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Untamed Gift (Book One of the Items Trilogy) Page 16

Chapter 16

  It has taken close to a month and a half to get the boat in a relatively safe working condition. It has been no small task for anyone. During this time The Pack had made some decent money. They would give supply requests to Mary and she would go to town for them and get what they needed, without asking many questions. Knowing that since Lily’s escape, she and the rest of them could be easily recognized by any Guards, and detained, if they remained in Greeton for too long so they never ventured into town again. They didn’t wish to be around any dangerous situations they could avoid with any certainty. With the money earned from harvesting and the meat Shade brought in from his extended hunts, they were able to easily purchase what was needed and pocketed only a minimal amount of money for later. Who knew when our travels would finally end for us?

  Alex bought three new pairs of clothing that were all the same as what he usually wore. It reminded him from whence he came. He received several bars of new soap along with a new collapsible knife made from a non-item blacksmith, which was rare because Greeton was under the king’s ruling and a person’s trade was only allowed per the item they were born with. Kallel was told the story as to why they didn’t want an item forged knife and he knew the perfect horse seller who worked secretly as a blacksmith.

  He had also bought Shade a new brush, and one for Marlin to give Clift, but it was designed for a horse. It was the size of a person’s palm and had thick and sturdy bristles. Lightly brushing his fur was the only option because Shade’s innate armor allowed something foreign only so far in. Shade didn’t have single knot or snag in his fur to begin with, but his coat looked even glossier once the strenuous and time consuming task finished. Shade paraded himself in front of everyone to see his new look. He grinned the whole time.

  Marlin also bought new clothing that had only half sleeves and new boots. He favored light blue tunics.

  Alex about choked on his tongue when he first saw Lily’s new attire. She had discarded his spare clothes, but they weren’t meant for her specifically. Her new leggings were contoured to fit her shapely muscles and womanly hips. Her tunics were all sleeveless and comfortable against her torso. She favored the lighter red or white colors and whatever she wore made his heart skip a beat or two. She didn’t like showing off the impressive scars on her arms to her friends, but to would-be assailants they were a necessity. They were a real threat display to her strength, but there was a darker meaning about them that she never revealed to anyone. Her defensive item couldn’t be seen through the tunic, but Alex knew it was still there, ever protecting her. She even bought a new leather belt and returned Alex’s. Her customized belt had leather sleeves built in so she could slide her items through. She bought new and sturdy leather boots for any long travels they were sure to face. She finally looked more like herself and less like a worn traveler. She was a tall and proud warrior of six foot three and ethereally beautiful.

  During their time together with Kallel and Mary, Alex, Lily and Marlin planted new seeds to begin growing for the next harvest. Marlin repaired some of the barn’s roofing and Lily used her three bladed sword to cut through the bushes, so the trail to the boat would be easily traversed. The misses would mostly work in the house, but once she was finished she’d spend the rest of her time with Shade. He wanted to communicate with her, but she didn’t know how to read or write. One time she giggled like a little girl when Shade let her ride on his back. He went slow, of course, but it was worth it to see her happy. Even Kallel tried riding once, but he became sick and retched after Shade let him down on the ground.

  He didn’t try to ride ever again.

  There was this one stressful incident where Clift freed the other two horses from their stalls. It upset Kallel, but Clift and the other two remained on the property and grazed without fleeing to freedom. Alex spoke with them and they said they loved living here, it was their home. Kallel soon allowed them free reign of the property, under Alex’s mediation to do as they like, but they must still work by pulling the wagon and plow, but refrain from eating the crops. It was tense for a short time, but everyone got into a comfortable working repetition. Clift wasn’t in trouble for what he did, because he had a point. ‘All fiends, animals and humans are born free and shouldn’t be caged if they are good and remain productive.’

  Clift was also really improving with his nightly lessons with Shade, especially when he was re-shoed from the local blacksmith. His fear had lessened and his strikes sped and became more focused.

  Also every night everyone would all eat outside together.

