Cutlass Sharpened Read online

Page 17

  “Understood.” Oliver turned from the bridge and stared out over the great deck. “Satellite, you read me.”

  “I am. Flying out the airlock… now.” The door lifted and the falcon sped out into the air, gaining altitude. Immediately he chirped “Oliver! Portside, four kilometers ahead. I see a Piranha chewing down into the deck. Likely from the great lake we hit.”

  Oliver was already making mighty leaps and spotted the pale fish-Beast. It was just a meter long, but usually attacked in a school. So dedicated to eat its way inside it didn’t react as Oliver landed and cut it in half. Slight hunger from a week of no eating reminded him via a growling stomach. Like before, the vambrace condensed the Beast to a tiny form, but used all of it, bones and all. Only scat and fluids remained. A hole opened around his mask’s mouth and the food was swallowed. It sealed back immediately after.

  Satellite found no other Beasts and circled over the ship on patrol.

  Finally when the morning sun hung high overhead, at the noon hour Oliver turned to the access hatch hissing open to find the Hunters and companions walking out together. He said “Nothing to report. It’s been quiet for hours.”

  “Only out here.” Stone announced grimly. “It a fucking mess in there. About three dozen were heavily wounded, but Ms. Dorgen is up to it. Ship repairs are going to take weeks. The engines are already starting self-repair, but will take weeks too. The minimum Oil we had really caused serious damage to the FTL drive, but the major hull holes are sealed and we’re not taking on anymore water.”

  “Any good news?” Oliver’s mask pulled back.

  “You are in luck. I spoke with Elder Scythe and we’re about a full day out from the main village. He’s already sending spare Hunters to replace us. Ship sensors do not detect any Beasts above D-Rank nearby and the ship’s shields can keep them out with ease. C-Rank ones are clustered two days away.” Stone rolled his neck. “Because of this Captain Dorgen is sending us on ahead to the primary Zerikan village to procure Inferno Fruit and process it on the way to the village. Afterwards Deegen will bring it back and get the ship over to the hover-port where it can be more easily protected in the village’s sights and barrier.”

  “But what about the crew? Renee? Can’t we help?”

  “She doesn’t need any and already punched a man in the throat for a minor scratch when others are more critical. We have the captains orders, Brother. We leave now.” Stone took the lead and soon was jumping overboard, but his grappling hook was already anchored on the railing before doing it. Deegen picked up Bell in one arm and they followed together. Oliver alone jumped without need as the Zerikan gravity was not dangerous to him. Six times normal would sting, but not kill. Nine plus most definitely would from that height. His mask reapplied itself a moment before diving under water. Oxygen was made through the filter in the mask of its own accord, allowing Oliver to breathe in the murky depths. The membranes over his eyes cleared the vision, allowing to see beyond what his natural eyes could not through the murky and disturbed water.

  It was a new discovery and he’d tell Stephanie later.

  He resurfaced and swam with the three men and wolf to shore. They eventually reached it and walked with purpose along the ship, heading straight into the dark forest. Weapons were holstered, but were a moment from being freed.

  Passing the barrier had a sudden change.

  Oppressive humid heat clung to them as loud insect sounds deafened the area. New scents assaulted and overwhelmed Oliver at first. Everything was so new and powerful it would take time to assimilate. Rich and fertile dirt pungently arose from being rent in the crash. Rotting old trees decomposed to enrich the soil for future vegetation. Angry animals barked from trees, angered of the disturbance. Beady eyes watched in the shadows.

  Stone took a deep breath through his nose and let it out loudly. “Ah, it is good to return home.”

  “Yes, it is, My Brother.” Said Deegen, clapping a hand on the larger man’s broad shoulder. “I hunted this area. Perhaps I and Bell should lead?”

  “Uh, something’s up with our… cargo?” Stated Steven.

  Stone forgot all about how good it was being home and came to Oliver’s side as he jerked his head at the overwhelming sights and sounds. Stone grabbed both sides of Oliver’s face with his still wet gloves to say “Look at me.” Oliver did, but his body remained coiled. “Focus, like I explained. Tell me what you are experiencing.”

