Ra' van (Book Three of the Items Trilogy) Page 14
Once around the fire Marlin ate and spoke of events to the three while Shade did the same for the others. Eventually Marlin stepped lightly around the tender subject as to why Alex wished to be alone until the end of the narration. All features from The Pack looked drawn as they understood Alex's plight.
It wasn't until Lily stood that Jakz said "It will do no good, Lily." She turned and her violet eyes took on a dark coloring, but the middle aged man didn't waver. Compared to the commanding look of a Furion anyone else barely makes him uneasy. "A man sometimes needs to be given space and time to sort out what his actions bring, no matter how righteous the quest he takes upon himself. Alex's pride has taken a serious wound that only he and time can mend. Leave him be."
"Do not tell me what to do." She said coolly, but the threat was unmistakable. "My husband needs to take his mind off of what people say and focus on the moment. He needs to forget what they said."
An equal tone and blazing eyes came from the veteran. "You will heed my words, woman."
Ever since Alex rescued her from being a mindless drone of the Guard, Lily has never appreciated being ordered. Other than the man who she had fallen in love with she hasn't been ordered to do anything she's disagreed with and the tone that Jakz used made her anger flare to life.
Without even thinking she drew both short swords.
Then she yelled, jumped over the fire and struck.
Lily suddenly realized she was suspended in the air and looked as her curved sword had stopped an inch from the calm countenance of Jakz and her rectangular pink blade also stopped several inches from his heart. Upon a closer examination she noticed a thin reflection of filament holding her entire body aloft.
Lily fell in a trap. Jakz's trap.
His level gaze never wavered, but now his hands were pressed flat together and the rings on his thumbs touched. If not for the amount of wire holding her, her body would have fallen in lifeless sections. She understood she was helpless and knew he held back for he didn't create a fire through the razor thin wire or have her flesh peeled away like a vegetable.
"You might be a princess to my best friend's son, but do not believe I take my guard down for anyone. Alex might be dear to me as if he were a nephew, but do not disgrace your new station by being angered so quickly or attacking because you believe you're being slighted. Otherwise you will make the many sacrifices harder especially for that of my young lord who has chosen to be alone for a reason." Jakz then stood, never separating his hands. The movement he made didn't fluctuate the wires and still made it impossible to move everything besides breathing and her eyes. "As to your current situation, I believe you've become lax in your observational training. If you were more attentive you would have seen me laying my item all around me every night when we stop. Remember, I can make as much wire as I need and bend it to my will? My fighting style isn't as direct as a swordsman's, such as yourself. I overwhelm my opponent with skill and cunning and in doing so the enemy moves how I want them to."
We'll see about that. Lily mentally countered and sent her will to her rectangular sword and wanted it to dissolve into thousands of razor sharp petals like that of a rose.
But just as she had the thought, wires laid below the ground sprang up and encased the weapon like a sheathe. "You still take me lightly?" Jakz's tone turned rather upset, but still retained full control.
Suddenly Shade intervened after seeing more than enough and snarled a warning. "Enough of this!" And stomped his massive paw.
Jakz knew it was folly to continue with Shade standing between the two of them. "Forgive me." and he bowed. Shade couldn't understand the words, but when the man separated his forepaws the wire from all around Lily went slack and she fell on the ground. Shade could smell no blood from her and nodded to Jakz for releasing his brother's mate, unharmed yet still angry.
"Remember Lily," Jakz said in the same, self-assured tone. "you are now a princess and that means your words need to be sharper than your swords, otherwise you'll fall into the hands of those wanting to manipulate you. Something the nobles will always try to do. Be as strong in the mind as you are with your muscles." With that Jakz turned around and began walking into the forest, retracting the many yards of wire. By the time he reached the edge of the clearing a flame sprung to life along three inches of remaining wire, giving enough light to scout the area.
Shade watched as Lily slumped before the fire in defeat.
She took what had been said to heart. Much of it made sense so she allowed her anger to subside and reflect on her misguided actions wrought and the words that would shape how her actions would be directed from now on. Not one being knew just how deadly Jakz truly is, until tonight. Lily looked to the trees and saw Alex remained oblivious to the commotion. A sense of relief washed over her before she shuddered slightly at the thought of how she would have disappointed him for how easily she was angered and attacked an old friend.
Not seeing or sensing any more hostility from the others, Shade moved to lay beside Krum to ask "How is Crush?"
The Orggian pointed to Grizon's injured flesh that had been sowed and revealed it to remain red and inflamed. "We removed nearly a gallon of infection before red blood flowed free. At the moment it is hard to say if he'll even wake again, but hopefully he'll overcome the damage the infection caused to his system. We'll know in the morning if he gets better. If it were only the sharp stick he wouldn't be so bad, but he remains too warm for his kind. So long as he breathes he has a chance."
Chapter 7
Morning barely dawned as Alex realized just how long he had remained in the boughs of the tree. Tired from a sleepless night, he rubbed the crust from his eyes and peered down to see everyone except Shade sound asleep. A quick scan again showed all remained safe and quiet at the moment.
So deep did he turn in upon himself that he just realized Ava sat on a branch above him and expressed "Finally! I thought you'd never pull out of your thoughts."