  Then there were the repairs made to the ship. It was a difficult time repairing the damaged rudder because everyone needed to maneuver the boat as close to the shore as they dared, without getting it stuck on the lake’s floor. The old wooden rudder needed to be completely replaced so it was taken off the remaining rusty hinge and removed it from the ship. Shade had helped out in installing the new rudder because Alex needed to stand on his back, to attach the five new brackets that secured the rudder to the ship and allowed it to turn the craft.

  It took four days to repair the mast, after removing the forward one from the ship altogether. Everyone listened to Alex as he said how it could be repaired without replacing the central pillar. He knew about repairing boats from reading. They used pressed metal strips and long bolts to slowly work their way up the damaged areas of the main mast. Where there were weak spots and splinters, they’d wrap them up and secure it. The bottom horizontal pole needed to be replaced, that held the sails, but the two higher ones were more than strong enough to support a sail. Then Kallel bought three fabric sails of different sizes and were soon latched to the mast’s three poles and kept them tied up. Sometimes Marlin would get sick from the height, but he’d finish his job before he’d lose a meal.

  The deck and she ships sides took a week to remove the warped and rotted boards. More than half of the deck needed to be replaced, along with the ship’s sides. Both Kallel and Marlin knew a lot about ships so they were instructed to make a new steering wheel, reinforcing the turning mechanism and figuring how to manipulate the ship with only a single mast.

  Lily and Alex were given two scraping tools and were used to scrape off as much algae as possible from the belly of the ship. Usually they had to swim beneath the water to scrape it off. It was tedious work, but they managed to get rid of as much as possible.

  And Marlin saved Alex on several occasions by smacking the back of his head. Lily was always soaked from working in the water and when she would get out of the water, her clothing would cling to her every curve and sometimes she’d get cold. She had filled out well since her rescue and Alex couldn’t help but be mesmerized by her sensual beauty she hid under a tough demeanor. Her body was both feminine and powerful. Her legs and arms were long and subtly muscled below fair porcelain skin, but her hips and waist were very womanly. Her breasts weren’t large, but that didn’t hinder her loveliness. And before she ever caught Alex eyeing her he’d averted his vision.

  Yesterday Kallel, Marlin, Lily and Alex took the boat for a short preliminary test. The mast easily held the full windblown sails and the rudder turned the boat perfectly. They didn’t take on the least amount of water and the speed at which the boat sailed was remarkably fast for the ship.

  They were another step closer. They all knew it.

  Returning by nightfall and spending most of the night stocking the boat for the morning departure, they were all excited and worn out. Meat was stocked as were, fruits, vegetables and hay for Clift. After fully stocking the ship they had one last meal together.

  As usual, Alex awoke earlier than everyone. It remained still somewhat dark outside and it felt like another cool morning. He stood and stretched his muscles. Shade also awoke and stretched in the stall as well, maw wide, yawning. He grabbed his full leather pack and put it on, then exited the barn.

  Shade followed Alex down to the lake. Once they made it he stripped off his clothes and cleaned himself up in private. After sha
ving, he gave Shade a bath too and brushed him. Both became content. Alex walked back to shore and put his clothes back on, but left his pack by the dock. After the cool bath, they both went back up the trail.

  They didn’t need to wait long for the others to rouse because everyone was getting up early as well. Lily was the first to step out of the house and she greeted Alex with a heartwarming smile. She shouldered her pack on and it was as stuffed as his is. She asked “Are you all set to finally get moving?” he smiled back. “Good. The others are just finishing up as well.” She walked over to pat Shade’s silky fur.

  Once everyone finally left the house, Mary spoke first. She stood at the front door and looked to be on the verge of tears. “It was so pleasant, getting to meet all of you. I will not soon forget all of the excitement each one of you has brought into my home. Safe journey to you all.”

  They each said their goodbyes to her in their own way. Alex clasped his wrist with hers and she smiled. Marlin gave her a one armed hug. Lily mock punched her shoulder and Shade gave her a wet tongue against her face. She giggled and hugged his thick neck the best she could. He rumbled in gratitude. And Kallel gave her a kiss before parting.