  “Food. It’s all around me. So many Beasts. They are everywhere. The animals I smell do not make my mouth water. But there is one Beast no longer near that is making the Piranha not enough. It is a Beast I must eat, but I cannot track it like Bell taught me.” Oliver explained, regaining control thanks to Stone’s help.

  “Can you tell what kind of Beast and how long it was in the area?” Deegen asked as he and Bell shook water from their bodies.

  “At least three weeks, best I can judge from what I’ve experienced in Bell’s tracking teachings, but it is making my body hum with need to go face and eat it.”

  “Bell?” Deegen asked his companion.

  The grey wolf put her snout to the ground and for a good minute she tracked and came to a pause, her ears perking and hackles rising. “Ree’s right.” Bell barked. “I rell reast of RAY-Rank… month old… think it’s Ralamander, rut different. Unsurrr.” She took another sniff. “Not nearrr.” She growled.

  “If it’s not near we can worry later.” Advised Stone. “Oliver, focus on what you can. We can hunt down the Beast tickling your fancy later. Elder Scythe would likely want to see your tracking skills. For now, adjust to the planet as we follow Deegen. Can you do that?”

  “Yes. But it’s hotter here than the desert world you rescued me on.”

  Stone grinned. “It’s the humidity. It makes the air hotter and is difficult to cool a hot body during the day. It builds ones heat tolerance as well as how much punishment we can endure. Follow us. We’ll break at sundown for camp.”

  Deegen took the lead beside his loping wolf deep into the forest. Armored bodies broke through the foliage for three kilometers at a pace they all could maintain in the heavy planet. Eventually they reached Deegen’s promised hidden trail and made traveling far easier. The trail varied from one to six meter’s wide, cut through streams or over fallen trees acting as a bridge. There was no more lazy leaping to cover more ground. All aside from Oliver jogged heavily, but efficiently.

  Sweat didn’t evaporate to cool heated bodies until Oliver was about to complain the need to rest and something happened. His suit began modifying as his mind worked on a cooling method to break up the endless run. Tiny pores made airways circulate throughout the malleable armor. Comfortable air passed where humid moisture could not. A sweaty body beneath began cooling with the circulating currents and extra heat was left behind. So long as Oliver ran, he cooled in the oppressive thirty eight point five Celsius degree air.

  An hour along the twisting and turning path Oliver caught a tasty scent and said “A Beast comes.” and drew a blade. An upwind breeze change and alerted him. The others didn’t waste time questioning. They all stopped to listen.

  “Do you hear that?” Stone asked.

  “Nothing.” Oliver said as the forest was quiet. The only sound came from rustling leaves from the wind.

  “Exactly. In forests, the lack of silence is animals warning us of danger. Remember this over all else. Animal silence is a warning to heed. Scents can change in a shift of wind or wash away in a storm. Animal silence is much more reliable.” Stone’s hatchets began sizzling with tiny electrical arcs.

  Heads snapped to rustling undergrowth as a three meter long Tortoise pulled itself out. A D-Rank Beast, but with a massive shell stronger than steel. A beaky mouth was serrated for tearing chunks of meat from prey. The shell was plated in softly rounded spikes and was its main offensive and defensive weapon. They were also solitary creatures even other Beasts left well enough alone.

  Seeing Beasts favorite prey, humans, it punched a h
ole in the ground with one massive clawed foot and began twisting itself around the limb. Normally slow moving, it was far from slow. All the coiled tension wound up was let loose in a massive spinning shot as if launched from a cannon. It had the fastest acceleration of all Beasts, but lacked maneuverability. In the spinning attack it sucked in its legs and head to make an effective bludgeon.

  Steven moved in since his flail was precisely the best means of cracking the shell. Others moved out of dodge as he angled just aside of the trajectory and yelled while swinging. Tortoise met the inflexible flail empowered by psionic electricity. Tortoise lost. Shell pulped in a massive explosion of lavender innards.