As she flitted down Alex felt a dull pain on the crown of his heat and gently felt the area. He winced and looked at his fingers to find them slightly bloody. "What happened?" He asked while showing her the blood.
Ava turned her beak away and said "When you didn't acknowledge me I pecked you a little too hard."
"Because I came back to say them humans have left these lands and passed the marked boarder Crush outlined. They talked little after you left and packed throughout the night. I returned an hour ago and found you dead to the world. What made you so blind that I couldn't wake you, even with pain?"
He then went to tell her about how the men called him a power hungry and ruthless warrior who wants to rule all by forcing everyone to submit or be killed. It was beyond difficult to articulate how much the rumor hurt, but she listened silently and didn't judge. To make the journey to free the lands from Runkamon's greedy grasp he'd do anything to turn the people Alex only wished to help into a frightened enemy. Reactions of fear and propaganda would only result in further bloodshed. Of course he knew his hopes wouldn't be easy to accomplish, but he couldn't believe the Royal Guard would use such dirty, underhanded tricks. Creating doubt in the people would make them biased against Alex, when his intentions were only pure. He wants to give everyone a chance at freedom to do what they want, not what a single, oppressive kingdom forces its subjects to do. The right to forge a path is inherent to the individual, but under Runkamon's edict a person can do only as befitting as the item they were born with.
All Alex wants is for everyone to choose for themselves and bring back the free kingdoms that his Uncle Gambit always spoke so highly of.
And to make things more difficult a rumor is spreading that Alex is a ruthless killer who wishes to dominate.
Eventually he had to accept this blow to the image he made of himself. He wouldn't relent and when this is all over he only hoped that the truth will prevail.
"Is there a stream nearby?" He asked.
She bobbed her head and took off.
He adjusted his sword before easily maneuvering silently down the limbs. As he landed Shade rushed over and gave a quick lick to the side of Alex's face. When the slobber dripped away Shade rumbled in pleasure at seeing life return to his brother's eyes. The night of solitude had been just what was needed.
Alex said he was going for a bath and Shade excitedly decided to join in, but before they left Shade trotted over and woke Crest to keep watch, for they had more visitors waiting in the forest than when they returned from the human camp. Shade then scooped Alex's pack in his teeth and silently returned to Alex's side and together they found a nearby stream. Alex bathed first with a large cake of soap while Shade swam and enjoyed the exercise. A quick shave with a sharp knife left Alex feeling refreshed. Then came the time consuming task of lathering a Shadow Fang lord. It took nearly thirty minutes to soap and lather every inch of black fur, but Shade enjoyed it and submerged himself to wash out the white bubbles and resurfaced to soak everything in a twenty foot radius.
Ava quickly bathed herself and preened her glistening feathers while Shade dripped dry. Alex then dug in his pack until finding a thickly bristled horse brush to stroke out the sleek onyx fur.
Upon their return, only Jakz and Clift had awakened. Jakz simply looked over the prince and gave a satisfied nod before stoking the fire to knock the chill off. Alex smiled gratefully to the older man because he truly didn't wish to talk about last night, but he saw the disturbed ground beneath Jakz and raised an eyebrow. "Something happen?" He asked, knowing about the wire traps he faithfully laid around himself every single night.
Jakz shrugged. "Lily and I had a disagreement, but it is settled."
"Alright. Was anyone hurt?"
"Some pride, but nothing more than that."
Hearing their voices caused the others to stir. Lily was the first to awaken fully and when she noticed Alex standing beside Shade with Ava upon his shoulder she removed herself from the bedroll and approached. "Is everything well up here?" She tapped the side of his head.
His smile was all she needed. "Good! Now what is the plan for the day?"
Seeing everyone awake and looking to him expectantly had forced him to say "We go on with what we are here for. It will help if we can have Crush awake and mediate our case with the other fiends who rely on his protection. I know he should sleep another day, but circumstances are against us as always."
A quick tapping on a small board drew his attention to Niranene and Krum. She then offered the board and chalk to the Orggian and he wrote back quickly. She then read it and stood up with her case. "We will try to wake him and see if his condition has improved at all. If it hasn’t we’ll put him under again."
Everyone remained together, but where they could observe and not be a hindrance. Leera watched them approach warily, but stood and asked "What are you going to do now?"
Krum replied "Niranene's solution hasn’t fully run its course, but we need to awaken your mate to see how he fares."
Her brown eyes lit up. "If he must wake then there is only one way." She then came closer and put her snout in his ear and blew suddenly.
The effect proved to be immediate as Crush's ear flicked and he moved his head away from the blast of air. "Awe Leera, Why do you always do that?" He growled and barred his deadly array of teeth in her direction.
Leera's satisfaction came out in a type of purr when she saw her mate wake with a lucid mind.
Then Crush scented the air and realized they were surrounded. He rose to his full height suddenly and prepared to charge till Leera jumped before him and spread her upper set of arms protectively. Then a large human appeared out of nowhere with a sword drawn and its bell-like ring filled the area with its music. He stood before a female and a small orange and hairy creature that could only be an Orggian. But it were the deadly grey eyes that stopped Crush from advancing. Instant recognition overcame him as he tilted his head "Leader?"
