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Cutlass Sharpened Page 18

  “Elder Scythe, impressive as always.” Stone didn’t bow, but showed deference in a respectful way.

  “Stone, my pupil, it is good you made such a timely arrival. Did you pass your mate by any chance?” The small crowd parted for the great elder of the village.

  “We did. About that… Elder, Sister Breena would not tell us why the Inferno plantation is empty.”

  A single irritation twitch in the old Hunter’s cheek is all that showed his casual tone was falsified. “It’s true. Most of the plantations in my district have inexplicably had all the fruit disappear. And I’ve been with other Hunters and have been unable to discover any viable tracks to lead us to this mystery. There are odd tracks, but they just seem to disappear at a watery edge. We’ve scoured up and down rivers, but whatever is stealing from my plantations had eluded even me.”

  “Bad news indeed, Elder.”

  “Since we need to make Booster Oil, put me to work.” Oliver voiced.

  Elder Scythe’s brown gaze met amber and he smiled “I’m glad to hear it, Ancient Brother. But it can wait. We can go out first thing in the morning if scouts find any new clues. You’ve all ran hard and are in need of rest and a cold drink by the looks of you.”

  “Indeed we are.” Said Bell as she went over to the stream to start lapping greedily.

  “Young ones, go to the visitor housing and freshen up. I will take care of our lost brother. Meet up in the elders lodge in two hours.”

  Stone came forward and shoved a hand down a pocket and retrieved a shard of topaz. “Elder, this is the promised disclosure. I’ve personally verified the authenticity. Mrs. Jessica Merann said the encryption password is Void’s Amnesia.”

  “Thank you.” Scythe took the chip and tucked it in his armor’s breast pocket. “You should know all Grand Elders and High Elders have responded and are on their way. Eleven already arrived.”

  Stone smiled and showed Steven and the landing Visor to the visitor homes.

  “So which are you?” Oliver asked as he stepped to Scythe’s side after being motioned to follow.

  “Alas I’m just a High Elder.”

  “Still, it’s impressive you’ve lived over two hundred and fifty years in a line of work that few reach to a century.”

  “True. I’m afraid I’m curious, but have any methods determined your age?”

  “Sorry.” Oliver shook his head. “Stephanie and Renee cannot determine even an approximation other than I’m in physical prime akin to a natural twenty eight to thirty year old man.”

  “A shame you cannot remember…”

  “You have no clue how much it would have answered things. There is nothing left from who I was, where I come from” They made way for the stone staircase. “or if I’m even similar to my old nature. There is no conclusive proof since the immortality chromosome throws a person’s age out the airlock. If I was a naturalist in stasis, maybe it would be different.”

  “No matter. The Grand Elders may know, but may I hold the original blade. I’ve always wished to since so few are on display and under lock and key.”

  “Here.” Oliver drew it and handed it over. As soon as he let go it stopped sparkling.

  “Magnificent!” Scythe held the weapon and swung it around expertly. “Perfect balance… clean lines… a cutlass if I’m not mistaken?” Oliver’s smile was confirmation. He turned the edge and ran the thumb across. “Strange. It looks deadly sharp, but its…”

  “A micro barrier nearly untraceable to sensors.” Oliver said. “Stephanie finally got a reading after days of recalibrating her equipment. In my hands it doesn’t truly cut. I parts molecules like our bodies flow through water. It is so sharp I could cut off your arm and you’d not feel a thing other than a passing breeze. Also the edge won’t cut me no matter what.”

  “Demonstrate for me, Brother.” Scythe passed the greatest sword he had ever held, back. At fist grasp it flared to life.

  Oliver chose the wall cut in the cliff where the stairs were being taken. Three swift strikes cleanly dropped a triangular pyramid. Scythe rubbed his gloved hand over it and used the eye-screen to express “The surface is almost perfectly smooth.” Then gasped as Oliver willed his glove to retract and his bare hand grabbed the blade itself to make his knuckles turn white. He released to show off the impressions left behind before sheathing the blade. “What a weapon. Harmful to all except the wielder. No wonder my pupil was adamant we keep your identity secret.”

