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Furion's Trials (Book Two of the Items Trilogy) Page 5
Furion's Trials (Book Two of the Items Trilogy) Read online
Page 5
“We arrived here almost three hours ago.” He stated tranquilly. Shade met Alex’s astonished stare and both dropped their heads again to groan.
This was unreal. When they found the plains they covered such a vast distance in such a short time? They stopped here just after midday while we ran throughout it. Alex thought. They were both overwhelmed yet again. Would we ever achieve such power and speed? Could we ever hope to reach their strength in a single year? Either we will or we’d collapse in the attempt. This endeavor seemed more demanding than Alex could have ever have imagined and there was so much more in store.
Alex’s muscles continued to remain fatigued, but his breath eventually evened to a regular rhythm. Fighting through the exhaustion he managed to sit up under the watchful gaze of Gerieg. Gerieg was silent as he removed his arms from the straps of his pack and empty skins. Then the staff remained behind as he crawled on his hands and knees to reach Shade.
Shade remained on his side, oblivious to the approach. He eventually reacted when Alex placed his hands upon his thick shoulder by lifting his head, looked at him and placed it on the grass again to continue panting. His body remained hot and his muscles quivered uncontrollably under Alex’s palm. Shade was more worn out than first believed and required help. Knowing how to ease his overheated and pained muscles, Alex started by pressing deeply on his muscles and began massaging the large limbs.
Over the course of the next hour, none spoke. Alex didn’t stop rubbing Shade’s muscles until he quit shaking from the full day’s exhausting run. When one side of him was rubbed out Shade listened to his elder brother by rolling over upon his other side to allow him to begin working out the stressed frame. While massaging, his breathing also began to relax and soon he was content to breathe through his snout.
During the session the sun had all but vanished from the horizon and night had begun to dissipate the heat in the air.
“Thank you, Alex.” Shade said, rolling onto his belly and lifting his large head to fix his golden gaze upon him. “I’m feeling better now.”
“I’m glad.” Alex said while rolling back off his heels to sit on his rear.
Their eyes closed for only a few seconds until Gerieg walked over. “Alex, I need for both you and Shade to go for a swim.”
“Master?” Alex asked, opening his weary eyes to see him standing over them both.
In a calm and sure tone he said “Do as I say. It will help to cool each of you further and lessen your fatigue. I’m not asking to overexert yourself, just take a relaxing swim. As your master, you must heed my advice.”
“Yes, Master.” Shade said, forcing himself to stand. His legs shook from the strain and Alex was uncertain if he could succeed in the attempt, but determination prevailed as he reached his full height. His head and tail hung low, still reeling from the work he did today.
“Aye,” Alex said while finding it just as difficult to find his own balance.
Together the two of them walked from the fire lit clearing and made their way through the sparse trees until they walked less than fifty yards, to the clear pond. With what energy they had remaining they didn’t dive or jump into the water, but decided to walk in it slowly. Before Alex walked too far out he slipped off his brown tunic and tossed it on the bank. When he turned around, Shade submerged almost all of his body, but felt content to stand on the floor, keeping his head above the surface. By the time they joined back together Alex floated on his back, swimming backwards slowly with his arms. Shade walked along the bottom to stay by his side.
Gerieg was right, this was precisely what was needed. The water was cool and their bodies cooled off much faster. Even Alex’s tense muscle in his body began loosening with each gentle stroke. Shade’s expression mirrored his and he too was glad to do this. Before either of them knew it, their rough day’s journey had dissipated from their bodies and they were renewed to a certain extent. The peaceful scenery also lifted the fog from their minds. The stars above twinkled clearly and the crickets and other insects filled the water with their calming music.
“Come back on in, you two.” Sheer said in a motherly way. It took Alex a moment to swim upright and find her perched in one of the pine trees.
They decided she was right and they managed to make it to the bank again with little effort. Though the swim eased the heated pain, when their full body weight returned on land they were still exhausted. Sheer swooped down from her perch and landed in the camp. Alex scooped up his shirt and made way back with Shade by his side.
