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Furion's Trials (Book Two of the Items Trilogy) Page 4

  Shade said “For us to finish will take us no more than another hour.”

  “Then continue.”

  Alex nodded and explained about Central City and their rescue of Lily from the executioners. They all laughed merrily when he explained about flooding the city with its own refuse. Shade explained what he did and how they left without further incidents. Shade and Alex then told of how they entered Alluan and made their way to the Royal City. Elo looked satisfied as Alex explained about taking down General Rakkian and earning the queen’s favor to become her vassal.

  Then Alex touched his own shoulder from the painful ordeal and Gerieg didn’t miss the motion. “What happened?” Alex explained about the battle that occurred days ago and all of the events that happened since. Alex said that he was stabbed, but Shade further elaborated on what the injuries truly looked like and how he almost died on several occasions. Gerieg listened with complete seriousness and once they completed their story he drew himself up and gained the attention of all. “Alex, stand and remove your tunic. I must see where your injuries were and what they did to your body.”

  Alex stood under the coaxing of his penetrating stare and said “Though the injuries happened only days ago I’m healed.” To prove himself he removed his tunic and stopped moving as the older man stepped forward. His silent movement was startling to see and not hear and the intensity of his stare almost froze the blood in Alex’s very veins.

  Gerieg studied him as Elo had first studied Shade. He even walked around, touching the healed points with the tips of his calloused fingers. Gerieg soon stopped before him to say calmly “Aye, you are indeed healed and your body seems to be in fit condition. You are used to physical labor and that is going to serve you well.” Then his tone became serious again. “You have been through much and your blind luck astonishes me beyond what you will ever know. If not for the quick actions to halt your blood-loss you would certainly be dead, but more than that, your recovery is mostly due in part to being a Furion. What is rare is how you healed in such a short time. To recover, untrained as you are, is rare amongst our young. Master Furions heal so quickly because of their training, but very few young ones have the innate ability to recover from such a deadly injury.” Then he turned around to his companions. “Elo, Sheer, we have heard their story and have seen visible proof of these actions. I would like to speak with you in private about certain matters that must be decided upon.” They agreed in upmost seriousness. He then turned back to say “Enough on these matters for the night. We must all rest for tomorrow we ride.”

  “Speaking of,” Shade began, still laying in the soft and lush grass. “where exactly are you taking us? We need to know where our destination truly lies.”

  Gerieg smiled politely. “This is true. Now that no prying ears can hear us, we will be traveling to the ancient home of the Furions. We will be heading east to the Shura Mountains. Once inside the mountainous ring we shall begin your training. Now please, no more questions. We need our rest for tomorrow, our pace will increase.”

  Conceding, Alex slid his tunic back on and laid back on Shade’s side. His warmth finally seemed to break the emotional cycle this night has taken. Before his eyes slid closed for the night Sheer was preening her feathers, Elo’s large head laid on its side for him to begin snoring, Gerieg slept beside Elo and Kikren laid on a bedroll beside the fire.

  Alex’s eyes opened again only a few hours after finally drifting into another dreamless sleep. The morning sun hadn’t risen yet, but the beginning streaks of light had revealed it wouldn’t be much longer. The sounds of the forest were beginning to wake as well; small creatures were scurrying along the surface, squirrels were climbing trees and songbirds began their morning routine. Shade remained sleeping peacefully on his side and Kikren hadn’t moved either, but the others weren’t where he last saw them. The three were gone.

  Uncertain if this was all a ploy, Alex grabbed his trusty staff, stood silently and made way around to Shade’s head. He knelt down and whispered in his ear “Wake up. Three of our guides aren’t here.”

  That got his attention and he quickly opened his golden eyes to scan the clearing. His lips drew back, but held back a growl. He was having the same reaction his brother was. With uncanny stealth, he rose up on all fours and silently asked in an undertone “Did you see where they went?” he shook his head. “What do you think we should do?”

  He listened and agreed with Alex’s plan.

  Together, they made their way around the smoldering fire and close to Kikren. Alex tapped the man’s foot with his staff and he awoke with a start, sitting up straight in an instant. He looked up at the tense boy and then brushed the sleep from his eyes. “Master Alex, what is the problem?”

  “Your lord and his fiends aren’t here.” He said evenly, feeling Shade’s hot breath rolling over his left shoulder.

  He looked around for himself and looked behind Master Alex’s shoulder and then to him again. He quickly realized what their conclusion was to these sudden events and how precarious his position had quickly become. He cleared his throat, tossed the covers off himself and stood. They stepped back to give him room, but not enough for this could all be a trap. He tugged at his clothes until he felt proper and only then did he address them. “Forgive me for not realizing sooner. Lord Gerieg woke me over an hour ago to explain that he and the others had to do something and they would be back soon. I expect them to arrive back shortly. Please do not feel frightened, my lord will never allow harm to befall you without him being there to protect you. He and the others have waited years for your arrival. Please rest while you can and eat the rest of the meal from last night.”

  Alex explained what he said to Shade and he said “We’ll wait, but if this gets any more suspicious I’ll spirit you back to the city before they even think about raising a claw at you.”