  “So tell me about these tracks you found?”

  “I’ve not seen their like. Even I near missed the signs. The tracks are so minimal I get the impression whatever it is… is like a balloon. Like it floats over the ground. As if Zerika was a near weightless moon. It has me greatly concerned. More than a dozen skilled Hunters have also disappeared on me when I had what remained of the fruit watched. No trace was left of them. Other villages have not had the misfortune we do. It moves as if alive, but nothing we know here eats Inferno Fruit.”

  “Teach me to track. I’m a fast learner. As a benefit, Renee told me my sense of smell is ten percent more acute then Bell’s. I’ve learned the basics this week thanks to her, but tracking aboard the Dorgnox is simple. The jungles here are different. Scents cross, wind shifts, rain dilutes. I need help.”

  “It would be an honor. I have three excellent pupils. Though we will not go after the thief till dawn, we can do minor practice.”

  “Thank you. Isn’t there any way to have the other villages fly us over some oil? I don’t like the ship out in the middle of nowhere.”

  “Do not fear. I know of Captain Jake Dorgen. He is more than any Beast can contend with here on Zerika. Add to it my Hunters, all is safe, but do you know why you ran rather than take a fighter?”

  “Yes, I’ve memorized all the Hunter laws. It just worries me is all. I know Hunters must constantly train. On worlds like this it is law there is no flying if legs are capable of carrying a person.”

  “Who do you worry for? You left someone important behind?” Scythe knew right away the source of anxiety.

  “Renee. Renee Dorgen. I do not like being far from her.”

  “Ah.” Nothing more need be said.

  Reaching to top of the cliff spread out a spacious plateau. Grass grew all over, wild and free, behind a great azure building with a large squared courtyard where many Hunters in training sparred with one another with a multitude of weapons. A group of thirty young children of similar age sat in a comfortable meditative arrangement before a muscular woman softly speaking. All were beneath the oppressive sun in minimal clothes.

  It prompted Oliver to ask “Are they learning to harness their psionic capabilities?”

  “But of course.”

  “Then could I learn? I know the basics, but all my practices end up in failure. Only thing that works is the slicing wave technique.”

  “I will personally teach. You would not fit in if you sat in with the children. What classification are you?”

  “That’s the thing. Normally Renee says I’m a class one, but when I’m learning subconsciously my synaptic activity resembles a class twelve at most. Eleven at least.”

  “Intriguing… and you say you know our laws as well? Then what should happen if I find all this is a farce?”

  “You will take my head, put it on a pike and return it to the captain and withdraw the Hunters. Then you will place a black mark upon the Dorgenox so no Hunter will ever be allowed to protect it if ever in distress.”

  “Then for your sake I hope everything is the upmost truth.” Scythe led the way to the dark doors that were so opaque nothing definitive could be seen in the azure building. The door slid open and at once, eleven sets of eyes turned on the opening. Three were women, but all lounged on great pillows large enough to make a bed. In the center of the room was a burning fire crackling away. They were in casual ware, leaving armor by the door, but weapons never left their reach. One man was modified like Abdul, but looked more like a human wolf with gold eyes. “Fellow E
lders, this is who I summoned you for. This is Oliver Void.”

  “Sit. Share a drink, Brother.” One woman raised a glass of red wine.

  “May I wash first?” He asked.

  “Certainly. Remove your armor. The wash room is down that hall, second on you left.”

  “My armor doesn’t come off anymore.”

  “Then how do you clean?” one deep spoken man asked.

  “Like this.” Before their eyes his armor changed shape from sleek suit to comfortable pants and an unbuttoned shirt. Then they watched as the shirt got sucked into the vambrace. The elders grew still.

  Until the wolf-elder laughed. “I can see my timely arrival will not be a waste.”

  “Agreed.” Scythe clapped Oliver on the shoulder. “What will you have when you return?”