  “Leave it.” Steven said when Oliver didn’t want to waste good food. “Other Beasts will find it instead of us. Let them be distracted rather than come for us.”

  “He’s right. We go.” Deegen said and they were off running through the untamed forest.

  Massive F-Rank bees came around off and on the remainder of the day, but were easily dealt with by Visor and Satellite.

  That night they found the tallest tree in the area and climbed it high as possible. No fire would be made that night as temperatures dropped to just below freezing. Their full body armor was all the insulation they could possibly need and it didn’t lure dangerous creatures had they slept on the ground. Oliver was still mesmerized by how hot the days were an how frigid the nights became.

  After tethering himself to the trunk of the tree to not fear falling if accidently rolling over, Oliver’s attention shifted from the far away Dorgenox to the stellar view of stars that twinkled up above. Eventually exhaustion from sleep deprivation caught up from the hard week and claimed him completely.

  Three hours after the amazing sunrise, the first Oliver ever witnessed personally, The group came to a sudden stop as the path opened up widely. Rows upon rows of massive leafy trees lined up for thousands of acres. Oliver knew a manmade plantation over untamed forests and this was unnaturally straight. The large leaves had a deep red color that made Oliver miss Renee more and their rough bark was a dull orange.

  “Impossible!” Deegen exclaimed.

  “What’s wrong?” Oliver drew his starlit black sword, eyes darting around for unseen danger his nose couldn’t find.

  “The Inferno trees are all barren. At this time of year they should all be heavily pregnant with fruit… even after harvesting I should see patches of some left behind or rotting on the ground.” The Hunter was flabbergasted.

  “Brother, I’ve never seen the plantations so… lifeless. What could have caused it?” Stone said as he knelt by a tree and rubbed some dirt between his fingers to smell and touch a little on his tongue. “Harvesters hadn’t been here recently or the dirt would burn my tongue from Inferno Fruit juices.” He said mostly for Oliver’s benefit.

  Inferno fruit could not be humanly consumed. It made starship fuel. It was stronger than the hottest peppers and could make anyone foolish enough to try violently ill and often caused death if left untreated.

  “Look, our brothers and sisters come!” Steven said as he caught signs of distant movement.

  Twenty young looking Hunters of great lethality ran straight in their direction, altering slightly as Steven waved his hand. Ten men and women fully armed with swords, lances, shields, maces and throwing knives came to a stop as the four men and a wolf ran to them as well. Overall they were dark skinned, but some of the twenty were lighter, but all had the battered silvery armor given to all Hunters.

  “Big Brother Stone!” one woman came forth already sweating like everyone else. At her side was her own black wolf with blue eyes. “It’s been thirty years since last we saw each other.” She winked seductively.

  “Sister Breena! You are as lovely as ever. How is our beautiful daughter doing?”

  The woman was a good hundred sixty seven centimeters tall and built like all Hunters, bigger than Renee. She came forth and greeted Stone with a deep passionate kiss and he gladly returned it. She smiled brightly. “Our baby received her first commission just yesterday aboard the battle cruiser George Hammond. She at last passed her class one exam.”

  “That strokes a father’s pride.” Stone hugged her. He turned them and said “Oliver, Steven, this is one of my mates Breena. She too is a class one Hunter and has given me two sons and a daughter. It is a shame they are not here, but at least you are, My Love.”

  “So this is the ancient brother? He looks to be able to make many fine children without even being tested.” Breena looked him up and down. The other Hunters likewise did the same. “Lover, we must secure the Dorgenox. We can make more children later. Though it will be irksome your other mates get you before myself.” She gave him a quick kiss and gestured with her spear. “We leave, Brothers.”

  “One moment.” Stone stopped her. “What has become of all the Inferno Fruit? We’ve seen none and we need to ready the Booster Oil.”

  Breena paused and looked at the canopy pensively. “Go swiftly to the village, Brothers. Speak with the Elders. They will tell you of our recent hardships.” With that she and her wolf ran ahead. The other Hunters followed, saying greetings in passing.

