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Ra' van (Book Three of the Items Trilogy) Page 2
Ra' van (Book Three of the Items Trilogy) Read online
Page 2
Returning to the conversation again, the tickling sensation returned to human again. “Jakz, I understand the oaths you’ve given and the sacrifices you’ve endured for my family, but you and Kori are my friends. I must ask that you don’t put yourself in jeopardy because I’d truly hate to be the one to inform Kori that her new husband had been killed.”
The man smiled mischievously. “I am not young like I once was so do not fear that I will be foolish and enter a hopeless situation if it cannot be avoided.”
“That is all I ask.”
Now it’s your turn. He thought and began recounting what was said to Shade, Ava, Crest and Clift. They also laughed at the barefooted man being remembered. While he spoke he watched as Marlin and Lily talked about how some of the Royal Guard that were captured in the battle saw something they’ve never seen before, compassion. Some enemies of yesterday were transferring alliances to Freelan. What had helped was when Alex himself visited them yesterday and saw to their basic needs. He showed the ring of Ra’van’s royal bloodline and proved they were fighting against the wrong side. Most didn’t know much about the significance of the ring, being from different lands, but a low ranking level five King’s Guard captain understood the gravity of the situation and said so. Several dozen warriors chose to fight for their true prince and were parted and plunged into different squads to watch and see if they were honest. It also didn’t hurt much when Commander Yort and the other item bearing truth seekers weeded out those of honest intent to fight against the real transgressors. Liars weren’t tolerated.
Those thoroughly brainwashed by Runkamon’s teachings of sacrifice were left under heavy guard at all times. A handful of war prisoners were so passionate about sacrificing themselves for a false king and ideal that they committed suicide.
As he finished telling Jakz’ story to the rest of his pack he asked “Ava, do you have anything to report from your scouting?”
She blinked her yellow eyes before clicking her beak. “Nothing more than yesterday I’m afraid. The other forces are still a day ahead of ours and moving in almost the same direction.” He was glad for the update and stroked her back again while telling Lily and the others the news.
When Freelan called the march to end for the night and set up camp Alex, Lily, Shade and Ava resided in their large tent and were all enjoying an evening meal when someone outside requested “Prince Alex, are you in there?”
Alex sat his bowl of stew down and said “Aye, it is late, what do you need?”
“The queen has requested you, Shade and Ava come to the command tent.”
“Go on ahead and tell her I’ll be there in a few minutes.”
“Very good, sir.” And Alex heard the person walking away quickly.
“It looks as if I’ll be sleeping alone tonight.” Lily said as she gently stroked Crest’s large, yet extraordinarily soft back.
“Not if I can help it.” He replied and quickly finished his meal and explained what the person said to Shade and the others. Just before leaving the tent Alex grasped his sword and belted it to his waist and clasped the polished fang and wing bracers to his forearms.
Ava swooped up and grabbed her perch as Shade slid his monstrous body out of the tent with startling ease and grace. As the brothers walked together Shade asked “So what do you think she would need us for?”
“Oh, do you think one of the other Fury found Gerieg or my mother?” Questioned Ava as she stuck her head forward to see both her large brothers.
“Doubtful.” Alex said in a sigh. “It has only been two day’s since they were sent and it’s been months since our groups parted. Even for a Fury, finding my grandfather’s forces would be impossible, even at their swiftest.”
Unfazed, she asked “If that isn’t it then do you think someone we captured has given more information that must be shared?”
“That is possible.” Shade replied and rumbled a greeting to another Alpha Shadow Fang they passed. The other Alpha made the same sound of greeting as they passed by and exposed his throat in submission to his rule.
A handful of minutes passed as Alex and his siblings approached the large green and black command tent that remained well lit on the inside as well as the out. Two Grizon lords and two Beran lionesses sat and laid near the tent opening with seven personal human guards that’s expressed duty is to protect Allahandra and those inside from all harm and threats. With the night-vision only a Furion seemed to have, Alex spotted a pair of golden eyes watching the tent from the shadows. Another Shadow Fang was also watching the tent from the darkness to make sure none got around the Beran and Grizon guarding the tent.