  By the time they wound their way down the path, to the ship, Clift was already waiting for all of them, absentmindedly eating on some fresh grass by the water’s edge. He seemed to be enjoying it. Alex gabbed his pack and slung it over his shoulder. Now everyone was ready and moved along the dock until they reached the end. Clift made the most noise, because of his hooves on the wood. Once they made it to the ramp Kallel and Marlin walked up first. Clift became a little skittish, walking up the ramp, but he wobbled his way up to the deck. Shade easily moved up the ramp, followed closely by Lily. Before Alex could board the vessel with the others he had to untie the boat from the dock, simple enough.

  On the deck he pulled the ramp up onto the boat, with Marlin’s aid. Alex helped Lily with pulling up the anchor while Kallel walked to the wheel deck. Marlin had Clift lay down on the deck and Shade laid by his side, for support. Then the three of them climbed the mast to unfurl the sails.

  There was a nice breeze coming from the southeast. With the wind’s aid, the sails caught the breeze and began pulling away from shore. They climbed back down to make sure everything was in order and it was.

  Our journey to Alluan was back on.

  About an hour into the trip everyone relaxed while the ship sailed. The shore line had all but disappeared by now. Alex stood and walked towards the aft. Once he made it up to Kallel he smiled as he steered the boat. “Do you need something from me, Alex?”

  “Actually, you’ve never finished explaining what your item can do?”

  Kallel smiled as he dug in his pocket. He pulled out a sextant. On the top was a telescope with a scale beneath it. It looked to be made of gold, but it was his item. He held it in the palm of his hand for his number one deckhand to see. “My item is a level one specialty. No matter where I am in all the lands I can navigate them with ease and never get lost. Even on a sunny day, like today, my telescope can pierce the azure sky and reveal the stars. I use my scale to keep my headings and bearings. The only other specialty is that I can see further distances than the average spyglass. It isn’t a fancy item, but it is useful for sailors.” He then lifted the scope to his eye and gazed along the vast waters horizon. “We are all clear for the foreseeable future. Enjoy the ride for awhile.”

  Alex went back to the main deck and relaxed alongside Shade.

  Night had fallen again and Alex found sleep eluded him. Dreams of seeing his first home ablaze and his Uncle Gambit being murdered before his eyes kept him from resting. The voyage of the ship kept the visions coming unfortunately. Just thinking about departing on a boat brought forth the memories as clearly as he first saw them. His only solace lay in the fact that not all hope was lost. The hounds of one’s past can haunt us if we let it. His uncle used to say. The silent ride wasn’t helping to clear the past visions. Then thoughts turned upon his companions again. Shade and all of the others went below deck to get some sleep about two hours ago. Kallel locked the steering wheel and it allowed the boat to sail on its own. They were all safe, even if his dreams plagued him.

  Alex was leaning against the rail on the starboard side of the top deck, calmly looking over the water. The breeze still came from the same direction and it blew in his right ear, making a low and continuous hum. His staff was secure, in his leather belt, on his backside. Both of his elbows were planted on the railing for comfort. The sky was empty and it allowed all of the stars and the half lit moon to light the scenery. The water looked almost completely black. Everything was just so peaceful right now. His mental aches seemed to ease.

  Suddenly he felt someone looking at him and then a delicate scent of a sea breeze wafted past. “It isn’t nice to sneak up on someone, Lily.”

  “How did you know it was me?” he turned to see her walking to him with a mystified expression. She walked right up to his side as he went back to staring out across the water. She rested her rear against the rail, looking in the opposite direction. “I’m usually excellent at sneaking up on someone. How did you know it was me and not one of the others?”

  “I can tell when someone is usually looking at me, but what tipped me off was your smell.” He said evenly and calmly while gazing at the nostalgic scene, but he didn’t see her gaze turn upon him in disbelief.

  “My smell? Do I smell? Do I need another bath?”