When they reentered the camp, a large leather bag lay beside Elo as he rested as he had the night before. Alex wondered what was inside, but his gaze drifted to the others. Sheer was preening her tail feathers by the fire and Kikren sat across from her looking visibly refreshed. He had shaved his jaw, brushed his grey hair and donned another servant’s suit, exactly like what he wore earlier this morning. Gerieg sat beside Elo, but had removed his red cape and had placed his ornate sword over the folded cloth. Without the cape, the older man looked even more daunting as an opponent.
Alex didn’t want to think much more on that so he moved over to his pack that hadn’t been moved and retrieved the hand-brush. Meant for horses, Alex used the brush to stroke Shade’s wet coat. He enjoyed the feel of the brush, though the bristles couldn’t reach his skin because of the armored ability the Big Three shared. Shade’s fur tightens into an armor stronger than steel the further an object gets to his flesh.
It took ten minutes to brush him and once Alex finished he laid down in the grass, groaning in relief. He replaced the brush and grabbed a fresh black tunic from the pack, put it on and sat beside Shade. When he sat in pure relief his hopes were that he didn’t take up too much of their time. They each looked only at Alex with a calm gaze, like this was common.
When the silence between the groups stretched for too long Kikren stood and asked “Lord Alex, would you and Shade like to have your evening meal?”
Knowing how famished they both were he said “That would be more than welcome.”
He smiled approvingly and walked over to the leather bag situated beside Elo. Kikren hefted it, showing it carried a large weight and brought it over to their side. He placed it before them and opened the mouth of the bag to reveal it filled with ripe peaches and grapes. It was an appetizing display and Shade couldn’t help himself by asking “Where did you find these?”
Kikren smiled. “Lady Sheer is invaluable when searching for food. When she found these trees and vines I went with Master Elo to collect them. The patches of fruit were not but three leagues north from here.”
Alex glanced at Shade and wondered just how much endurance the masters have exactly. They not only exceeded Shade’s speed to reach this place, but also had plenty of spare time to search for food. The brothers were lacking on so many levels and proved once again how inept they actually are.
Kikren pulled a knife from his boot and handed it over along with a large peach. He said “Use this to dig the pit out for Shade to eat. I washed the blade but only a few minutes before you arrived here. Eat what you will, there is plenty for the both of you. We have already eaten our fill.”
Alex gave his thanks for the both of them again, but it seemed insufficient a gratitude for such hospitality.
After eating his second peach and third bundle of sweet tasting grapes and Shade had his thirtieth pitted peach, Gerieg finally spoke from across the low burning fire. “Shade, are you still in pain?”
He licked his chops and retorted “Not anymore, but I am still drained.”
“That is good.” Then he turned his icy blue eyes upon Alex. “You did well by working on your partner. Though you were in the same state as he, you saw to his needs before your own. I would have been disappointed if you didn’t help him though he carried you so far and had done so much. Nevertheless, you must always help those who aid you in your life. That is a common courtesy that many have forgotten. And never forget this, your partner is like an extension of you, if t
hey die, so too does apart of yourself.”
“Master Gerieg,” Shade spoke when he took a breath. “you keep saying partner, partner, partner. Why do you refer to me as such? We are brothers not partners like you keep stating.”
Gerieg shook his head slowly and smiled. “I do not mean to offend you, Shade. I’m referring you as a partner because I’m speaking to Alex as an elder Furion. You must see it from our traditions. Furions have always been special and able to speak with fiends and the other creatures of this world. We have a connection with them that no other human will ever be capable of achieving. As such, we make unbreakable bonds with the world’s creatures. Every Furion has always had a partner that they share their life with. You and Alex are partners, bonded through the friendship as brothers and forged as one through your adventures and hardships.” Then Gerieg patted Elo’s muscled shoulder and Alex realized how serious the conversation they were having actually was. Elo kept his calm expression only on the young ones, even after the touch. “When I was two years old, my father had a Beran lioness as his partner. She had many cubs and she wanted me to have her youngest cub as my partner. Elo was her last cub she ever had before she became barren, but she lived up to the day my father passed from old age. Elo will be my lifelong partner until the day we pass on to the next life.