Those guarding the tent parted as they recognized the prince, his feathery sister and High Alpha. Inside the tent sat the other fiend leaders and their partners. Ginger, the ancient green quilled matron of the Pikro laid near Takka, the dark skinned specialist general. The burly, mace wielding Commander Yort sat with the Grizon leader while the beautiful seer Angie and her Pikro sat near them. The cavalry commander Quinn sat with the king of the Beran prides Teem. Marlin’s bride to be, Niranene sat beside the Orggian leader Krum. Shade’s beta, Beta rested near Rakkian, the top general of Freelan and Alluan. Finally Ava’s father and temporary leader of the Fury flocks Breaker towered behind the Queen of Alluan, Allahandra.
Just what has happened to cause this meeting? He asked mentally.
Alex waited till the tent flap closed behind Shade to ask “Are we late?”
Allahandra’s dark complexion broke into a smile as she spoke in her unique accent that those native to Alluan seemed to have. “You are never late, ya?” She then gestured for him to sit. As they took a seat on the cushioned ground she began “Now that the human and fiend leaders have gathered I have something to request that would benefit us.”
“And that would be?” Yort prodded when she went silent for a moment.
She raised an delicate eyebrow towards Alex and he understood her pause. He then altered his voice and made unsettling sounds only a fiend makes to speak with them. The fiend leaders looked to him with undivided attention until he looked back in her direction. “Thank you.” And he inclined his head. “I’ve received reports from Breaker and other advanced scouting parties that the Royal Guard retreating has increased their pace, now that they’ve had enough time to tend to their wounded. It seems as if our pressing march has had the effect we’ve been hoping for.” Allahandra paused when Alex translated and Ginger rose and made grunting sounds.
Alex listened to the wizened matron and spoke to the gathered. “Ginger wishes to know why we’ve been simply following them. You said you’d answer her questions about this odd strategy.”
Being polite, even towards a poisonous creature of her caliber she looked into Ginger’s beady black eyes. Although not much larger than a hunting dog, Ginger was by far the greatest danger in the room, due to her lethal poison and array of deadly green quills. “Ya, it is time to reveal the plan. I’ve spoken at length with all of my advisors and even you leaders, of the fiends.” Alex spoke to her and she remained silent, as did the other lords. “All ideas and plans reached the same conclusion, we won’t stand a chance of success if we play by our enemies rules.”
As the Furion prince spoke Breaker stepped forward and said “Then how will we force our rules on the false one?”
Allahandra smiled and gingerly touched her ankle where Breaker pecked her, marking her as his partner as he marked his own yellow talons for her. “We’ve been pursuing them, spurring them back to the main force much more quickly. I’ve worked extensively with my generals on just what tactics would make them believe we were running headlong into their true force.
“This is why I’ve called you all here at this hour, to inform you of a change in tactic never seen before. While the bulk of our forces continue to follow the Royal Guard I’m sending Alex and all Shadow Fang packs and their partners towards Point Lake.” As she said this, and Alex translated, a hush settled in the tent.
�s eyes narrowed as he felt a deep sense of confusion. He turned and asked “Alex, ask her why she wants all of my pack mates to disband from the main force.” And he did so.
She replied “Because we cannot use the same tactics time and time again. The enemy we face has beaten his ideals into the people, not stripped them of making the same mistakes again. It would create problems if we do not adapt. We dealt a serious blow to their moral and numbers not long ago, but not enough that they couldn’t recover and come up with a suitable countermeasure. Already Angie and her seers have seen that the initial attack we made with the fury will not work as effectively the next time. They have a specialist general in the main forces capable of creating a vacuum barrier. This means that when a Fury shrieks, their sound waves cannot pass the void he will make around his people. We won’t be able to incapacitate their front line so easily next time.”