  Not lowering his guard Alex sat beside the warm coals and ate a few strips of the remaining meat, gave some for Shade and left the last hindquarter of the boar for the others. Kikren only ate a small amount and began packing his meager belongings. Alex did the same and was soon finished. While they waited Alex washed off in a stream and cleaned his garments, but his sibling said he was alright for now. Shade then laid by his side upon his return, watching Kikren meticulously work on his suit and clean himself.

  An hour after the sun finally lifted from the horizon did they hear something large heading in their direction. The first to enter the clearing was Elo and Sheer was perched on his back. He saw Alex and Shade standing side by side glaring at him. Then in walked Gerieg, with a full leather sack in his left hand.

  Gerieg grinned and said “Good morning, did you miss us?”

  “What were you up to?” Shade asked suspiciously.

  His blue eyes looked at Shade meaningfully as he said “Are you ready to begin your training?”

  “So you are going to begin our training? Is that why you left us without allowing us knowledge of your plans? We were just about to leave you and go our own way.” Shade asked tensely.

  Elo answered in a calming elder’s tone, but looked at the both of them. “Yes, young ones. The three of us believe the struggles in your stories to be true, but it is difficult to break from tradition that has existed for many generations. Though you are new to understanding what each of you are, you will be taught like no other before us has. Whether this program succeeds or it fails will be seen to in time. The main reason we left was on deciding how we would go about changing the training material each of you will undertake both separately and together.

  “Usually the two of you would begin your training as early teens and increase your training levels until your twentieth birthday. Only then would a Furion’s training with their elders be truly complete. Since we have but one year, your training will be so intense that I wouldn’t doubt in the coming weeks that you’ll beg for a reprieve, even death.

  “Furions and their partners train with masters to strengthen them
selves and the bonds they share. Since you are inseparable and protective of each other, the training will go somewhat smoothly, we think. If we are to train you along the way to Shura you must not disobey our methods. You must trust in our judgments that certain parts of the training must be done in a particular order or else you’d be a danger to yourself and those around you.

  “If you agree to be our pupils then you must call us Master during your training. It is disrespectful to call us by our names, without honoring our status as your teachers. You may call me Master or Master Elo; that also goes for Sheer and Gerieg as well. Do you agree to this oath of your training?”

  Shade’s golden irises turned upon Alex’s and he could see how annoyed this sudden change made him, but they had been granted what they asked for. It was hard for both of them to push their pride aside to be taught by these strangers, but their choices were limited. Without a visible cue, they turned back to the large Beran and said simultaneously “Master.” and both bowed in respect.

  Sounding pleased he said “Rise students,” and they did. “It seems you were right again, Sheer.”

  “When am I ever wrong?” She then tilted her head up and a musical giggle escaped her beak. She saw their confusion and said “Do not worry. Elo and I made a bet to see if you would be respectful to our decision. He owes me a large deer since you two bowed to him.”

  Elo groaned “Like you needed to remind me, feather-brain.”

  Then playful anger entered her predatory brown eyes as she bent down and pecked once on his shoulder. She couldn’t harm him because his yellowish coat was like Shade’s, it cannot be pierced by conventional means, but it did get his attention.

  Gerieg claimed the young ones interest by shifting his weight to his other foot. Alex looked at what he held in his hand and asked “Geire… Master Gerieg, what do you have?”

  He seemed to find the word-catch amusing, but didn’t say anything about it. He lifted the leather sack and said “Just some berries to add flavor to our meals. We found and collected them on our way back this morning.”

  “My Lord,” Kikren said calmly. “All of our supplies have been packed. Would you and the others like to eat your meal here or on our way?”

  “From the remaining portions I can see, we will eat here.” He then spoke to Elo and Sheer and the three of them divided the remaining meal. Gerieg took only a small portion of meat while Sheer took a larger piece and Elo ate the remaining, bones and all.

  Once they finished their small morning meal, took a large drink from the stream and freshened themselves, did Elo gain their attention. “The main amount of time spent on training will be focused upon you, Shade, until we reach the mountains.” Before any of them could ask what he meant he explained. “Shade, you will concentrate on increasing your speed, strength and stamina. Your species cannot match mine in raw strength, but your speed can only be surpassed by the lords of the sky. You will do your best to keep up with my pace on our journey. We will only break in our race when you collapse in utter exhaustion.”

  Shade grinned. If anything, he loved a challenge and a race was exactly what he wanted at the moment. “Are you positive you can keep up, master?”

  Elo grinned back and his tone lightened “We shall see soon, now wont we.”

  With the water skins refilled and slung over his shoulders with his pack, did Alex make his way up upon his brother’s back and secured himself. Already Kikren and Gerieg were mounted atop Elo, Sheer stood between the groups on the ground.

  Shade and Alex turned to her as she said amusingly “I wish you the best of luck today.” With that she spread her wings and lifted herself off the ground to break through the canopy. Their enthusiasm pricked the back of Alex’s neck and made him feel like they had laid a trap and Shade walked right in.