“The bond between Furions and their partners is like a marriage.” Shade and Alex glanced at each other and chuckled at the wording and imagery it created, but Gerieg went on without being bothered by their sense of humor. “Though we live independently, we are connected on a level that cannot be described by mere words. What we are about to tell you will not hinder your training, but keep in mind you may not tell this secret to many people except the rare few you trust with your life. Do you swear?”
“I swear.” Both of them said simultaneously and sincerely.
He nodded, but it was Elo who spoke next to Shade. “The partnership the two of you share will be unlike any other you will ever experience. A partner’s link to their master will extend their lives beyond that of nature’s original plan.” It now made sense on how Elo could have lived so long. It filled Alex with hope that Shade would live longer and they would be together like always. “Though it has been known for a partner to live beyond the life of their Furion, it was a half-life. Usually those that lived on had a task they needed to complete, but they were never truly themselves ever again. Many partners followed behind their masters into the next life for they cannot stand to be separated. Usually starvation or suicide claims the life of the partner who lost their lifelong friend. Furions usually have two partners, but the number of partners has no bounds, but to the individual fiend partner, their Furion is their only home of true happiness. Though I have my lionesses whom I love dearly and have had many cubs, my life belongs to Gerieg first and foremost. I would gladly give my life to see no harm comes to him.”
“It is the same with me.” Sheer said lovingly and nuzzled her large head against Gerieg’s shoulder. She closed her eyes as he stroked her back. When she opened her eyes again she focused on Shade. “Gerieg has only us as partners, but yesterday you asked a question that cannot be answered lightly. When Elo said you’re a fiend lord, you asked how it could happen. In almost every case a Furion brings about a change to those around him or her.” She then clicked her beak before saying “Fiends that remain close to a Furion usually grow into lords. We know not why this change happens, but it is common for fiends to become fiend lords when coming in proximity to one such as Gerieg, or like you Alex. We think it has to do with the relationship as partners. We fiends become lords to better protect our Furion.” She said and smiled. “It is rarer for wild fiends to become lords by themselves, but it isn’t unheard of.”
Shade began grinning at Elo. They could all tell what he was thinking. Since he still had more growing to do, he could now have a fighting chance to achieve his goals of besting Elo.
Then she continued, changing the flow of the atmosphere. “Last night you explained, Shade, how Alex was hurt and almost died several days ago. How did you feel about seeing him in such a state?” her sharp eyes saw him visibly shudder from just thinking about it again. Shade was unable to say anything, but his look of despair said it all. “So now you understand why you knew beyond any doubt you would have died if Alex had. Do not tell anyone this secret for if they want to get rid of you they simply need to kill your master because you’ll not be far behind.”
After hearing all of this, hundreds of thoughts coursed through Alex, but not from the last statement Sheer made. It linked with other questions and thoughts he’s had bottled up inside, but this time he couldn’t stop himself from stating this sudden realization. “So that is why you’ve sealed yourself off from the world, Master.” Gerieg’s eyes widened at his words, but he remained motionless until Alex elaborated. “You have been surrounding yourself with fiends for years to create an army of fiend lords.” Gerieg cold look added to the rampant thoughts. “The reason you’ve yet to strike is because you’ve been biding your time to strengthen those lords and have the means to strike a serious blow against our common enemy. But I do have a question.”
“Your observations are frightening to behold, but what you have said has been the upmost truth. What is this question that eludes you?” Gerieg said in a tight tone, trying to betray little.
“Why is it that you’ve waited so long to fight? You are so powerful. What are you waiting on?”