  “What was that about?” Oliver said, watching the group moving at the same sustainable speed as what they too had done for two days.

  “It is not good. Something is amiss. First the Inferno Fruit disappearance and now my mate’s lack of explanation… we must increase our pace.” Stone wasn’t questioned and they charged through the plantation.

  Along the way Oliver asked “Stone, I know all Hunters take multiple mates based on genetics, rank and achievement, but may I ask just how old you are?”

  “I hold no secrets from my Hunter family. I’m ninety two years old and have three women I treasure. They too have more than one man, but Breena has given me the most children. Hunters are often away for many years and we mate when we can. I personally have six children evenly split. My eldest son is sixty three, also shared with Breena. Now all my children are licensed Hunters in the first class. Like all Hunters, Satellite was made for my seventh birthday and we’ve been linked the whole time.”

  Deegen slid right into the conversation. “I just celebrated my hundredth year two months ago. I have four mates, yet one dead daughter. Bell is ninety three and has been with me for as long as I can remember.”

  “I’m the baby of this ragtag bunch.” Steven said as they ran shoulder to shoulder. “I’m seventy one. Have two sexy women with legs that go up forever, who know how to make my head spin. But unlike Stone and Deegen, I’m their only man. They’ve given me four kids together and made me the luckiest man around.”

  “I do not think I can be away from my woman like you all do.” Oliver admitted.

  “Never is easy. But we get a few years to teach our children during the pivotal years.” Said Stone weaving around a tree. “But our duty comes first. Separation is also good between Hunters. We are all strong. Gather too many of us for too long without something to kill and blood will shed among us, even between mates. Hunters are stubborn and fierce, especially our women during their menstrual cycle…”

  “Yet Ms. Dorgen makes our greatest huntresses seem tame.” Said Steven which made them men and wolf laugh together.

  “So why do you call everyone by last name?” Asked Oliver as soon as they found another trail and left the plantation behind.

  “They are our clients, not our brothers. We are merely selected by need, rank and requirement of our clients. It is rare to have more than two Hunters of the first order aboard freighter ships such as the Dorgenox, but our elders decided to send us three to keep it safe and we have.”

  Breaks were taken by clean steams and helped cool them down, but Stone pushed them hard and by mid afternoon a sparkling reflection caught their eyes. Young Hunter scouts still in training were hiding in the canopy, calling out to others of their arrival.

  In minutes the thick forest and well traveled trail opened to a great crystalline wall of onyx, but could just
be seen through like thick sunglasses. Crystal technology was the epitome of not only information, it made for great defense and home building since crystals could literally be grown. A translucent membrane turned out to be a barrier that stretched to just outside the wall that surrounded the large Hunter village.

  Hundreds of youthful women stood in armor as beat up as the men. Young children wore training armor or ran around nearly naked. Though the women were just as beautiful as any other, they were fierce in not only armor, but in the way they held their weapons. Colorful crystal houses lined a stream that cut through the village, coming off a waterfall about a hundred meters tall where behind the cliff was a massive structure. A single staircase was cut up to reach it while some men were rock climbing the cliff without a harness. Though most of the villagers had dark skin, many were just as tan as Oliver and Steven. One woman standing out on a balcony closest to the great wall wore a bright pink bikini, but had a bow and quiver of arrows in reach.

  Wood smoke billowed from chimneys and smelled sweet even in all the heat of the day.

  “Young Ones, welcome!” Raised a voice of a man just as impressively built as Oliver and that was no understatement. The man was massive and carried two great battleaxes crossed over his wide back. He was darkly tanned and shaven bald with a single strip of hair hanging from his right temple ringed in hundreds of small beads. He had pointed ears like all Hunters. Having augmented hearing saved many lives in their line or work. His armor was a network of automated repair from countless confrontations. Flecks of silver were rarely spotted, showing he had survived many deadly confrontations. Muddy boots kicked up dry dirt on the path all stood on.