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Cutlass Sharpened Page 14
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Page 14
Renee beamed. “Thanks for my colon clogger, Vic.”
The server shook his head. “Will you ever call it something different? To name such fine craftsmanship something so vulgar is shameful. It wounds me.”
“I could go back to its old name.” She said as he sat it down.
“You do and I’ll spit in your food.” He winked and looked to her right.
“Did you order all these drinks?” The other person asked, sitting them down.
“I did. I want to try everything. I do not know what I like.”
“Oh. Then why not eat an assortment as well. I’ll whip something right up.” Jim went to turn around.
Renee stopped him. “Don’t bother. He isn’t hungry, but he also can’t eat any solid foods without it being from an animal. Eggs, bread, cheese… it’ll make him violently ill. He can’t process it.”
“A strict Hunter’s diet then?” Jim asked and got a nod. “Alright, I’ll keep it in mind. How’s my baby doing?”
“Mother and child are doing well. Talk to you later.” She lifted her tray. “Come on, Oliver.” He did the same. Renee chose a secluded area of the hall, returning gravity to their likings.
They sat and Oliver grabbed a cup to put his lips over the straw and sucked. He was assaulted by a strange flavor. It wasn’t bad and he handed it to Renee asking “What is this?”
She swallowed a bite of her omelet and took a swig, not afraid of sharing a straw like some germophobia challenged idiot. She had an immune system for a reason and if she did get deathly sick she could synthesize a cure in under three minutes. “Lemonade.”
He tried another. “And this?”
“Grape juice.”
She explained each flavor and he found he didn’t like bland milk, but chocolate was his favorite. When he graduated to more adult drinks she started him with chamomile tea, mint and two others. He liked hot drinks too… until coffee. He said “I like the smell.” but as soon as taking a small sip he grimaced. “That’s nastier than I imagined.” Renee bit back a laugh but taught him how to use sugar and creamer. He still found it disgusting, but improved.
After associating the names with flavor and aroma Oliver let her eat. He kept alternating flavors, committing them to what he learned to gain deeper understanding. As he did so he asked “Renee, what is it like being a class twelve?”
She shrugged, took a sip, swallowed and belched. “Has its ups and a few downs. I’m the second strongest on the ship. Papa is stronger than me.”
“Two class twelve’s on one ship? I thought your class is less than five percent of the entire human population.”
“Correct. We’re the biggest badasses around. I’m just not cut out for imperial defense. Being a pirate is more my thing.”
“What kind of pirate?” he went completely still.
“Just relax, Dumbass. We’re treasure seekers, not pillagers, grave robbers or marauders. We’re recognized by the empire. They stay the fuck out of Papa’s business and let us do what we want in exchange for any rare finds. Besides, Papa is the pirate king of Andromeda. If they cross the line and become true pirates, Papa will destroy them. You think Jessica and Stephanie would associate with a crew of bloodthirsty pirates?”
“I do not know their story so I cannot say.”
“Then do you think I could be part of it.” He gave her a deep look and she cackled “I guess I kind of give off that vibe. Let me put it this way, no registered medic would join an illegal pirate ship willingly. We can choose to let someone die who deserves it. My oaths to preserve life do not include cold blooded murderers. I’d send them out an airlock and not think twice if I didn’t plan to kill them myself.” She said in complete seriousness.
He had to force himself from continuing or risk doing what Stephanie said not to do. I really wish to hear her story, but Stephanie said she’ll tell me when she’s ready. Don’t push when things are more relaxed.
“And don’t worry. Your mere existence is safe with us. We may be pirates, but your value will alert the wrong ears and your life will be ruined. Papa protects his men.”
“So I’m part of the crew?”
“Far as I know.” She took another large bite. Oliver liked seeing a woman eating plenty, not like the little the other women had on their plates. “We found you, but aren’t a prisoner. If you decide to leave, you won’t be stopped, but you’ll lose Papa’s protection.”
“What have we here?” came a deep, recognizable voice.
“Hello, Deegen.” Renee waved her fork.
