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Cutlass Sharpened Page 12
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Page 12
Truthfully, Oliver could see why cleaning remained. It did distract from sore thoughts that would suffocate if let run wild. Chaos and unrest indeed.
He put down the stinger more like a javelin and approached the door. It opened to show only the archeologist still in her green dress was holding just the egg shaped crystal tablet she let him use earlier. The only difference is wearing a new pair of high heel shoes since he ruined a pair.
Stephanie noticed he had modified his suit again. He wore simple brown pants and a shirt with a large bulge of cloth still containing ice to keep swelling down. And he was barefoot. “I see you are assimilating quite quickly. By the way the blood you dragged all through the ship is cleaned.”
He looked down. “I’m sorry. I should have not done it…”
“Hush. Cleaning after a Beast attack is nothing new for us. While you were locked in your room we jumped to the Sapphire Nebula, basically our own private home away from home. The Stingrays hid in the asteroid belt and snuck up on us. Luckily they are easily dealt with. Just teeth and a stinger. Weak compared to most Beasts…” she glanced past and into the room to raise a lone eyebrow. “Where did the rest go?”
“I ate it. This shrank down what I couldn’t stomach and condensed it and I got it down.” He showed his right arm and she nodded, wishing to have seen it.
“You look in the mood to talk now. May I please come in?”
“Be my guest.” He stepped away and she entered to take a seat on the large sofa. He took the other side. “And please skip pleasantries. I’m going to turn in soon. I’m sore and tired.”
“Quite understandable. I’m here for two reasons. This is the first.” Holding out the clear egg gemstone. “I want to give this to you, but I want to know why you left when Renee arrived in my lab. You don’t have to, but I don’t like making assumptions.”
Unbeknownst to either, Renee secretly listened in on the other side of the door.
Oliver took the device saying “Thank you so much… and I knew why Stone called Renee about a minute later when I learned about neurology, but that is not why I felt the need for isolation. I know what would have been found had I let her. My subconscious is what let me absorb everything. My consciousness though was merely along for the ride. I can’t control my subconscious, but it let me learn at ninety eight point two percent as the tablet is capable of functioning and stored it all away. I can call upon it right now in word for word detail, but I need sleep to let it seep into long term memory.”
“Ninety eight percent total processing power? Are you sure?” He could only nod. “Could you absorb more if given more power?”
“Not by much. I wanted to learn all I could as fast as possible, but it was straining. Especially trying not to blink.”
“Then what triggered the real reason to leave?”
“Please promise me to keep it a secret?” She did. “Renee caught me off guard and the moment I smelled her I fought to assert my consciousness over sub…”
Stephanie spoke when he could not bring himself to say it. “You were about to mate her?”
“It would be seen as rape and you know it. But yes. She is a strong female.” She remained calm and collected. It helped she didn’t judge. He liked her patience. “I almost lost control of that urge because I wasn’t in control. What stopped me was I was researching romance and love. Stories. I like stories… especially since mine was stolen from me. I’m intrigued by it. I want that kind of connection with someone… no that’s not quite right… I need it, but I can’t express why.”
“Most of humanity take mates, but as you know between myself and Jessica we are married. She took my name so you know. Few of us pair bond permanently, nearly all rather take mates for a few months or years till another is sought. I met Jessica forty one years ago and even to this day I cannot live my life without her. It could be possible you are like me and need a permanent mate you know will never leave you. I met her on this ship actually. The Dorgenox drew me…”
“Because you are obsessed with history. This ship was shaped via crystals so the wood retains integrity in space. It reminded you of your mother’s obsession with model ship building during the fourteen to seventeen hundreds… I uh, read your notes.”
“I’m not offended. Flattered actually. Too few ships resemble what our ancestors used before electricity and steam engines was harnessed. The Dorgenox is the best case of ancient design and integrity with the latest technology. The captain and my wife love the ancient roots we come from. Yes, I was drawn to this ship as it reminded me of my mother and as soon as I laid eyes on Jessica I just knew we’d marry and be together… what else made you leave?” She returned them back to the subject.