  “Oh, whatever you like. My metabolism is so fast it is physically impossible to get drunk.”

  “Lucky bastard. I can only drink a half liter to reach my limit.” One woman said with a grimace.

  Oliver followed instructions and found the shower easily. Cold water was a blessed relief and returned energy to an exhausted body. Only unscented soap and deodorant was to be had, much to Oliver’s preference. In minutes he was a whole new man, hit the dryer and let his hidden clothes return. They were the most casual he knew. A quick laser shave removed a day’s growth from his chin before returning to the spacious hall.

  Scythe sat with the two battleaxes beside his pillow and held up a glass of chilled sweet wine. Oliver took the hint and sat beside him, the center of attention of the other old Hunters. They may be elders, but there is no retiring age. Only prestige. They still fought Beasts like every other Hunter.

  “So, may I ask your names?” The eleven smiled and as they took turns, it was proven elders took on the name of weapons. Claymore, Javelin and Bastardsword for example.

  Elder Katana sat up, still looking relaxed as any Hunter when not in battle ready stance said “We will review the data Elder Scythe gave us privately tonight. For now, let us hear your story… is that a Salamander leg spike?” she noticed after looking down at the necklace.

  “Yes. Stone Calliko gave it to me for slaying in with a single slicing wave. It was going to eat him, but I killed it and rather enjoyed its brain. It was a shame we had to go or I would have eaten it all…”

  All the elders sat straighter. The wolf elder asked “A true Beast-eater?”

  “It’s what Stone said. I find it the most delicious when I preferred it again after killing a Stingray.”

  “Let him start from the beginning. It may shed more light than bouncing subjects.” The eldest woman said. “Go ahead, Brother.”

  “Okay. Renee Dorgen, Stephanie Merann, Stone Calliko, Deegen Castor…” he began his tale and the twelve lounged, but retained Hunter readiness through the story. They were quiet and let him sip on the wine to keep his throat from going dry. The comfortable room and crackling fire made for the perfect storytelling environment.

  During the retelling, Stone and the others arrived, removed their armor and quietly sat own. The elders sometimes glanced to the young Hunters and companions in attempt to discover any farfetched lies, but found none as the six nodded right along.

  Three hours later he closed the story saying “and left the empty plantation to arrive here.”

  “Do any of you have anything to add?” Elder Scythe rubbed his shaven head.

  “He said it all. All I could add is to keep an open mind. He has repeatedly destroyed my assumptions of what is possible.”

  “Then I will have him in my bed tonight.” Elder Javelin said as she turned on her side, showing off great attributes.

  “I beg you not to be offended, but you do not smell right.” Oliver blushed some.

  “Oh? Do elaborate.” She didn’t take offense.

  “You are indeed beautiful and strong… but not strong enough.”

  “Not strong enough? Is there some reason I’m not aware of.”

  “My blood is not afire, Elder Javelin. My cock is not rising at the thought of you in the way I do when imagining Renee Dorgen.”

  “Do not be offended. He’s been propositioned several times by the crew, Elder.” Deegen said. “His senses are very acute. Bell will not be mated by a male inferior to her. She’s an alpha female.” The wolf dropped her snout in a nod. “If his sense of smell is better than hers, he probably can tell Ms. Dorgen has a trait ideal for him.”

  “But what makes me weak? If I have weakness I must develop it or risk it being my end.”

  “She is a class twelve, Elder. Like her father Jake Dorgen.” Steven snapped his fingers as an idea was made clear to him. “She would be an ideal Hunter’s mate had she become a sister. Her children would likely have higher psionic abilities. With Oliver’s sense of smell, he is attracted to it. The strong alpha female gets the best males. With Oliver’s own abilities, they would have psionic and physical attributes exceeding normal children.”

  “Then I’m content.” She said. “No offense taken, Brother. I’m in need of a good fuck anyway. Elder Scythe, will you scratch my itch?”

  “I’m afraid I’ve made promises, but I would be honored once I’m done to please such a sublime woman. Please, rest up in my room. I will be there around midnight if all is well done.”