At the questions he seemed to have aged another twenty years. His shoulders hunched and his expression drew grim. He wasn’t alone, both Sheer and Elo placed a comforting wing and paw on him for support. “That question” Gerieg began, selecting his words very carefully. “cannot be answered just quite yet. There is still much you must understand before I can even begin to speak upon that subject. Please do not ask that again until I volunteer it.”
“But, Maste…” Alex began, but it was Shade who stopped him by pressing the side of his bulky head against his. In a solemn deep voice he said “Alex, we will wait as he says.” Then he turned his head back to the masters. “May I ask a question then?”
“Speak.” Gerieg said in a cautious tone.
Now it was Shade who carefully chose his words. “If I am Alex’s partner and Masters Elo and Sheer are yours, then what kinds of partners does Runkamon have?”
“Though the answer is simple, the expectations you strive for will be difficult to comprehend. You wish to know your enemy so that you can increase your chances of victory, but the enemy is more frightening than you are, Shade.” Gerieg took a deep steadying breath. “My son has two partners, last I heard. Like me he has a Fury lord who goes by the name Rake. He is slightly larger than Sheer and stronger though they are brother and sister.” Sheer shot Gerieg an irritated look, but he didn’t stop. “Though they are siblings she is faster and more agile.” That seemed to please her because she ruffled her feathers before settling in a comfortable position. “They’ve fought seriously only once, but that was many, many years ago.” Then he swallowed dryly for what he was about to say still frightened him. “Although Rake is a king of the sky, Runkamon’s most deadly weapon would be Jerkin, for he is a Makkian.”
Alex choked on a breath and Shade went completely rigid. A Makkian? Why did it have to be that abominable fiend? The blood drained from his face and Alex felt cold all over once again. Shade’s ears dropped in defeat and let a whine pass through his muzzle and he was just as frightened as his elder brother.
Seeing their distress Elo said “So neither of you are truly that foolish to think you could fight one of his kind. Tell me, how do you know of the Makkian? For if you saw one I’d suspect you would be dead already. They are almost always hungry and aren’t particular when it comes to a meal.”
It was Shade who answered. “We read about them in a book. For they are the third of the Big Three” another short whine escaped. “and the most deadly.”
“You are correct.” Gerieg said. “But what book did you
Shade looked to Alex for help and he patted his shoulder. Leaning forward Alex explained slowly “My uncle gave me a book called: How the World Changed Forever. In that we learned much.”
Gerieg grinned. “That is an old one. I’m surprised there was another copy still laying around. I expected them all to be destroyed by now. Tell me, what are the qualities of the Makkian?”
“Like Shade and Elo, the Makkian has saber-like fangs and impenetrable fur, but that is all they have in common. After the gifts were given to man, from the Ancients, the Makkian diverted from the predator called a tiger which no longer exists. They are the largest, strongest and deadliest among the Big Three, especially as lords. They have orange and black stripes and they have retractable claws.” Alex’s attention diverted momentarily as Elo extended his sharp opaque claws from the pads in his feet. “Their unique abilities include the talent to breathe fire because of a highly combustible substance located in their mouth. The substance reacts to air by igniting into flame. Their sweat can create a white mist that can blind their opponent and render their sense of smell useless and blind opponents because the mist obscures ones sight…”
Gerieg clapped which startled both him and Shade. “Very good,” He said with a cheerful tone. “Your memory is perfect for recounting the texts.” Then he smiled, sober. “Aye, my son has a Makkian for a partner. Rakkian found him as a cub in his eleventh year. Though they are rarest of the three, I was happy he found a partner. Unfortunately Jerkin and Rake are as twisted in their logic as my son.”
They were all silent for the next few minutes, quietly contemplating what they truly had to face. In the old book Alex remembered the largest record for a Makkian lord was standing eight feet three inches in the shoulder alone and weighing as much as six and a half thousand pounds. They were a predator, unequalled in their world. No creature dared challenge it for they would either be incinerated or killed with their natural physical abilities. It was a creature dreaded amongst all others and even told off as legend or myth to frighten young children, but to know the king had one as a partner was a cause for all opponents to dread.