Hearing this ruffled both Breaker’s and Ava’s feathers, but they kept silent.
“To further our goals we must become much faster in our travels through Ra’van’s controlled territory. Already my battleships and transports have entered Quad Stream, to the far south in Nicronane. They will reach Point Lake in two weeks, if the strong southern winds keep blowing. The problem is they aren’t equipped to handle nearly a hundred fully-manned battleships heading for the mouth of the lake, where the stream bleeds into.”
“What would you have us do then?” Beta rumbled from Rakkian’s side.
“Commandeer them before my ships are fired upon.” She bluntly laid out.
Shade rose to his full height from where he laid and grinned, but felt unsure on how to proceed. Allahandra has seen the smile a hundred times, as have many others, but the chill of fear shooting down their spines still gives a pause. “I love to swim like any other of my kind, but we cannot hope to swim up upon a ship in such a way. Water cannot hold our shadow and will end us, if we even tried. We love water, but cannot fight in it.”
Alex translated and Beta nodded his large head in agreement to his Alpha’s words. Beta too had a look of concern and doubt for such actions.
This time General Rakkian spoke for his queen and his deep, rich timbre settled the oversized, mutant black wolves. “You will not need to worry about swimming in such a way. Even I know it would be an impossible task to ask of you and the packs. All along Point Lake we have positioned small transporters that we will use. We have just enough to carry a thousand Shadow Fangs and their companions. Alex,” He stopped translating to focus on the muscle bound general. “when you arrived in Alluan you told me about how your ship was boarded by a battleship.”
Then the solution made sense. “You want to send out ships filled with Shadow Fangs…” The general smiled and nodded his shaved head.
Alex leaned back and met the eyes of the other fiends as his voice altered. “Now I understand. Shade, we were boarded on our way here by the Water Guard. Allahandra’s plan is to use their own tactics against them. When a ship forces us to be boarded, the packs can dive into their shadow, travel from one ship to the next by the plank they’ll use and we’ll take control…”
Eventually Shade took his seat again and thought it through. “Alex, voice my two questions to Allahandra.”
He listened and met the queen’s dark and intelligent gaze. “Shade is wondering that if this plan works, when will we reunite with you?”
She clasped her slender fingers together atop the low, circular table that surrounds a crackling fire. “If all goes according to plan, we will stop pursuit and head south in a week’s time.”
“Alright, now what will happen if we take all of our forces across the lake and the Royal Guard decide to have direct access into Alluan? What is to stop them?”
“Confusion.” She stated simply and without emotion. “Never before has a tactic like this been employed. This will cause utter confusion among the generals and tacticians. In the last battle I was clearly seen fighting alongside my people, as I wanted it to be. A choice will be difficult to make, either take control of Alluan, which has few people and defenses or go after the biggest thorn in Runkamon’s side since his father.” As she said this, her eyes pleaded for understanding as the whole room silenced and gauged Alex’s reaction. He became angry at how she said it and his flushed face and tense neck throbbed, but the point was clear. Allahandra kept her hands together to still them from shaking in fear.
To break the silence Breaker nudged her forcefully, nearly making her fall on her side.
“I understand…” Alex tensely said, thinking of his grandfather and how he’d react. Gerieg would control himself. He remembered the lessons taught and calmed himself by breathing deeply and imaging the woman he loved. “Runkamon has more than enough resources to take Alluan without you in there. He’ll not take kindly to you and Freelan traipsing across the territories he’s taken years to finally control. He’ll most likely order his troops to follow you wherever you go.”
She gave a small smile of apology. “That is my conclusion as well. If everything works in our favor we’ll bypass the main force by boat and free Gagiat’s most pivotal location, with a month’s distance between us and the force currently approaching. It will also be a huge moral boost to us if we can take care of several battleships for the king, wouldn’t you say?” She smiled mischievously to those assembled.
