seedling, you are very knowledgeable and have excellent perception of the true cycles of life. I have never thought of things the way you have. Your words ring true and I have to regretfully admit this, but we are indeed similar.” Then his tone became amused. “Now what should I do with you… hmm.” Then the leaves shook with excitement. “How about you make a deal with me?”
“I will only make a deal if you put us down and release us.”
“Very well,” Ever so slowly Shade and Alex began to descend to the ground. The ground became closer and closer for them both. Before they landed Marlin and Clift were unbound and looking incredulously at the frightening tree. As Alex touched the comforting ground the roots began to loosen all over his body. He lay on his back and watched as the final tendril released his ankles and reentered the soil. It was the same for Shade’s bonds.
Once they were all released Shade walked over to stand protectively between Alex and the tree. He whispered “Alex, are you hurt?”and all he received was a pat on the head and a calm smile. Shade sighed in relief. “We need to get out of here.” His elder brother shook his head and Shade’s eyes narrowed.
He took a few steps away from the others and looked up into the tree’s canopy. “Alright; what is your proposition?”
As the leaves shook the ancient voice reverberated throughout the entire area. “If I allow you all to live, I wish for your assistance. My seeds cannot travel far from me and no creature dare try to steal from my limbs. I will entrust to you, four of my children.” A section of branches above Alex’s head began shaking vehemently. He had to jump back as four large seeds dropped heavily onto the ground. Each seed was light brown and shaped like a cup with a cover over its lid. Each nut was half the size of his palm. Alex walked forward and picked up two in each of his bleeding hands. He returned his focus as the Xeal lord said “You are charged with deciding where to plant my seeds, but I hope you plant them in rich, fertile soil that has also been overly harvested of my brethren. They will know when to sprout so fear not carrying them where your travels take you. My children will slowly repair the damage that other humans have done. Can I entrust you with so precious a task?”
“You can. I was a farmer so I know the best places to plant your children.”
“Very well,” Then the tree’s trunk groaned as it slowly tilted in their direction. “For impressing me beyond all others, I will give you two prizes for such courage.” Alex’s brow furrowed in confusion. “I will give you a weapon made from my very flesh. Your human tools cannot even hope to scratch my body nor will it decompose and you look like you need a weapon. Now what kind of treasure will it be?”
Alex’s mind was stunned. The Xeal lord was first going to kill them and here he is trying to give them an aid. Many knew that the wood of a Xeal is the rarest of all natural treasures. And he’s going to willingly give a piece of himself was almost surreal. He thought wildly. In his readings, fire couldn’t harm this species of tree nor could many other forces. And a weapon, what kind of a weapon could a tree make? Alex knew he needed something useful for protection and he don’t like to kill. He needed something both inconspicuous and powerful. Then an image slowly started forming in his mind.
He remembered how his uncle would work day in and day out without ever complaining, seemingly content with his lot in life. When Gambit would walk with his item he would use it as a walking stick or when danger came near he could swing it and bludgeon the threat. His item wasn’t easily recognized since it looked like an everyday farm tool. Gambit would always casually hold it like it was part of his actual body. Even one time Alex remembered his uncle began spinning it like an entertainer, but only a select few knew it was his fighting style.
Alex knew what he wanted made. Uncle, this is in remembrance of you.
“I would like a straight staff, as tall as I am and it needs to have a spherical knot on the top. I need to be able to hold it comfortably and it needs to be even in thickness from the end to the base of the rounded knot. I don’t want any sharp edges. It needs to be a weapon without looking like one.”
The Xeal had changed its voice to pleasant. “That will be feasible.”
Through his feet, Alex felt the ground moving. They all watched in amazement as a single root erupted, straight out of the ground. The tip of the root slowly felt the top of Alex’s head and adjusted its height to his. Once it made the correct height, it became perfectly straight. The roots offshoots started to retract inside the main root. Then it began to reshape its tip from a thin point and began to fill out like a bladder. Soon it began to have a sphere slightly larger than the size of a man’s fist. The shaft also began to alter its shape into a perfectly cylindrical staff. Then the staff shook quickly and most of the soil was thrown off. Alex looked down at the base of the root, and the ground, to see it begin to thin out into a twig’s girth. “Is this what you mean?” The ancient Xeal asked.