“Well, a part of me wanted to see if Renee was the only one who made me feel this way. Many women live aboard and they all smell nice. Those with men in their scent are far less alluring…”
“But?” she rolled her hand to make him continue.
“Renee smells the best by far. She is not frail like all the other women. She is tall and solid… I find I like that in a woman.” He admitted to the archeologist who found herself unable to completely hide a smile. “Her fragrance heats my very blood… but she is…”
“Stubborn, emasculating, brusque, hard headed, opinionated, a royal bitch?”
Oliver threw his head back and laughed richly. “Yes, all those descriptions. And strong, powerful, breathtaking, lively and many other good things… I want a woman just like her, but who won’t bite my head off like a Beast or strike me with a kinetic blast when I’d never hurt her. I just want her to be mine.”
“Tough luck, kid. They broke the mold with her. Besides, you can’t think women are docile. All of us can be and are a bitch. The key is finding her trigger and covering it with as many pillows as you can find. Just don’t smother her or she’ll go off with a vengeance.” Stephanie caressed a few strands of her pale hair while crossing her legs. “Which brings me to my next point. You and she were both wrong. She attack in misunderstanding of your intent to save her and you would not let her apologize. I’ll tell you right now you need her to keep you healthy and stay on her good side. You’ve yet to see the bad. She’s the only fully trained medic on the whole ship too. Her priority is to everyone to keep safe and healthy. That includes you. I don’t care how fast you learn. You have no medical experience. Honorably, as a man, you customarily must speak first when both sides are at fault for a falling out. So I want you, when you are ready, to make up. Don’t wait too long or it’ll only be more difficult. And I’ll give you a friendly warning about my niece. Do not grab her. She has issues being grasped by anyone.”
“Why? If I know. Maybe I can help?”
Stephanie shook her head gently, keeping direct eye contact. “It’s not my story to tell. And don’t ask. If you can break through the fortified walls to her heart she will tell you. Not before.” Got up and said “Good night, Oliver. I hope tomorrow we can finish working together.”
“Can we do it out on the deck? I don’t like very cramped spaces as I’m sure you understand.”
“I would enjoy working out on the deck. Shall we meet at let’s say nine hundred?”
“It’s a date. Thank you, Stephanie. Good night.”
Renee hurried back inside the med bay with a racing heart. She felt like a little girl nearly getting caught sneaking cookies to bed. She barely avoided being found eavesdropping as her door hissed shut and a second later Oliver’s opened. She sighed in relief more for her aunt’s help and intervention than being found. Still, she had another shower in mind and slipped out her suit.
Oliver crawled into bed, sucking his clothes into the vambrace to sleep naked. That felt right, but he kept enough out to keep ice on his shoulder.
Chapter 5
Softly came a sound like a wind chime and the crashing of the ocean which pulled Oliver from a sound sleep. The sudden alarm in a completely silent room all night long was just the gentle prod needed to rouse at seven hundred hou
rs. Two hours before the appointed meeting with Stephanie and see with his own eyes the nebula she was so excited about.
He went to rub crust from his eyes with his left hand and found it to be a bad idea as it protested. “Lights on.” And they flared, bathing the room so he could see clearly while sitting up. The water tight cloth he manipulated had long since turned ice to water so he physically pulled the filled bladder down his arm and grimaced seeing deep purple bruises beneath his pale skin. Oliver slid the container down and off his arm till it hang from his always attached vambrace, which he didn’t mind. It already proved invaluable in getting him the foundation needed to get here. It could have been bulky and he would gladly have bared it. Being comfortable and maneuverable made it not a burden a at all.
Sliding out of bed was no problem as the bathroom was priority number one. More than one bladder had to be evacuated. Melted ice and urine for clarification. Inside it the personal one held priority and like before, it was wonderful letting pressure flow out. After, Oliver held the container of water dangling from his wrist and held it over the sink. A mere thought opened a hole and every drop vanished down the drain. Then the remaining part of his malleable armor sucked back up in the vambrace to hide.