The Hunters sat down with the two, each having a loaded tray with a mound of thick purplish meat, darkened by being grilled.
“Feels nice over here, eh Brothers.” Stone said in the stronger gravity field.
“Damn straight!” Steven said as he leaned his lance against the table. “So you two lovebirds kiss and make up yet.” Hazel eyes passing between the two sitting across from each other.
“Fuck off.” Renee glared and stuffed the speared egg omelet in her mouth. “And who gave you all permission to sit with us?”
“We don’t need it, Ms. Deegen.” Stone said as he started tearing off a hunk of cooked Stingray. “Oliver, why are you looking at me like that?”
“You like your Beast cooked?”
“You don’t?”
Oliver shook his head. “I tried a cooked strip, but raw was much tastier.”
“To each their own.” Deegen said before swallowing.
“So, Oliver, you ready for more jumping lessons?”
“Take it easy.” Renee butted in. “Oliver’s shoulder is still recuperating. If he heals like you three morons he’ll be good as new in two days.”
“Why not give him a massage? It’ll be good by tomorrow.” Stone spoke.
“Why don’t you do it if you’re such an expert? I’m not his mother here to kiss a boo boo. I’m here to keep everyone healthy, not happy.”
“Be still my beating heart.” Deegen teased. She flicked him off with a grin.
The rest of breakfast passed much the same way. Towards the end Sparky arrived and used his long tail to slap the back of Steven’s head into the table and the two fought and tackled over the floor without too much force behind their blows. During the lively conversations, Oliver also added three more to his com. Stone was rather insistent. Oliver eventually finished his drinks and used the nearest bathroom as the extra liquid did what it does best.
Afterwards Renee had to go back to check on a patient as the Hunters followed Oliver out on deck and laughed as soon as he got a view out on deck.
The great Sapphire Nebula stretched out far and wide all around the Dorgenox. Dust and gas was alive with light, giving off deep purple and blues. Clouds writhed and changed so gradually it would be still if you weren’t looking. Patches of black space was a backdrop for the stellar nursery of a new solar system one day to be created in the distant future. Distant stars were brighter through the nebula. It was so beautiful and majestic, moisture collected in the corners of Oliver’s eye. A nearby small meteor was deflected off the ship’s barrier, making an explosion of dust and ice like a tiny star.
Over by the port stood three individuals against the railing, staring fondly out in the vastness. Oliver knew the shape of two. Jessica and Stephanie had an arm around each other looking out and pointing. Beside them was a table with equipment and the other stood a rather short man yet taller than either, but covered in woodsy patterned fur, but didn’t have a tail. Ears stood out higher on the man’s head. Oliver knew this person had gone and had his DNA spliced with some kind of felines, likely a jaguar. It wasn’t uncommon for people to look like their favorite creature. He was still human, but looked different.
Being two and a half kilometers away, Oliver was the first to get hopping. It was hard at first, not tripping over one’s own two feet, but yesterday’s rhythm soon returned.
In minutes of faster and more accurate bounds the four large men made it to the edge of the ship and Oliver gained th
e attention of the nebula gazing trio. “Good morning, Ladies and mister.”
Jessica and Stephanie let go of each other to turn around, each offering beautiful smiles and open expressions. Stephanie did not wear a dress today, but comfortable slacks and a sexy top that highlighted high, perky breasts and plenty of cleavage. She said “You took my advice, Oliver. I’m grateful. Renee told me everything and you two are on better grounds. Now aren’t you glad you took my words to heart?”
“I am. Thank you. Did she also tell you how she eaves dropped?”
“She did and I already took care of it.” Jessica said as she tucked some of her auburn hair behind an ear. Like Stephanie she loved her breasts, being raised in low gravity meant they were much higher and fuller. “She won’t be hacking into your room through her chip without you being alerted through your room crystal. If it starts pulsing you’ll know. I’ll deal with my niece if she keeps acting like a brat.”
“All is well then? Nothing new to the drama that is the Dorgen clan.” Said the short feline man in a soft voice wearing a tuxedo.