“It’s even better than I could imagine.” He admitted.
“I’m pleased. Now grab it and break it off.” Alex quickly put two seeds in each of his pockets before cautiously reaching out and feeling the wooden weapon.
It’s surface was completely smooth, like someone used the finest sanding method and smoothed it even more by rubbing it by hand, over many years. It was smooth yet firm and held no defects. He wrapped his fingers around the center of the shaft and felt it was the perfect size for his hand. The shaft remained smooth, but it wouldn’t become too slick and unintentionally slip out of his grasp.
Alex then put his other hand over the first and wrenched it back. Even the thin twig holding the staff was strong, but putting his full body weight into the motion separated the staff from the root with a loud, dry snap.
The wood was lighter than it appeared, but remained heavy enough to know that you held a remarkable weapon. It proved impossible not to hold the staff with reverence. He looked up and exclaimed “Thank you for your generosity. I will keep this as a token of our meeting.”
The tree laughed and the ground seemed to shake again. “I will remember our meeting as well, but do not forget I still have another gift.” His mouth snapped shut when he realized he was gawking. “My final gift will be to expedite your journey through my land. You said there was someone you desired to save and the quickest way was through my kingdom, did you not?” Alex told him he was correct. “In that case, tell me in which direction must you travel.”
“She is being held in Central City. It is northeast of where we are currently.”
“Then my final gift will be for you and your companions to go that way.” The ground shook again as the tree groaned. In response to the groan all of the other trees began shaking and whispering. “I have told my brethren to move and make a path in the direction you have said. It will take some time to be completed so rest while they carry out my orders. Now I must rest myself. This meeting will take time to sort out properly.” The Xeal tree slowly became immobile.
Alex bowed respectfully, even if the tree couldn’t see. Thank you.
Once his heart began to relax from the stressful ordeal Alex kept admiring the new weapon. There wasn’t a single blemish nor were there any knots from the offshoot of the thinner roots. Even in the darkness, the staff held a mild reflective gloss. Where the staff broke, at the base, was a miniscule protuberance in the bottom center, but it wasn’t easily noticeable. This was one treasure that will stay by my side until someone is in more need than I. He vowed. His fingers hadn’t stopped bleeding from tearing at the roots, but the wounds were shallow. If those thin roots were so strong, how sturdy
is this staff? Alex wondered
When a hand touched his shoulder he was pulled back into reality. “Alex, what is going on around here? What happened to us? All I could hear was the tree groaning and making noises and you made the same sounds. Were you actually communicating with a tree?” Marlin asked in frightened curiosity.
Shade stood on the right side of Marlin and Clift moved to the other. All their eyes were intently focused on Alex. When Marlin finally took his hand off Alex’s shoulder he twisted his new staff into a vertical angle with his right hand. The staff also had a remarkably perfect balance. The knot stayed in the air, at his height, while the base was butted on the ground. The three members cautiously looked at the new weapon with questioning eyes.
“Follow me and I’ll explain.” He turned around and started walking towards the stream. They all followed silently.
Making his way in a single direction Alex stopped at the water’s edge. He walked straight into the cold water and made the sand and dirt come out of his clothes. Then his wounded hands needed to be cleaned and once they were he washed the blood and remaining dirt from the staff. The cold flowing water helped cool his sore throat so he drank as much as he could. The other three rinsed their bodies as well. The water seemed to help them relax.
When they got back on dry land Marlin and Alex took off their tunic’s because the wind was cooling them much too quickly. They wrung out as much water from their clothes as possible before laying them on the ground to dry. Alex opened his fur and spread it out. He sat down and the other three tried to lay on as much of it as possible. With his new staff laying across his crossed legs he began explaining what happened in both the human and the fiend languages. “We were led here. And that is a Xeal tree.” Recognition lit in Marlin’s eyes as it did with the other two. “He was going to kill us…” They listened intently to the dialogue transpired with the undisputed king of the forest. “He was gracious because he learned another way of viewing things and he is going to help us. He made this staff for me and has also charged me with planting his seeds during our travels.” They marveled at the seeds. Marlin held one and allowed Shade to smell it. Clift politely declined, wanting to do away with their current situation. “Do you remember the trail that led us here?” Alex asked Marlin.
“Of course I do.”