The situation calmed as Shade said “I will speak to the other Alphas and tell them of the purposed plan.”
Beta rose with Shade and stopped as Allahandra requested “If we are to make it in time, your packs must leave by early morning.”
“We will be ready.” Shade said and the two large lords left the tent.
Before the meeting came to an end Teem’s mane ruffled as he asked “What would you have my prides do while the packs go out and have all the fun?”
General Rakkian said “While I go with Beta and Alex to oversee the tasks, I want you and the others to nip the fleeing enemy’s heels. Attack them randomly and take their numbers down without overly risking yourselves. If something goes wrong and not all of the objectives work to our time schedule, the numbers you prey upon will help us tremendously.”
Teem looked upon the Grizon leader and purred pleasurably “At least we still get to keep playing.”
“Blood-games are the best aren’t they.” He replied and played with his four clawed arms.
As the tent began to clear Allahandra apologized for her comment and he accepted it, knowing the effect couldn’t have been made clearer.
Knowing Shade would return later, Alex and Ava returned to their tent to discover both Lily and Crest fast asleep together on the large blanket. Alex and Ava remained quiet and were able to successfully lay down to rest without disturbing either female.
Shade returned from the Alpha meeting and whispered it went over well with the others. The packs apparently were looking forward to seeing a lake that stretched further than their eyes could possibly see.
Chapter 2
Morning preparations went smoothly, as did explanations of the meeting to Crest and Lily. It remained predawn as they exited the tent to find both Marlin and Clift nearby and both understood the situation and were ready to depart. “When are we leaving?” Clift neighed as he approached everyone without fear. The chestnut warhorse bobbed his head and looked surprisingly spry so early.
The six foot six tall Crest said “Soon. I see you’re coming along as well. Can you keep up?” She teased and loved doing so to the impressive stallion, who no longer seemed afraid of predators.
“Crest, you know that I can.” He stomped his hooves playfully. “So what if I cannot keep up in terms of speed? I’m strong enough to not be left behind.”
“We’ll see.” She grinned playfully while her tail twitched in anticipation.
Shade simply shook his head at his mate and old companion.
“The Pack’s are prepared to depart!” Beta announced as both he and Rakkian approached The Pack.
“Did our scouts report any troubl
e?” Shade asked.
“None.” Beta replied confidently. “The south is clear of all humans. The freshest scent is nearly a week old and all prints match the odor timeline.”
“Thank you for the hard work, Beta. I’m grateful to have you as my second.”
“And I’m grateful you give me such liberties and fairness.”
Both giant fiends rumbled proudly.
“The troops are all ready.” Rakkian announced as well. “If we are going to do this, we had best be on our way, ya?”
“I’ll meet up with you all in a few hours.” Ava announced and rubbed her cheek against Alex’s head “A female’s work is never done.” and took to the sky.
The natural head of the pack looked upon everyone. Alex understood the next mission was a top priority and said “Mount up!”
Using a flair of heat, Alex effortlessly jumped over seven feet up and landed upon his furry brother’s back. Marlin easily mounted his companion while both Lily and Rakkian did too.
Few still used reigns on their steeds since Clift and Marlin showed how much more efficient the partnership is with open communication. But no one dared try to put reigns on a fiend. It built trust when there is so little to be had in times of conflict. At least the results make the horses more willing to fight instead of being dominated and forced to do their rider’s bidding.
As the three giant fiends and stallion headed to the southern side of the camp, the first sliver of the sun rose off the eastern plains. Within a half hour they came upon the grounds where all Shadow Fangs and their partners waited patiently.
At Shade’s approach Alex watched the packs to easily distinguish between the different pack Alphas and lower pack-mates. Alphas were the only ones confident enough to look Shade in the eye while others downcast their gaze or exposed their throat to his leadership. Nevertheless, Shade became quickly respected in his role as High Alpha for both his strength and fairness. The fiends parted ways for him and greeted their leader with rumblings, barks and short howls. He returned them in kind.