“Hello, Sir, I’m Oliver. Oliver Void.”
The man smiled with filed teeth to be more catlike. His furry hand clasped Oliver’s much larger one. “A real pleasure and I’m up to speed on all your… let’s just say unique circumstances. I’m Abdul Krabble, First Mate aboard the Dorgenox.”
Hands released. “First Mate? Second in command? You mean you run the ship by the captain’s orders? Renee’s father?”
“Correct. I’m the helmsman as well. I chose to meet you this morning when Stephanie told me about your next session out here. It is a lovely nebula. It will make for a pleasant working environment. I also wished to say my thanks for being out on deck during the latest Beast attack. If not for you and the Hunters we would have been in more dire straits than we currently find ourselves.”
“What has occurred, Mr. Krabble?” Stone asked, hands resting leisurely atop his hatchets.
“I do not wish the crew to panic, but we had a serious problem after the attack, and still have one.” The man crossed his arms, slit eyes dropping slightly. “Somehow the Stingrays created an unknown feedback after breaking through the barrier and cracked the Booster Oil containment field and all but a single drop remains. Our FTL engineer Jacob Wrench was almost too late saving that last drop. If he didn’t we’d be stuck relying on the ship’s solar sails to reach the nearest inhabited planet in fifty six years in conjunction of out sublight engines. Worse yet, our long range distress beacon was also irreparably damaged. The engines are being self-repaired, but we’ll be stuck here for a few days till Jacob can get us up and running. We’ve got just enough oil for a single jump.”
Oliver knew Booster Oil’s purpose. It was volatile, but a single drop was enough to increase FTL output by six thousand percent. Making for near instant stellar travel through subspace compared to normal.
Stone rubbed his chin. “Then we can make two objective for the one shot left to us. My home world Zerika” Sounding like Zer-ree-ka. “has many Inferno Fruit plantations we can procure to make more oil. Since it is a Hunter planet, Oliver can be seen and maybe the elders may know where our his origins stem from.”
“Then today is your lucky day. The captain already decided Zerika was our destination. Unfortunately our visit cannot linger there for too long. And Oliver cannot stay. The captain has granted us one month there before we head to Verard for business we put off too long already.”
The leader of the Hunters’ brow wrinkled in mild anger. “One month?!” the other two also bristled. “That will not work for us. Our ancient brother needs years to learn our ways. I’m sure the elders will send replacement Hunters in our stead.”
“I’m sorry, Stone, but I have my orders. The captain wants Oliver back aboard on day thirty after we arrive on Zerika. Either he is returned or the captain will personally come to retrieve him and lay waste to any in his way.”
This news greatly unsettled the Hunters. Oliver put a hand on Stone’s armored shoulder. “It will be alright. Had the captain not led you to where I was locked away you would not be in this predicament. You see how fast I learn. Thirty days will be plenty. Meanwhile, you can fill in any gaps we may miss before repairs are completed.”
“But it will take more than three weeks to assemble the great elders.” Stone grumbled.
“I can help with that.” Stephanie came forth holding a tiny felt bag that looked to barely hold a few pebbles. “My brother-in-law isn’t heartless. He’s a great man.” She very carefully dumped six tiny coms into the palm of her hand. “Oliver made these yesterday out of one of my shoes. I’ve been studying them and have yet to find the maximum range these babies can’t reach. Already I found they cross galaxies.” The three Hunters all found their jaws hit the floor. “We’re in the Andromeda galaxy and I’ve already spoken with my older sister back in the Milky Way. She thinks I came by for a visit. Contacting Zerika will be no problem for these babies.”
“Then I must have one and can forewarn the elders to expect our arrival.”
“I need just a few more hours to upload my own programs so their encryption protocols cannot be tracked.” Jessica said.