“Well, the other Xeal trees made it for us to be led here. It was all a trap, but we managed to overcome it with only some minor injuries.”
“We would all be dead right now if you couldn’t converse with the tree, but what’s your point?” Marlin asked in a polite tone.
“He is going to aid us by having another trail cut through the forest.” Marlin’s jaw dropped. “He has ordered us to wait and soon we will be able to have a straight line out of here.”
“Alex, things have a way of being dangerous, but seem to usually work in your favor.” He smiled and leaned back on the ground. “We were saved because of your talent. What is it about you that saves us?”
“I just hope that my luck continues to hold when we attempt to save Lily.”
The rest of the time Alex spoke with Shade. Shade was feeling helpless because he couldn’t do anything to save them like he usually does. He was told that Lily must feel the same way, helpless, and he vowed to not let her experience that pain any longer than she has to. Clift decided to stay out of their conversation and began grazing. He said he needed to eat a lot if there is going to be a long and straight run.
When the sun began to brighten the sky, the new path was completed on the northeast side of the clearing. The trees lined up parallel to the path and it was raised like the one they used yesterday. The soil was dark brown and looked moist from the movement it took to create the path.
They quickly packed their things and Alex slung his pack over his shoulders. The staff was held in his left hand while he held Shade’s fur with his right. Before they trotted over to the new path they looked at the enormous Xeal and Alex said his thanks again. The massive tree waived with a bundle of leaves in a side to side motion. They were actually allowed to leave without further pause.
Soon Shade began running at a measured pace down the trail. The trail ran completely straight like it was manmade, but the trees that looked identical to oak were the ones who did it the work. They began making up serious time since they didn’t need to stop and find a new way through the swamp, when their path was blocked. There were some dammed streams they easily crossed thanks to all the work the Xeal’s took to making the new path.
During the nights they would remain on the path and rest.
Throughout the days they continued to run and only stopped once they needed a break or found edible food.
Sixteen days after leaving the Xeal lord they finally made it to the end of the forest. It had taken twenty one days to make it to the middle of the forest. With the help of the path they have shaved off a minimum of five days travel they would have spent trying to do on their own.
Before them lay a sparsely treed area. It looked almost like a plain which helped lift all of their spirits.
Before they continued on with the journey, Alex dismounted Shade and he watched as his big brother walked up to a small Xeal tree. “Please inform the king that we have made it safely and that all of you have given us even more precious time to help another in need. Tell everyone who made our path I said, Thank you.”
The voice of the sapling sounded young and childish. “I will inform the others of the kind words.”
As he turned back to the group he could hear the trees whispering and he felt the ground vibrating. The trail they took slowly vanished behind the slowly moving trees.
When Alex was remounted they began running again.
Over the next ten days the trees thinned out into an open and grassy plain. The journey’s speed kept an excellent pace. The ground was originally flat in the beginning, but soon became large rolling hills. They had to start rationing water because the plains didn’t have many lakes or streams. Alex only sipped just enough to wet his mouth. Shade drank more because he was doing most of the work. Marlin did the same for Clift. When they would find a water source they would all fill up on the liquid throughout the night. At one point they found a high hill and it led to a large grouping of trees and that meant food and more precious water laid within. There was a wide stream inside the wooded area and Marlin provided the food after a night of fishing. Using the campfire, Alex had proven that his staff couldn’t catch on fire nor had it been charred. With the wipe of a cloth it removed any sooty fire traces and kept its light brown luster.
On the eleventh day, Shade caught the scent of smoke, when it was about midday. “Alex, do you smell that?” He slowed until he stopped and then his brother smelled the air.
“I smell smoke… like a cooking fire.”
Alex told Marlin and he requested “How about we check it out? Maybe we might be able to get some help or maybe clearer directions.”
He had a point. “Alright, let’s go scout it out.” Marlin nodded and followed, after Shade began moving.
When the delicious smell increased Alex slid off his back. They were safely camouflaged by a thicket of trees and bushes. Bramble made some spots difficult to pass through. Alex said to everyone “Wait here.” and they silently hunkered down to get some much needed rest.