  “Nay, you don’t smell in that sense.” Lily watched as he smiled while sighing through his nose. “You have a unique scent that I adore. It reminds me like I’m home again and all this insanity is all part of my elaborate imagination, when you are around. You smell like a clean sea breeze on a peaceful night. It has just a hint of salt mixed with a pleasant and sweet aroma. I just like to notice those things about you.”

  Lily’s tone changed from confused to a teasing kind of testing. “So you like my scent? You have a pleasant smell as well, like tilled earth and cut grass.” Her words had the desired effect because she watched him blush in the darkness. Then she added when he remained silent “And you like noticing things about me? When we first met what was I wearing?”

  With his voice remaining neutral he spoke truthfully. “You were wearing a deep red, sleeveless tunic with brown pants and issued boots.” She was about to speak, but he continued on. “When we both looked at each other for the first time you were soaked from me pushing you into the stream. Your hair was saturated with water, but it was slightly longer back then than it is now. The water droplets seemed to trickle off you like falling stars on the most empty of skies. Your wet clothing clung to you, but at the time your hips and breasts weren’t as defined or as shapely as they are right this moment. Your arms and thighs are back to the same tone as they once were though. And your eyes were slightly darker then because you thought I was a threat. Your lips lost little color because at the time you were chilled, but they were still as full as they ever were.” What am I saying? Why am I saying all this so suddenly? How will this change how we stand with each other? Why is she so quiet? Alex asked himself bashfully.

  He glanced at her to see her gazing down at her touching her lips with two fingers. Then she looked down at her bust and then studied the rest of her body with a critical eye, after hearing such detailed observations. She finally turned to look at him and realized he saw what she was doing. Then her face flushed and she looked down in embarrassment. Her voice had then turned down to a soft melody that only he could hear. “You do have a good memory. I wish I did, but I couldn’t see what you actually looked in the darkness, with clarity I mean. All I remember was your voice. I’m sorry that I cannot remember.”

  He looked out over to the water again. “Don’t worry about it. I can see better in the dark, better than everyone I know, aside from Shade. And you don’t need to worry about our first meeting. I’m just glad we can talk like this.”

  “Me too,” She said while turning aro
und to match his stance on the rail. Her hair blew in the wind; washing him in her scent. She just gazed over the water while being only a few inches away from leaning against him. “Do you have anything you’d like to know from me?”

  Of course he did, but almost all of the questions were geared toward if she liked him. He thought; What is she thinking about? Was this a trap of hers to crush my hopes again? There was no way he would spoil the moment by asking those questions until he was positive of her feelings. Alex’s heart wanted to ask her so much, but it also felt insecure. Then he did find a question she could answer.

  “Why did you choose to come to my island? What did you do there?”

  “I originally went there to get some rest from all I did a month before. Even if I was there for vacation, I still needed to follow orders. I was charged with scouting the island and clearing out any dangerous fiends that might threaten the local population. I killed a few Fury’s along with a few wild dogs that had gotten loose and killed there owners. I thought it was an easy task until that Shadow Fang showed up. I couldn’t believe such a dangerous fiend lived there. It wasn’t the first I’ve seen though. The report I was given didn’t even mention there being even a single track from one of them. It was a small and diverse climate that I guess anything could live there.

  “Then after I left your body I ran back to the barracks. While filling out my report and explaining my story, I got an emergency summons a week later.” She was going further than the original question, but he wouldn’t halt this progress between them. “I had left to make way to the border of Nicronane and Alluan. There had been reports of traitors and I was tasked with the dealing out the dirty work. You already know who I was ordered to murder. I killed the general… and you already know the rest.” She finally looked at him and smiled.

  “And I couldn’t be happier than right now.” She tilted her head to the side as she listened to the words, but didn’t understand the context. “I now get to have you to myself. We’ve both been through much, but I think it’s worth it to have you at my side right now.” She smiled at the simple and touching speech and turned to look at the water again.

  They watched the water in silence for the rest of the night.

  About four days later they estimated that The Pack, they called their group, would have passed themselves if they would have continued traveling on foot. And they only needed to patch a small leaking hole in the boat during the whole trip.