Staring back at him in the mirror was a man who was unused to waking at a predetermined time, but wanted to be a person others could rely upon and trust. Oliver noticed very minor, but obvious changes from the last time he first looked at himself. Rough bristly hair started growing more pronounced all along his jaw, eyebrows and the dome of his head. His sculpted chest, groin regions remained hairless. It wasn’t an issue because he read most who received immortality also get an injection to strip hair production in certain regions for less grooming maintenance. He wiped a hand under his arm and found stubble there so he must have only did minimal removal. But an enhanced olfactory sense told him his pits were sour again and made way for the shower.
Inside the warmth, he let the overhead nozzle gently beat on the sore, swollen shoulder to start thinking So after clean up I’m going over to do as Stephanie said and apologize. She’ll want to see my shoulder and demand to do what Stone called her for yesterday… if I do and we are alone I might not be able to resist like last time. And I really do not want to be on the receiving end of another kinetic blast. It hurt almost as bad as my shoulder. And I truly do not wish to make matters worse for her. I like being near her. Much more than the others I’ve met so far… in all I can remember. If only there was a way to alleviate or take care so it doesn’t take over and she winds up putting me out of my misery permanently.
Wait a minute. Oliver lifted his head as the mythical light turned on inside his mind. I can alleviate my sexual needs. I known the information from yesterday’s information gathering. I’ll do anything to help. And he grabbed himself and imagined Renee’s head on Stephanie’s naked body he learned about. Her overwhelming scent and bright red hair soaked again in the shower with him was perfect stimulus. His member jumped in reaction to thoughts of the imagination and he began stroking in the hot shower, doing as instructed from research.
A tightness in his lower belly seemed to coil tighter and tighter, like a spring. Eyes closed to keep the erotic image of burying inside the vibrant redhead built perfectly to take a man of his size. The coil reached a threshold and Oliver felt his balls squeeze tight as his male cream shot out and made him shudder from crown to toe. It pulsed, pumping out it’s backed up load before finding falling limp wasn’t possible.
Ten more shots emptied the bank.
By the stars! He exclaimed in silent surprise. The saying changed in the Age of Logic as a universal way of showing surprise without speaking of a deity. Hell remained as it exclaimed something bad though no one believed its origin in history. So that is was climax is like. If I had known I would have did it before eating… and research is correct. I do feel much more relaxed and clearheaded.
He hit the dryer and stepped out feeling immensely refreshed. At the sink again he rubbed his jaw to decide “I don’t like beards.” Seeing plenty yesterday. He pulled out the drawer by the sink and removed a laser barber’s cutter. A two and a half centimeter red beam of light landed on his jaw right at the level of his rounded ear and drug the line down. The laser was warm on the skin, but would not burn flesh. Hair though was burned away without a foul, burnt hair smell. The shave was so smooth the jaw felt like silk bed sheets he slept in all night. Not one bur was missed. Eyebrows and scalp were left alone. One final wipe along his squared jaw made sure all was in order.
Deciding the time was right Oliver began walking to the living room to retrieve the pure crystal device as the hidden armor began creeping rapidly all over into a dark blue casual pair of jeans and a shirt. The heavy boots didn’t change, nor did the sheathe.
Oliver now understood why Hunters never wear anything other than their armor and always keep their weapons in arm’s reach. Yesterday’s ambush sealed the deal. Had he not taken his sword out on deck, He wouldn’t have been able to save her. If he was indeed a Hunter of old he’d abide by their devotion to forever readiness. He grabbed the clean blade and holstered it, feeling much more comfortable as it was protection.
Too bad no weapon discovered can protect me from her. He thought wryly, stepping outside and marching across the spacious hall.
Renee looked over her shoulder as the door to medical hissed open and saw the impressive giant enter with confidence. Seeing him there had her sigh and his gaze upon her didn’t waver. “I’ll be with you in a moment, Oliver.”
