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Ra' van (Book Three of the Items Trilogy) Page 7

“How are Sean and Shay?” he asked quietly while Lily and Shade stood near Janken’s figure.

  She nodded and crossed her arms beneath her breasts. “They are unharmed. Sean grabbed his sister and did as he was told and took her into the small pocket behind the bench. My petals protected all of us. After Mary threw her items she jumped behind the wall and used her body as another barrier for the children. Then we moved away…”

  “Lord Alex,” Janken gained their attention. “Allahandra is grateful for the timely warning and is hurriedly trying to contact the other ships. She says she is grateful for the warning and hopes she makes it in time. My item has reached its limit. We will reunite in a week’s time. Be safe, Prin…” and the mirror dust began floating away and back to the user.

  It took four days to return the battleship back to the designated village. Six-and-fifty battleships had been captured, but four boats lost contact and are assumed destroyed. When the information got out about the loss of men, women and four established packs were told there was a day of mourning. To honor the lives of those who were lost the packs returned to the small hidden village within the bay and swam. None frolicked, but all remembered those who were lost in the pursuit of a great goal.

  Chapter 4

  The Freelan and Alluan alliance arrived at the village on schedule and although many looked worn out from the long travels spirits remained relatively high, especially after learning they didn’t have to walk the entire trip. Jakz wasn’t particularly pleased that he wasn’t informed of the plans surrounding the capturing of the battleships, but understood that soldiers weren’t always told everything, especially with enemy spies around every corner. Allahandra stayed both pleased with the results on how many were captured while also grieving over the others who were lost somewhere in the great lake, never to return.

  Many of the Grizon and Beran were all joyful as they had fun toying and fighting the retreating mass of men, before the entire army turned to meet up at the lake. They had done several night missions and took out another two thousand reported fighters. But when they eventually heard that their brothers in paws were lost they too held a time of mourning.

  It took another week before a Fury flew into camp and said a fleet of ships were sailing in this direction. From the descriptions it was Allahandra’s battleships and five transports.

  Another day passed before they arrived together at port showing signs of a tough battle somewhere along the journey. Non-item ballista’s were placed strategically on the Alluan battleships for defense, something the Water Guard didn’t do. The only thing they had in common were their size, but Alluan ships were more narrow and could cut through the water more quickly. Standard green and black colors of Alluan sails were ripped in places, masts seemed cracked or broken entirely and many charred boards and shattered hulls showed extensive damage. But in all they survived being decimated and only lost one cargo ship. The fleet admiral gave a personal, detailed report to Allahandra saying “My queen, our battleships survived the onslaught, but a transport sunk in the initial strike. If not for your quick thinking and good fortune we would have surely been lost. Halving the enemy fleet saved many of my men’s lives. We were able to inflict considerable damage to the opposition and have them leave to lick their wounds. We wouldn’t have stood a chance without you whittling their foothold upon the water. Our ships were lucky to nevertheless be able to continue and arrive here.”

  “You and your men deserve time and rest and it is granted.” Allahandra said. “I already have ordered men to begin repairs and they have estimated that we will be ready to set sail in two days time.”

  “Your offer is tempting, my queen,” The dark skinned admiral admitted respectfully. “but as the fleet commander I have a responsibility to oversee anything that has to do with my ships. Please excuse me to see that the repairs are being done correctly. That be alright, ya?”

  She inclined her head and gave a small smile. He returned it before stepping out of the room and get back to work.

  “Alex, I have been told a few hours ago that the Akaror that has been harassing Shalm’s village has been found and taken care of. It was spotted when the last of the forces with Rakkian and Beta were headed this way.”

  He sighed and told Shade the good news.

  The next day Kallel said he had business and their family couldn’t travel with the fleet so they said their goodbyes before obligations would make it impossible to do so at a later time.