  On the seventh day and around noon Kallel suddenly shouted in worry “We’ve got Company!” Alex followed his finger to see an approaching ship.

  The sails were blood red and counted three massive masts, pointed directly towards them. The boat was four times their size and looked newly built, ready for battle. The deck of the boat rose over fifteen feet above the water’s edge. Alex saw many bodies moving along its deck, preparing themselves. It was a battleship if he had ever seen one.

  They were in serious trouble.

  Both Lily and Marlin were by his side within moments. Lily cursed “It’s the Water Guard. We’ll never be able to out run them or fight in this thing.” She went for her swords in preparation for battle.

  Alex grabbed her shoulders and turned her to look at him before she drew them. “Do you trust me?” Her amethyst eyes flared, but she nodded without hesitation. “Good, now we have some time before they arrive. Let me think.”

  A minute later he came up with the answer. “Clift, Shade! Get up here. We have a situation.” Immediately Shade appeared on the deck by using his shadow. His eyes were wide and alert while he scanned the surroundings. Clift wasn’t far behind as he galloped up the steps and appeared out of the hole to the lower deck. Alex gained Shade’s attention. “We are most likely going to have some Guards about to visit us by boarding this vessel. I’ll need you to stay in your shadow and down on the lower deck. If anything goes seriously wrong, you’ll need to do your thing before they can alert the others.” He pointed to the oncoming ship. Shade growled menacingly, but dove into his Shadow again and disappeared between the decks cracks.

  By this time Kallel joined them at the fore of the ship, Alex began speaking his plans to get them out of this alive. “Lily, you are too easily recognizable.” She frowned. “By now, most Guard units must already know about our earlier incident. What I need for you to do is hide in Clift’s hay pile and stay there. He and Shade will be down there to aid you if something happens. Get going…NOW!” he smacked her rear and she actually squealed.

  Without waiting to see what she might do for that gesture, like before when he lifted her on Shade she punched his jaw from his act, he shifted his gaze. “Clift. I need you to slowly eat your hay while Lily is hiding inside it. If they try to poke the hay, pretend to spook and kick them if you need to. Defend your food.” He nodded and followed after Lily, as she descended into the lower level.

  Then he looked between Kallel and Marlin. “First we need to tie up the sails just to make their approach think we’ve submitted. We’ll need make up a story as to why we are traveling across this lake. Something like Marlin and I are brothers and you are our father. What do you think?”

  “That could work, Alex. I’d appear to have married young, but it could work.” Kallel admitted with a grin. “But we had better hide our rings.” He took his off and shoved it in his pocket.

  They followed his lead and did the same before climbing the mast. While they raised the sails the three of them fine tuned the plan. By the time the sails were closed the Water Guard was only a few minutes away. They then climbed back down and waited for the imminent arrival. Marlin hid his item behind his back and Alex lazily held the staff at his side.

  A few moments later a deep voice yelled “Ahoy there! Prepare to be boarded for an inspection!”

  The gigantic boat that pulled alongside of them not only blocked the sun, but also made the small ship rock from the large waves it created. There were at least ninety to a hundred crew members aboard, peering at the three of them from over the side of the ship. They had also raised their sails to stop along side Kallel’s starboard side. There were some men shouting, but it was mostly garbled. There were holes on the side of their ship for cannons. Kallel’s ship looked more like a bath toy rather than a transport boat in comparison.

  The three of them stood on the port side of the deck, seemingly forthcoming to any demands. Marlin and Alex waited together and Kallel stood protectively in front of them. We needed to play our parts perfectly or else we’ll all perish. They all thought separately.

  Some people on the ship threw towing hooks to pull Kallel’s boat to theirs. Once they couldn’t go anywhere, the Guard laid a long ramp from their ship to Kallel’s deck. The wind still blew strongly, but fifteen guards all walked across the plank and onto their ship.