  “Then I will be waiting.” She retired.

  The other ten likewise got up, taking with themselves a copy of Oliver’s report.

  Elder Scythe stood and gave a mighty stretch, making the loose shirt get snug. “Brother, let us begin tracking. Meet me in the back courtyard. Young ones, you need rest as well.” He tapped his ear and called three names and told them to come.

  In practically no time at all Oliver was rejoined by the massive elder along with three older teenagers. Two girls and a younger boy. Introductions were made by the elder and hands were shook. Apparently the teens were in awe of Oliver, probably due to the fact so few were as physically overwhelming as the elder of the village. Out in the spacious courtyard, many that trained had left for the evening and made it very quiet compared to the sparring before.

  Scythe drew his battleaxes and stuck one of the impaling spikes fixed to the tip in the ground to draw a rough diagram. “Oliver, this represents the village. You came from this direction, the southwest, but we are going northeast. You want to track? I’ll start you off on a simple Beast hunt on an elusive Mole that has been giving us some issues recently. Its tracks look like this…” he stabbed the dirt.

  “Isn’t is more like this?” Oliver knelt and used his thumb and forefinger to represent the track.

  The elder smirked. “That is a queen’s track. I take it you memorized all Beast paw prints then?”

  “Beast, animal, Keptl and Creelin fauna actually.” Oliver confessed. “I have the written techniques, but I do not have their scent memorized or actual experience in tracking.”

  “Then half the battle is won, Brother.” He turned to the teens. “Young Ones, we hunt in stealth. Keep your weapons ready and mouths closed. I know you’ve hunted Moles before, but even I can fall before the E-Rank vermin. Keep your helmets on as well. No need to be hit by their poisonous spit.” The three teenagers all vanished behind full helmets and drew their weapons. “Ancient Brother, I will lead you to the last seen reports.”

  Oliver’s casual attire changed to the caped, seamless body armor, but his head remained open, like the elder. The kids gasped. “I’m ready.”

  Elder Scythe hung his great double bladed battleaxes across his broad back and jogged across the ground, Oliver lazily keeping pace at the man’s side. The three gangly youths following. They didn’t go back down the cliff, but kept going across the expanse and startled a flock of pheasants hiding in the tall grass. One got snatched up by a falcon companion with different markings than Oliver knew Satellite had.

  The sustainable run crossed into a forest before reaching a staircase going up the onyx wall that surrounded the entire village. Oliver simply dropped ten meters with
out grabbing a zip-line the four other’s took to reach the ground. Elder Scythe was startled Oliver was unharmed dropping so far and not the least bit sore. Anyone else would have shattered every bone in their legs. The kids were whispering among themselves, but they soon restarted the run.

  Twenty minutes later Elder Scythe came to an abrupt halt and knelt beside a mound of freshly churned earth. “Brother, tell me what you see here.”

  Oliver knelt beside the ground and looked down a deep hole. He took a sniff. Musky, wet and pungent odors wafted from it. It wasn’t greatly mouthwatering, but it wasn’t unsettling. “It’s definitely a Mole exit tunnel. There are no gouge marks from digging down, but it didn’t come out. Why?” the elder opened his mouth. “Wait.” Oliver took a deep inhale. “Coppery salt? I smell faint traces of blood. Not human… a herbivore I think. It doesn’t smell like a predator.”

  “Not a bad nose you got there. Look a half meter to your left.” The elder pointed.

  Oliver readjusted and took a closer look. “A deer?”

  “A young doe. Look how the hooves curve. Moles ambush like Vipers… from underground. The doe was killed and taken. I found the barest traces of blood, but Mole venom acts fast.”

  “Did it drag the deer to its subterranean nest?” Oliver asked.

  “First, do you have its scent?” he nodded. “Second, can you tell if there are others?”

  “Three were with the one that came up. One is a young, pregnant female.”

  “How do you know?” one girl asked and her intrigue wasn’t reprimanded by the elder’s earlier command for silence.