Alex didn't react, unsure of why Crush nearly attacked, but remained ready to stop any hostility should something unfortunate take place. Then Leera gently nipped her mate's paw to gain his undivided attention. "My love, what is wrong? Why did you attack those who helped save your life?"
He got and incredulous look in his eye. "Leera, what is happening? Where are we?"
"Don't you remember what has happened yesterday?"
He shook his large head.
"Then look at your shoulder and try to remember."
And he did so. Eventually Alex slid returned ornate sword into its black leather sheathe when the Grizon's anger and defensiveness subsided. Crush, after looking at his shoulder that had been worked on and dressed, peered at everyone else. "I remember bits and pieces, but everything is all so hazy."
"It is most likely due to the infection." Krum announced and approached slowly, not appearing as a threat or a meal. "Not surprising, not at all. The memories you made last night might come back, but then again... It was remarkable though that you were lucid enough to come here in such a serious condition. Nevertheless we removed the bolt and quite a bit of the infection. Tell me, how do you feel?" Krum sat on his heels to listen beside Leera as Crush said he still felt warmer than usual and his shoulder remained in pain. "As expected. Can you move your arm that was shot at all?"
Everyone watched as Crush barely managed to move the joints in his upper left arm while the lower arm remained planted for support of his large frame. "That is a good sign. Niranene and I were afraid of nerve damage, but in time it will get better. Allow it to rest today. Tomorrow, work it slowly."
All the while that they talked Alex translated.
Then Niranene tried approaching, but a deep growl from Crush forced Krum to pull her back. He said "Keep away, filthy human!"
Then Shade growled so deeply it couldn't be heard, but the vibration could be felt resonating through all their bodies. Crush went silent and wide eyed as he noticed the two other fiend lords, but the largest one approached with the command of an Alpha. In a sure tone Shade said "Crush, unlike when the last time we met I can now force you to behave. We are here to help you, but do not threaten my pack unless you wish to challenge me. The thin female is a healer and the one who saved your life. If she wants to approach you, let her. She is no threat. But if you even think of hurting her I'll rip your throat out before you can blink." Then Shade put his snout on Crush's and looked him in the eye. Even though both were lords, being near a Furion granted Shade a larger size and fiercer features than this wild Grizon lord. "Am I understood?"
In his weakened condition even Crush knew it would be folly to challenge the Shadow Fang. Even in his prime he didn't know if he'd win the contest.
Crush looked away, clearly defeated at the moment.
Shade then looked at Niranene and nodded.
Even with the language barrier she understood that she and Krum could approach. Under watchful eyes she turned to Alex and asked "Please translate so that he won't be surprised when I do something." He nodded and she looked up into the large brown eyes of Crush. "I need to check the wound more closely, but to do that I need for you to lay down." He did so only when Leera came closer and reassured him. She looked close at the injury and said for her own benefit "The swollenness has gone down much and the redness isn't as deep either. Still hot to the touch... The stitches have taken well and the wound should seal completely within the week." She then went to her case and began mixing a concoction and knew it needed to be mixed with hot water and had Krum do it. When crushing the pellets to precise amounts she had another look inside Crush to find his intestinal tract infested with intestinal parasites and made a separate mix specifically to purge his system after the first mixture took effect.
By noon Crush remained lucid and said he felt better, but wanted to wash his mouth out quickly. Also by this time he listened to what happened during the night and said he was grateful that so many came to honor the dead.
Then Crush listened to Alex's request and felt reluctant to grant it until he re
membered Alex was merely being courteous. This is all his land after all and if he wanted to he could do it without permission. He then asked if animals were also included in the plan. "Nay, what I need are fiends who will retain any knowledge I say and not forget what they are doing five minutes from now like other animals."
"Very well." Crush said and stood. He then roared for all fiends under his domain to spread word and come to his location at once.
The first to arrive were two Shadow Fangs and three Fury who waited nearby to see what was happening. For once Ava wasn't upset because these Fury were as tall, if not shorter than she and her feathers and markings were much more magnificent.
At nearly nightfall around seventy fiends stood together in the clearing. Most were Grizon, either relatives, children or grandchildren of Crush and Leera. Three were fiend lords, but their scars were insignificant in comparison to Crush. Only three Shadow Fangs arrived for that was all that lived here. Alex had to remind himself that the Big Three were rare. Two Beran of opposite sex stood off to the side and kept away from others. Green quilled Pikro congregated together and others let them have as much room as they wanted. The most abundant fiend were the Fury, but a flash of red caught Alex's attention and he approached a lone Frox.
"You weren't the one I saw during the night."
The white muzzled Frox looked up and met Alex's stare. "I am not, but how can you tell us apart, human?"
Alex pointed to the fiend's tail. "The one last night had a thinner puff to his tail and more black hairs at the end."
The Frox lord, the size of a wolf, revealed a sly smile and set of teeth as its reddish fur rippled in a slight breeze. "I'm impressed. You may call me Nightshade. I'm the leader and spokesperson for my kind."