  Leading the guards was a man decorated with metals showing his rank as the admiral of the enormous battle ship. He carried two ancient cutlasses at his hip and they were his two items, but their coloring was different for each; one white, the other, pure black. He appeared like an average size man and wore the usual guard’s uniform which consisted of a red tunic and brown pants. Once all of the fifteen members stood on the deck the admiral looked at the shape of Kallel’s boat before speaking. “This will be just a routine inspection of your ship. We need be sure that you aren’t Freelan and supplying them with anything valuable.”

  “Father, what’s a Freelan?” Marlin asked innocently.

  “Oh don’t be an idiot. Father has told us a thousand times that they are a rebel group fighting the king’s regime.” Alex said matter-of-factly.

  “Now, now boys. This is no time to argue. We have guests if you haven’t realized.” Kallel said disappointedly while shaking his head.

  At the same time Marlin and Alex bowed slightly and simultaneously said “Sorry, Father.”

  Then the admiral smiled weakly under his graying beard. “Men, go and search this boat while I speak to these fine citizens.” The guards spread out and search
ed the boat. Half of them went down into the lower level. Alex could hear most of them going through their things.

  Their minds refocused as the captain walked closer. “While the men do their duty I’d like to know what you’re up to all the way out here.”

  Kallel grinned and Alex liked his plan before the guards showed up. “Why I’m sailing across to meet my sister. I just received word that her husband was killed by members of Freelan. So my sons and myself are crossing the lake to see if there is something we might be able to do to ease her suffering of the incident. Once I drop them off I’m coming back to tend to my wife, she’s ill at the moment, but her mother is looking over her while I see about my sister’s well being.”

  “You’ll attempt to make such a journey in this…thing?” Then the admiral began looking at the patched boat. “Are you sure you’ll make it? I’ve never seen such a shambled ship…”

  Suddenly Clift neighed in terror and Alex’s grip tightened against his staff. He began shouting a string of curses that were indeed impressive. Alex’s heart stammered as he listened for sounds of men screaming. Then came the voices of the men below deck. “Careful, he’s a kicker.” “Ow! He bites too!” “Get away from ‘em!” and the men continued yelling at each other. Soon all eight men stormed out of the lower level and they were panting heavily.

  The admiral’s eye narrowed on three men before him as he demanded from his men “What happened down there? Did you find anything that will expose them as rebel liars?” Alex didn’t like being called a liar, but controlled his temper.

  “Nay, Admiral!” One man said. “It was just an easily spooked horse below deck. When we got too close to his hay we scared him and he about kicked me.” The next man continued the report, showing a little blood on his forearm where Clift’s teeth impressions stood out firmly. “We found four packs, but they were all clean. We checked their food supply, but it was only food and fresh water, enough for only them and their steed.” As the man finished speaking, Clift went silent.

  “Is that all?” The admiral finally looked at his men. They all said the citizens were cleared of suspicion. Then the captain politely bowed to Kallel. “I’m sorry about the inconvenience. You may all leave now in peace.”

  Kallel laughed which caught all off guard. “I’m glad you’re doing your job, Admiral. I feel safer knowing that you do such fine work. I don’t mind the inconveniency just as long you find a Freelan rebel in your search.”

  The man grinned and walked back to his ship, along with all of his men. They removed their hooks and the board.

  Alex, Kallel and Marlin waited and watched as the Water Guard reopened their sails and continued on their way.

  Once they were too far away they all sighed in relief and put their rings back on. The three of them unfurled the sails and continued on the journey. Alex walked back down the stairs after the boat began were moving ahead and said “We made it. You can all come out now.”

  Lily almost exploded out of the hay. She brushed off all the straw off her clothing. Her eyes locked onto Alex’s and she smiled. “You are truly devious. I almost blew my cover when Clift spooked. Is that what you told him to do?” he nodded. “We’ll tell me next time. It was a close call when you don’t understand what someone always says, especially if you speak to animals. Are we good to go?” he nodded and she sighed in relief while removing the strands in her hair.

  Shade came up and out from his shadow next to Lily and admitted that he was glad everything worked out. Relief filled them all.