  By the morning of the second day all ships were repaired and by noon were boarded by everyone who chose to fight. The two thousand war captives were left behind with six hundred guards, who would march them back into Alluan to be held until the war came to an end and would only then be released.

  As the sails were lowered and the ships began pulling away from shore did they make a wedged formation. Alluan battleships led the way with Water Guard ships protecting the sides and back of the formation. The large transports remained protected in the center.

  Now one of the major faces of this long and deadly mission, Alex was asked by the fleet admiral to join him in the lead battleship. Allahandra and Rakkian remained protected on a transport ship, but they were all easily able to be contacted by the Fury who loved flying over the water and using the masts and rails for roosting. It wasn’t much of a problem so Alex and The Pack remained together on the lead ship, but Niranene and Krum decided to join up. With not much to do except enjoy each other’s company on the large ship, they did just that.

  A week into the long trip across Point Lake Alex began getting back into the habit of doing morning exercises. Instead of two stone boulders for strength retention Alex lifted two, two hundred pound iron vats and began doing as he was taught. Both men and women watched his movements that to them seemed like a dance. After weight training and altering his strength and heat did he begin a complex series of poses designed to maximize the body’s flexibility. And when he asked some crew members he had some volunteer so that he could practice honing his Dominance. Lily was usually the first to do so and pushed him hard to master it. He admired her firm passion to push limits.

  Since there wasn’t much to do most of the time, many of the crew began following Alex in stretching, seeing as how it was impossible for anyone to keep up with his physical strength training. Women were naturally more flexible than men during the morning stretches, but it didn’t stop any from trying and enjoying the experience. Even Lily, Niranene and Marlin got into the habit of following him. Although Lily stood tall and muscular, Alex knew just how flexible she was and her aptitude in following his lead seemed to get better. Marlin once made an innuendo about how he’d like to use some of these poses on Niranene in their cabin, but when it doesn’t concern her remarkable healing abilities she becomes astonishingly shy. When he said that aloud she was doing a pose that stretched a person’s center of gravity as far forward as possible and the unexpected interruption caused her to stumble and fall flat on her face.

  Niranene said to Marlin in mortification “What is wrong with you? What we do privately should be done when we are alone… not around for others to hear.”

  “Lighten up.” Lily said as she wiped a sheen of sweat from her brow and grinned manically. Alex stood straight when she grabbed his bottom in front of everyone. “Trust me Niranene, you should try what Marlin suggested. I can tell you some of these forms really hits the spot in the bedroom. I can guarantee it.”

  Her expression went scarlet while some of the other men around began laughing. She became even more quiet as Lily began laughing musically.

  Alex then grabbed Lily’s bottom and she squeaked before elbowing him in the ribs, gaining another round of laughter.

  Then Niranene had enough and a dark, humorous side of her surfaced. “Be careful Lily. If what you say is true and these maneuvers do hit the spot, be sure it isn’t the one that gets you pregnant. You don’t want to lose your figure, right?”

  This singular comment stopped Lily cold and her rare purple eyes w

  Niranene walked away slowly, swaying her hips in triumphant revenge.

  Lily eventually unfroze and cracked her neck and knuckles. “If anyone will be with child first it will be you.” Niranene stopped cold and the crew went quiet.

  Alex and Marlin looked at each other and began backing away, not feeling like they wanted to interfere with a fight they knew they’d lose.

  The others aboard were in a likewise predicament. They knew the level five healer Niranene’s reputation as a great healer, but her items weren’t one to be desired while the level five warrior Lily was one of the most deadly warriors there were. It was undesirable and suicide to interfere. Many began backing away, but were unable to leave or stop from listening in.

  Blue eyes met amethyst and only the creaks of the boat made any noise for a time. Niranene pulled her long brown hair back over her shoulder and Lily tucked a white lock behind an ear. “How about this, the first to conceive loses and the winner gets to order the other to do any one thing, no matter the cost or humiliation?”