  “Are you prepared?” Elo asked with a twinkle in his large brown eyes.

  “By your lead,” Shade responded to his challenge.

  Instead of heading south like they did yesterday, Elo changed course and began leading the race due east, towards the sun.

  He started at a trot and Shade ran alongside, taunting the masters. Then Elo slowly increased his speed in timed increments. As the two of them began going faster, it was apparent to Alex just how vast their strengths are compared to their own. Elo’s large body belied the fact that his speed was astounding, but that was nothing to what he was doing. Without slowing his speed, he seemed to swim around and between the trees. He wasted not a single movement. Shade was able to match the speed, but his acceleration fluctuated when he needed to skirt around a tree. When there were bushes or saplings, the two of them dropped their head and crashed through the bramble without slowing or having their riders being harmed in their race, but that was the only similarity they shared.

  It happened very slowly, but Elo began pulling further ahead. Before either of the brothers knew it their master became even faster. Shade then began following behind, trying to copy the big cat’s moves. Then Shade reached his swiftest run yet as the trees began thinning an hour later. It seemed like he was running faster than when they brought the information to Allahandra, explaining the situation of the enemy. Though Shade was doing his best to keep up, Elo somehow became even faster as the woods slowly opened up.

  Then once they hit the open and grassy plains a half hour later, Elo’s bulk seemed to fly across the land. In less than five minutes the Beran had run beyond their keen sight. Even Sheer had disappeared.

  “This. Cannot. Be!” Shade said between heavy breaths as he continued doing his best to keep up.

  “I cannot believe it either.” Alex admitted in exasperation. “Imagine what will become of us if we took what they have to offer to heart. We didn’t know what we lacked until they showed us our incompetence. We do have much to learn.” Then he mistakenly said “Maybe you should pace yourself.”

  Shade locked his legs suddenly, almost throwing Alex clear off his back. His ribs expanded and shrunk with each and every rapid pant, obviously exhausted already. Shade’s head turned to him instantly. His tongue hung from the side of his bottom jaw, but the only thing that wasn’t worn out were his defiant eyes. He swallowed another breath and then said in the sting of his pride “I will not slow! Master Elo said we might collapse in this training. I will not dare show him weakness or that I am indolent. I will train until the day that I can outrun that Beran and show him that the Shadow Fangs have the right to keep the title of the fastest of the fiends.”

  “Then you better get going!” Alex yelled and grinned.

  Shade took their verbal energy into himself and it spurred him on in spirit. He lunged forward again and quickly caught his previous stride and darted across the flat plains of Alluan. During his run Alex asked him if he knew where he was going. He explained he was following Elo’s scent.

  Before either of them knew it he had run through the morning and most of the sweltering day. Only stopping once for a brief time to drink both skins dry and then resumed his losing challenge.

  It wasn’t until an hour and a half before nightfall did they see a thin column of white smoke and several small bumps far in the distance, but there was a large bird circling overhead and they recognized it to be Sheer. It took Shade another ten minutes to bring them upon their masters, hidden in a small grove of trees.

  The two of them were overly exhausted as they made it to the camp site. They set up camp by a small pond surrounded by small willow and pine trees. Sheer spiraled down from the expansive sky and landed beside Elo and Gerieg. Kikren tended to the fire, acting oblivious to their arrival.

  When Shade finally stopped running all of his muscles were shaking throughout his body and his panting had remained ragged. Knowing how spent he was Alex tried slipping off, but as his feet touched the land his knees buckled and fell face first into the ground. Not a moment later a larger, heavier sound collapsed behind him. Alex was barely able to hear it over his own loud breaths. He didn’t realize how much riding took out of him because his arms
felt like wet bread and his legs were even more difficult to move and pain screamed from every cell. He tried to no avail to roll over on his back.

  A cooler hand suddenly touched the back of Alex’s sweltering neck. “Rest easy… Allow me to help.” A deep and comforting voice said. Alex couldn’t respond because his breath remained short and labored, but his receptive body told the person he could. To Alex’s relief he felt a strong grasp roll him onto his back and it was Gerieg who helped him over.

  Sudden worry for Shade flared inside Alex and he was barely able to manage to raise his head high enough to see Shade laying on his side, panting like before. Alex tried to go to him, but a firm hand pressed down on his chest. “It would be best for both of you if you remain where you are until you can breathe normally. Now is the time for rest. Do not fight your body right now for this is what it needs.”

  Alex nodded and dropped his head on his pack that had ridden up from being rolled to his back. It wasn’t comfortable, but it was the pillow he needed. It took five minutes before his breathing became heavy, but not ragged. Gerieg never left his side, but remained silent and adamant of him resting.

  “I’m impressed.” Hearing Elo’s voice, Alex lifted his head and saw that the Beran stood over Shade. Shade remained on his side and continued to pant, but he managed to lift his head to look directly at Elo. Then the enormous cat said “I’m impressed that you made it here so soon. We were expecting to see the two of you three or four hours from now. You do have the potential to have great endurance.”

  Shade drew his tongue in his mouth to ask “Master, how long have you been waiting on us?”