The staff was a blessing because Alex used it to move through the bushes without injury. He slowly made his way closer, making as much noise as possible so as to not frighten anyone who might be laying in wait. Once he cleared the bushes there was a small home surrounded by a small farmland. The home had a chimney, blowing out a consistent amount of smoke. The ground was rowed with spring vegetables ready to be harvested. A stall to the west housed two horses feeding on some hay. Off in the distance stooped a man working the field, who didn’t hear the approach. He didn’t see Alex either so he whistled loudly and said “Hello! Over there!”
The man’s head jerked in his direction and stopped what he was doing. A
lex waited patiently in the sunlight while the man walked over. It was best to not appear threatening. He realized the man had a shovel as an item as it didn’t hold any wear from such use one would expect from a farm tool.
He stopped about five-and-twenty paces away and held his item like Alex held his staff; comfortable yet at the ready. He wore only brown pants and shoes. His upper body was covered in sweat and dirt. He was a well built middle aged man who looked around five-and-forty years. “Can I help you, Sir?”
“I hope so. I was wondering if there is a water source nearby. Myself and my companions have been journeying for a very long time and we haven’t found any water sources all day.” Alex’s empty skin was proof of his words and his pounding headache told him how dehydrated he really was.
“Aye, there is a stream a few minutes in that direction.” He pointed past the stalls. “Is there anything else I might be able to offer?”
“Aye, just one last thing. We are on our way to the Central City. Do you know how far away we are and are there any local trails and roads that’ll get us out of the forest?”
He smiled. “You’re headed for the execution of Lily of the Blood Moon, correct?” Alex nodded after only a brief hesitation. “I knew it. The Royal Guard has extended an open invitation for all too witness what happens when you disobey and disrupt proper civil order. If I may ask, why are you going?”
He has been preparing himself during their travels for just such a question like this. Alex faked his anger as he balled his fist until the knuckles were white. “The general she killed was my eldest cousin.”
“So you are really looking forward to seeing justice being done. Alright then…” he became cheerful which only made Alex’s anger real because the man actually thought she was really was a nuisance. “There are many paths that all lead to the prison in Central City. There is a road from my property that leads to the main road. We are about nine to ten days journey away.” He pointed to a shaded road between his home and the stalls. He picked up his item and rested it across his shoulders. “Good luck on the rest of your journey and I hope her execution soothes the pain she had inflicted upon you.”
“Thank you for your hospitality.” As he turned to walk away so did Alex.
Once he returned to the group, they were all still right where he last left them. Marlin stood but the others were still relaxing. “What did you find out?”
“There is a water source over there and we can now follow and take roads all the way to the city. The farm he has is too small to ask for a proper meal so we’ll still manage like usual.” Alex then looked at Clift and said “Your freedom will be granted in just a few more days.”
His dark brown eyes began glistening. “Really? Our journey is almost over?” His eyes went out of focus as he neighed to himself “I’m almost free…” He neighed again and quickly stood. Their eyes met as he said excitedly “What are we waiting for? Let’s get a drink and get moving.”
They all laughed at the new mood of Clift as he started prancing just after Alex pointed him in the direction of the water. They followed as he led the way and he was almost trotting through the trees.
They all finally sated themselves with a great drink from the clear stream and Alex’s headache subsided a few minutes later. They stayed there for an hour to make sure they could drink as much as possible as well as eat a small snack.
Once finished, they skirted around the farm so that the man wouldn’t spot them. They found the well used trail he spoke of and they began running again. It wasn’t until nightfall did they find the main road heading north northeast. It was all dirt so that was good because they could run and Clift’s running wouldn’t create too much noise like it did on the stone road. It didn’t mean he was silent though.
The next morning Clift was still energetic as he woke the pack up to keep running. They all knew why he wanted to keep going, but Alex had to warn him about being too impulsive. They were well within enemy territory. He didn’t like being told to relax but didn’t voice his objections.
Once they were repacked, they ran practically unhindered for the next three days. That was until the roads started holding other wandering travelers and locals. They then started walking in the forest for camouflage, while remaining parallel to the dirt road. They weren’t spotted the first time as they trekked for the next four full days.
As night fell on the fourth day, they finally arrived at Central City. They could see it in the distance and it was…something.
The four of them stood at the tree line while looking at the expansive scenery. It was a horrible sight. The city had deforested all the trees surrounding the city for nearly five leagues. All that any of them could see of nature were stumps from where large and healthy trees once called home. The ground had been heavily trodden and even the grass had only just begun to grow again. There was a trampled flower off by a stump. The ground was wet from a recent shower and the dirt had turned into dark mud.