“I’m in no rush.” He said as he noticed they weren’t alone. A woman laid on a table extended from the wall beside her desk, her shirt rolled up to expose a very round belly swollen with a child.
Oliver looked to Renee and felt his heart skip with a sudden lurch. Seeing her backside in near form fitted pants bent over with her perfectly shaped ass sticking out was too good to not look at. Her torso was covered in a long white shirt with her fiery mane pulled back in a metal clip at the nape of her neck. He stared at the smooth slope of her neck and what little of the tattoo design that peeked over the collar. He could see only one flower and several thorny green vines poking out and crept slightly around the base of her milky neck.
Hovering overhead was the ball scanner that can see through the body harmlessly and more accurately than mobile scanners and antique ones from early twenty first century. It threw off a rainbow of lights over the young looking woman’s belly.
“That’s it, Vanessa. Your baby girl is still healthy, but you need a little more calcium in your diet. A little spinach will help. In about a month the newest member of the crew will arrive.” Renee rubbed the woman’s belly fondly before helping her stand up and cover the swell again.
“Same time next week?” The woman asked, taking full notice of the mountain of muscle standing patiently. “Whoa.”
“Yes.” Renee raised her arm. “Vanessa, this is Oliver. Oliver, Vanessa is our ship’s main chef and singer.”
“A pleasure.” He shook her hand.
“So gentle. I expected him to be more forceful.”
“Jessica taught me how much to grip hands with women.” He admitted as she took her hand back to rub her belly tenderly.
“I hope to speak again, Oliver. Many aboard are very eager to meet the man without a past, but saved our girl’s life twice in less than a week.” She winked and waddled out.
Renee wrinkled her nose. “Scuttlebutt aboard this ship always warps what really happened. By tomorrow it’ll seem there were a hundred Stingrays and you singlehandedly killed them all.”
“I read stories are exaggerated and embellished to entertain.”
“Ain’t that the truth.” She snorted. “You still have a lot to learn.”
“Speaking of…” He got right down to it, becoming a direct personality. “Renee, I’m sorry for my harsh words I left you with as well as knocking you down and not offering to help you back to you feet.”
Emerald irises
changed from mirth to a firm softness. Her smooth voice also relaxed. “You’re not the only one who needs to apologize. And you were right. I did cross a line. I’m not excusing this, but I have impulsive judgmental issues. My Papa says he too was born with a thin filter between mind and mouth. Mine seems to be a few atoms thinner… and I’m sorry for striking you with a kinetic blast. Can we start over from the beginning?”
“No, and I don’t want to.” All that kept her anger from spiking is his smile. “I do not wish to start anything over, but I would like to ask if our relationship could be friends. I’d like to have you as my friend.”
Renee brightened considerably. “Of course I’ll be your friend. Everyone needs at least one good friend. Now that we got our shit cleared up, can I now take a look at that shoulder?”
He rotated it without really thinking about it and winced. He nodded.
“Take off your shirt and sit down on the table.” The shirt was willed away and Renee was struck by a torso of knots, hills and valleys. She swallowed and turned around before any warmth could color her fair cheeks. He sat down and sat the tablet aside. Renee connected and dropped the scanner to fly slowly around the left shoulder to see what he could not without a holo-screen. Her chip got the information and her brain processed it to the point she could see it in multiple details in the moment. “Hmmm… you did properly set the ball and socket and kept the inflammation down. Your muscles are bruised, but there are no fractures, not that I’d expect with someone as dense as yours on a below average Standard gravity. How did you set it so well.”
“I had already learned basic medical treatments. Setting and relocating dislocated joints were part of it. Stephanie’s tablet on standard schooling hadn’t downloaded advanced medicines beyond anatomy and basic treatments. I took the knowledge and did as instructed to put it all back.”
“You know, I wouldn’t mind having an assistant during an emergency. One fully qualified medic among a crew of four hundred and sixty two can be stretched. If you’d like of course.”