  Lily turned her beautiful features towards Alex and Marlin and they saw her smile of mirth. She returned her gaze. “Very well, but with one more condition we both must abide by.”

  “And that would be?” Niranene crossed her arms beneath her impressive bust.

  “Since it is a competition we cannot cheat by withholding intimacy with our men or continue to use any form of contraceptives. I know you’ve been mixing your own medicine to prevent such a circumstance just as you’ve been doing for me.”

  “You only say that because you can’t keep your hands to yourself.”

  “What of it?” Lily mocked. “It pleases me greatly, so why should I not indulge in the bliss? Would you starve Marlin in the bed chamber just to have it easy in our wager?”

  Niranene met her fiancé’s eyes. “Fine, I’ll accept the condition.”

  “And I accept your terms.” Then she spoke overly sweetly. “Good luck.”

  “You too.” And Niranene walked away.

  Marlin whispered “Remind me to thank Lily later for her intervention. She knew Niranene well enough to know she’d never let me get that intimate if this wager stayed in effect. At least till Lily lost and she won.” Then he sighed and walked off to speak with Niranene.

  With the end of the drama Lily came close and whispered in Alex’s ear “I can’t wait until we’re off the ship to try a few new forms.”

  “You know, we’ve never spoke about it, but how many children would you like?” He asked seriously when everyone left and the session was over for the day. Shade and Ava were doing something else and didn’t need to hear about this.

  A shift in the breeze brought Lily’s seductive scent of sweet salt like that of a sea breeze. She too spoke seriously. “Alex, you’re the first man I’ve truly fallen in love with and the only one I’ve enjoyed in me. When I understood that, I wondered about our children, if we ever had any. I didn’t know if I wanted any, but after playing with Shay I knew I wanted one of my own. If I’m able to conceive after all my training in the King’s Guard and my time in prison didn’t break my womb I’ll have as many as I’m granted. I never had a family before meeting you, but now I want a big one.” She grabbed his hand. “One with you.”

  Alex kissed her and then said “If you want a larger family I’ll happily oblige.”

  Then her evil grin came back. “And the pleasures to begin those lives will be looked forward to.” And together they laughed and looked forward to whom would win and lose the wager.

  Three enemy cutters suddenly appeared to the far south three days later and put everyone on edge. What made matters worse is that the Fury patrols didn’t find them till this morning. Somehow someone had an item capable of completely camouflaging three entire Water Guard ships, the water they displaced and the wakes they created. And to further add insult to prided injury of Alluan’s fleet came a question. Why did the ships decide to reveal themselves now?

  Ava and five other Fury volunteered to go and see what the ships were up to and upon her return she said they were simply sailing away at the same speed as the Alluan fleet and they couldn’t see anything else out of the ordinary.

  Already Alex and the other war council members boarded Allahandra’s transport and could sense the anxiety building. Allahandra decided to give Alex and his pack a permanent place on the council not only since he loosely commanded the fiends, but also because he became a dear friend with great insight as well as another legitimate royal heir.

  Not one person saw this coming, not even Angie and that caused worry enough. While the ships continued to sail towards the southwestern shore a private meeting was held on the ship with a full war council to discuss the uneasy situation. The feel of the meeting stayed tense and had all on edge, but facing a crisis was commonplace and Allahandra’s perpetual serenity quelled many from causing outbursts during the meeting. She had everyone else keeping an eye on the horizon for any who dare to try and attack a fleet of fully manned battleships.

  After an hour of indecision and vague solutions Marlin decided to go fishing again as that had always calmed his mind. While the ships continued sailing he closed his eyes while leaning against the cabin and allowed the cool wind and shade to ease away the problems of the world. While the hook stayed baited and the dark bobber floated on the surface behind the ship he could feel everything beneath the water as if it were an extension of his own natural senses. Several curious fish came near the bait and he drew in the line slowly through the tip of the extended cane with but a thought, teasing and enticing the simple minded creatures. Currents were impossible to see with the naked eye, but his item’s specialty could feel them as if they were a breeze and a flag could tell in which direction it came from. Debris moved with the water, but with his item actively fishing, the nearby ships weighed heavily on the item’s extended senses. Even without looking Marlin could tell exactly where each ship floated thanks to the great reach of the item he had been born with.