The city itself was like the trade city of Nicronane because it was surrounded by stone walls. It was just as, if not larger than Trade City. One entrance could barely be seen into the city and it was on the main road. Tiny dots of moving lights exposed the patrolling guards and torches walking along the top of the walls and Alex realized that if there were ever a breach they could easily spot the escapees from the deforested land. Inside the city were two enormous buildings rising above the protective wall. One was made of stone and the other was half the size and made mostly of wood. The details were difficult to distinguish because of the vast distance, but Alex knew that the stone building held the prisoners. Lily was a prisoner. But not for long if they weren’t already too late.
Once they were finished scanning the darkness Alex turned to complete the bargain that had been struck over two months ago. “Clift, come over here.”
He trotted up. “What is it, Alex?”
He pointed at the city with his staff. “That is the prison we struck the agreement upon. You have fulfilled your duty with honor. Now it is time for my end of the contract.” He walked to Clift’s side and took off the cloth saddle and Marlin’s pack. He sat both down on some dry sand and patted his chestnut colored ribs. “You got Marlin here safely and now you are free.”
Clift’s large eyes began watering as he looked down at the honorable human. He tested the words on his lips. “I’m free… I can do whatever I want?” He reared up and neighed with joy “I’M FREE!!!” He dropped back down and then rubbed his head against the human he can speak with. Alex’s spirits lifted knowing he was going to do whatever he wanted from now on. Clift leaned back and looked at each one of them one last time. “Thank you.”
Clift turned away and ran into the forest. He was now free to do as he wished and was no longer a piece of property.
Shade and Marlin watched as he left, both smiled.
“You two find a place to rest until in the morning. I have something I need to do.” Alex reached into his pocket and walked out into the dark field. They did as he said and disappeared into the trees.
Jogging for three leagues was easy under the starry sky until he stopped between the trees and the city. He pulled out one of the four nuts from his pocket. This was part of the agreement with the Xeal lord and the objectives were met. This place was destroyed by deforestation and the soil was still good for growth.
His staff easily dug a hole into the ground until it was a four inches deep. He placed the first nut into the soil and covered it up. He then turned around to head back to the trees, but before he left there came a cracking sound. When he turned around there was a tiny green sprout protruding from the ground from where Alex planted the seed. It had already begun to grow so quickly.
Returning to the safety of the trees, Shade found his brother and led him to where they found shelter.
Completely hidden in the woods was a small clearing with an apple tree and a clean running stream; teaming with fish. Marlin had already started a fire pit so it would be more difficult to
spot and had a trout cooking over the flames. He was still fishing when they arrived. The two had found a paradise in the woods of their enemies. Alex thought before Marlin said “It will be done cooking soon.”
After Alex knocked down four perfectly ripened apples with his staff, they ate a filling meal. He didn’t realize how hungry he was because he soon ate seven apples by himself along with a fillet of cooked fish. Marlin was almost the same way, but he ate almost all of his sixth apple. Shade ate eleven apples and four fillets before finally admitting that he too was also full.
During the night Marlin asked “Do you want to shave before you go to sleep? It’s been nearly four weeks since you last shaved and the only thing I can recognize are your gray eyes.” He held up his cleaned fillet knife with the handle pointed to Alex.
“Nay, I’ve been thinking about that.” He laid the knife down to listen. “I think I should act differently while we search the city in the morning. I’ll pretend to have a bad back and require the use of my staff. They won’t dare think of hurting a man who’s lame and not a threat, their duty won’t allow them to harm a man without orders from their superior. I know how to look defeated because I grew up itemless and I don’t need to pretend all that much. I will look haggard and since I am going to pretend to be lame, I hired myself a weapon’s class mercenary to guard me from bandits on my long journey to see the execution personally. It will be foolproof and easy enough to pull off.”
Marlin grinned and twirled his collapsed rod in his hand. “And I’m that mercenary.” They both laughed at the plan.
It was so erroneous it just had to work.
Marlin then asked what Shade is going to do in the morning and laughed as Alex told him the rest of the arrangement. The rest of the night the three of them went over the plan, many times.
Now it was time to test our nerves. Alex though before sleep took over.
Once it was morning they began the middle part of their hasty journey.