“One moment.” Oliver focused and held his right hand out. “Jessica, may I?” she tipped her hand and dropped the coms in his possession. The vambrace suddenly snatched them and worked it’s magic. Using desire via understanding from all he learned, safety features up and above even Jessica’s technical knowhow were imbued in the coms before being spit out. “Done. No one can listen in anymore.” And returned them. He then held his arm beside his ear and a barb speared into his sub dermal shard and did similar alterations. Then turned to Stone. “I can upgrade yours without needing to copy or reapply the names of everyone already inside yours.”
“Much appreciated.” Stone turned his face and barely felt any pressure as his com was extracted, broken and pieced together in a more efficient way before being put right back. The barb extracted with hardly a smear of blood. Stone did worse shaving. “I’ll be back soon.”
“Do not forget our verbal contract.” Stephanie warned.
“I haven’t forgotten, Mrs. Merann.” He walked away for privacy.
“Well I must return to the bridge. Keep me informed on all progress.” Abdul said as he began making way back to the nearest access hatch rather than the main airlock below the ship’s bridge.
Stone though stopped about a hundred meters away and touched the knot by his ear. “Elder Scythe, it is Stone Calliko, first class. Do you have a spare moment?”
Far away, eight thousand light years away, sat an old Hunter up in the boughs of a tree watching the migration of a herbivore resembling a bison and a wildebeest, crossing a narrow stream. He tapped his ear to say “I always have time for my pupils. What is on your mind, Young One?” though he himself barely looked thirty, dark skinned and layered in corded muscle.
“We’ve made an astounding discovery. A man I believe to have lived in the genesis of the Hunter program.” Though no one saw it the elder suddenly sat straight. “I’m requesting an assembly of the great elders, but all secrecy must be kept of this man… he is different.”
“Tell me all you can, Child.” Scythe ordered in a no nonsense way. “Bring him immediately.”
“Elder, I’m afraid I’m unable. You see, I’m not within the Zerikan system. I’m actually speaking from the Sapphire Nebula.”
“Impossible! Coms cannot reach further than planetary to sixty million kilometers from surface.”
“Elder, you know I do not stretch the truth. You guided me and never let your pupils do so. Believe me, I’m not lying. Ready the elders. We’ll be there in one week after the ship repairs are complete. We had a Beast issue. Also, this man caries two original weapons of the Star Peoples and armor unlike any I’ve seen before. What I can say is his memories were taken from him, every memory, but in two days he has learned to not only communicate fluently he also completed standard education all a
re required to learn. In just two days, Elder. I must also inform you, even I cannot fathom the depths of his true abilities. When we found him, he could barely walk, yet in one slice he felled a Salamander that would have killed me had he not intervened. Also he is a true Beast-eater. Secrecy must be our top priority, Elder Scythe. Until I’m permitted, I cannot divulge everything. He is in great danger if the Empire or Galicom learns of his existence.”
“So I can imagine. What else can you tell me?”
“That I, Deegen Castor and Steven Metts, also a first class from Valley Prime, are teaching him gravity adaptation. He is greatly unskilled. He is extremely large, but his lost memories also makes him awkward in moving. We three are slack cord training him. The Captain of the Dorgenox is giving us a one month leave…”
“No. If he is a true Beast-eater he must be tested…”
“Jake Dorgen.” Stone dropped the name.
The elder went quiet. “Oh, him… that does change things. So you called to have the elders assemble a week earlier than had you arrived?”
“Yes, Elder.”
“Very well. I’ll contact my brothers and sisters right away and use the upmost discretion. I expect full data share…”
“I’ve already gotten a promise to share with the elders concerning our lost brother. Full disclosure.”
“Then one last thing I must know. Is our brother dangerous.”
“Elder, I mean no disrespect, but when you see him, you will find he is more dangerous than yourself.”
“Good. I expect you in seven days, Young One. Train him well. I will set the trials for an expedited entrance.”
“Thank you, Elder Scythe. Hunt relentlessly.”
“Feast well, Young One.”
The conversation ended and Stone returned saying “Elder Scythe is eager to meet you, Brother. He believes me and is gathering the elders.”
Oliver looked up from the table in which his sword lay upon as he held it with Stephanie using specialized tools to research another idea. “Then I have a lot to learn and little in which to do it.”