  Inside the cabin Marlin could hear faintly that they still weren’t done understanding the enemy plan. Suddenly he sensed something abnormal within the water, at the furthest reaches that his item could allow. It was something he’s never seen before and just the foreboding feel of them sent chills down his spine and the way they moved sent his heart racing in fear.

  Marlin’s blue eyes flew open and made him disoriented for a moment until he saw Clift laying down by his side, fast asleep. When he knew which way was which Marlin jumped up while rapidly withdrawing his item. In three seconds the line sucked through the cane’s russet tip and collapsed into a foot long rod. Marlin ran pass several warriors who were instantly on guard after seeing his distress. He flew around the front yelling “STOP THE SHIPS! STOP THE SHIPS!”

  Two Beran male lords and a Shadow Fang gave a warning growl and their human counterparts drew weapons at his swift approach and he stopped while kicking himself for forgetting protocol. None got anywhere near Allahandra by running to where she held council. He stopped cold as three pairs of predatory eyes looked down upon him as if he were a tasty morsel and three calm human eyes waited for him to dare take another step.

  Alex burst through the cabin doors with his sword drawn and growled. One of the Beran rumbled and growled back and Alex turned to meet Marlin’s gaze. “What is the matter?! I hear you yelling and about to become their meal all within a few seconds.” He pointed to the three deadly predators with the blade.

  Marlin placed pointed towards the south, where they continued sailing. “Alex, we need to stop the fleet. Something is in the water!”

  “What is going on out there?” Rakkian ordered as he too came out from the cabin with his brandished battleaxe.

  “LISTEN TO ME!” Marlin shouted loud enough to call all attention to himself. “Something is in the water and we need to stop because we’re headed right for it. Were heading into a trap!”

  “Are you sure?” The general asked in a low tone.

nbsp; “He wouldn’t have stirred everyone up if he didn’t have a reason.” Alex answered while also backing his friend up. “Allahandra!” He yelled into the dark orange glow of the cabin. “Can I give the order to stop all the ships?”

  Her voice came weaker, further away, but no less clear. “If you must believe we should, do it.”

  He looked at Marlin one last time and saw all the resolution he required. True fear is hard to fake, especially for a joyful person. The men aboard turned in his immediate direction as a chirping, shrieking sound erupted from his throat. All nearby Fury began yelling back and flying to all ships. They flew in front of each ship and although they only managed to simply fly in place it looked as if they were humans gesturing for everyone to stop.

  To further quicken efforts Alex yelled “Everyone! Put your hands over your ears!” and as those aboard did as ordered he turned his head skyward and strengthened his stomach muscles and diaphragm. It has been some time since he’s done this and the effects would be undesirable, but needed at this time. Forcing air through his throat at a tremendous rate by using a Furion’s abilities Alex increased his ability to yell like that of a Fury, but without the inherent ability to render others unconscious “BY ORDER OF ALLAHANDRA! STOP THE FLEET IMMEDIATELY AND RAISE THE SAILS!” and then he doubled over and began coughing.

  For everyone aboard it was as if they could feel the impact of his words reverberate through every fiber of their bodies. He clutched his throat as the pain of using his voice to its maximum had a painful price to be paid. Then he spat blood from the coughing as yelling to such an extent made his throat raw.

  Many looked upon him warily, but did as ordered.

  “Someone get me a cup of cold water!” Lily ordered as she came out and looked at Alex carefully. When none moved she said dangerously “Do as I say!” One frightened woman went below to do so. His lover came closer and waited until the heat rolling off his body dissipated before she attempted to touch his throat. “Cannot talk can you?”